Other Income Generation Methods

by 12 replies
I was wondering if there are any other good methods out there to make income from home that doesn't involve...

Creating a Product
Providing a Service
Relying on Google in any way
Affiliate Marketing

I ask this because I am doing good with most of the above methods (except for product creation which I don't want to try yet) but I don't want to lay all my eggs in one basket because the Internet is changing, new laws are trying to become law that may mess up Internet marketing or make it a bit harder, and if something were to happen to my sites which gets most of its traffic from Google, I would have some back up plan.

I'm talking about methods with a good income potential too. I've dabbled in many methods but they either had a low income potential or I couldn't see myself doing it for long term. Some I just wasn't interested in.

So warriors, what are some other good methods out there that I could set up to bring passive income?
#main internet marketing discussion forum #generation #income #methods
  • Profile picture of the author JimBell33
    You can make decent money writing articles if thats something you're into. You can use a service like iWriter or simply offer it on the forums. I know you mentioned not having to provide a service but this would not require you to "find clients". You can literally find an article you don't mind writing about then get paid.

    You really didn't leave many options though....
  • Most methods of passive Internet income are going to require some type of attention to one or more of the things you're trying to avoid.

    Internet business is ramped up with SEO, Google, Affiliate sales, etc.

    But you don't have to be personally involved or an expert in any of these things if:

    1. You find a partner with expertise in these areas that will make up for your absence in them;

    2. You pay for outsourcing these areas to professionals that provide such service;

    3. You employ methods and sources of traffic coming to your offer that don't require your participation (like eBay, Etsy, Amazon - places that already get their own traffic).

    4. For product creation, there is always PLR or Public Domain or hiring others to create what you want.

    5. You can provide a service without actually doing the work yourself. You can become a broker or middleman and provide services that others will accomplish that you can then pass on to your direct customers.

    All this being said, I wouldn't suggest running from the things you don't like to do. Figure out a way to get them done by someone else.

    • [2] replies
    • Well my answer might not be the most popular, but you could try adding an MLM business to your line up of incomes. This is easy to do online, but can also be used offline and there for is more likely to be able to help when things change on the internet.

      Sometimes it can help with your marketing to, because it gives you skills in how to nail down target markets and other useful skills for running any business.

      Just an idea. Like you say it is never good to put all your eggs in one basket. =D
      • [1] reply
    • These are very good suggestions. I like the idea of #5. I'm not running away as I do most of what I mentioned currently. It's just I have a fear of the unexpected or the "what if's" like What if Google deindexed my top earning sites...

      I just want a backup plan that I can work on that would create autopilot income besides affiliate marketing.

      I guess when I started making good money (to me), I started thinking about how my income would be affected if my sites were to go down, lose rankings, or something drastic changed with Internet marketing.
      • [1] reply
  • Are you sure you want to generate income without providing a service or a product? I haven't heard of any business that succeeded that way.
  • Profile picture of the author Miguelito203
    You could start your own PLR store on Wordpress. PLR is pre-written content (can be video) that the purchaser can modify and use for his or her own personal use. The topics you write on are based on what people are looking for in the search engines. You can also use an opt-in form to take request. You can also run PLR specials. The income is residual, and you get paid via Paypal. Due to the nature of the product, it's not necessary to offer a refund, either. If this seems interesting to you, check out PLR ATM by Tiffany Dow (fellow Warrior).

    Good luck,
    • [1] reply
    • I hate to say it, but generating an income without selling a product or providing a service pretty much leaves you with gambling, like online poker or lotteries. And I would hate to rely on those...

      Look at the answers people gave you. Every single one of them can be classified as providing a product or a service. Every. Single. One.

      Can you develop income streams that don't rely on Google or SEO? Absolutely. But unless you plan on filling that inside straight on a regular basis, they involve selling something. Maybe it's time, as in providing a service. Maybe it's a product, either your own or someone else's on commission. But for you to make money, there has to be an exchange of value.

      It's good that you don't want to put all of your eggs in one basket. To get a useful, practical answer, though, you may have to change your picture of what a 'basket' looks like to you...
    • One method of making money can be flipping websites. This can be very profitable if mastered.

    • You can also consider forming a membership site. If you have loyal list you can consider forming membership sites to benifit you list.
    Hope this helps.
  • I had to diversify myself. I didn't want to rely on google as much as I did. I am making money with youtube partnerships, but I always get concerned since it is my primary source of income. I started looking for other companies that paid for video and found there are a lot. I create blogs that are filled with video content and create passive income from the ad revenue that is created. I have diversified this income through several companies so that if one goes down I have backup. If you have blogs and can create video content, I can tell you where you can promote these to turn a profit pretty quickly.
  • I would continue doing what you are doing and keep putting quality content on your websites. As long as you are putting up information that is useable by the reader there is not much that is going to come along and take your money away.

    The one suggestion I would have is that you start building a list. This can help you make more money now and I highly doubt it will ever get taken away from you by any type of new law.

    Benjamin Ehinger

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