Other Income Generation Methods
Creating a Product
Providing a Service
Relying on Google in any way
Affiliate Marketing
I ask this because I am doing good with most of the above methods (except for product creation which I don't want to try yet) but I don't want to lay all my eggs in one basket because the Internet is changing, new laws are trying to become law that may mess up Internet marketing or make it a bit harder, and if something were to happen to my sites which gets most of its traffic from Google, I would have some back up plan.
I'm talking about methods with a good income potential too. I've dabbled in many methods but they either had a low income potential or I couldn't see myself doing it for long term. Some I just wasn't interested in.
So warriors, what are some other good methods out there that I could set up to bring passive income?
Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources
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