Would anyone be interested in designing my site in exchange for free writing services?

4 replies
I'm a bit stuck on some things, and I know this forum is full of designers. I'm using the WordPress platform, but I'm at a standstill with site design.

Are there any designers who would be interested in some writing for their help with design?
#designing #exchange #free #interested #services #site #writing
  • Profile picture of the author vbkid

    I'm very willing man! I'm looking for some writing services...

    I can provide anything you want within a wordpress platform in about a week. What are you looking for?

    I'm looking for articles specific to the IM niche, some things on ebay auctions, site security, social bookmarking, and rss, etc

    I'm looking for total of 20 articles, which would equal the same as a wordpress designed site.

    let me know
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  • Profile picture of the author Kelvin Nikkel
    Hi SuccessfulWarrior

    I would be interested in the exchange. Most of the plugins you could want I have already on my computer and am well versed in PHP so digging into the coding for WordPress is a piece of cake for me. I know where to look when things are not right.

    You can see some of my work on the sites in my signature. I also know Photoshop quite well and can make any kind of graphics you might need for your site. Animated or not.

    Please pm me if you are interested in my help then we can discuss it.

    Thank you

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  • Profile picture of the author VegasGreg
    I would also be interested in trading services with you if the above options don't work out.

    Just PM me if interested.


    Greg Schueler - Wordpress Fanatic... Living The Offline Marketing Dream...

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  • Profile picture of the author sridhar
    Another willing person here for the exchange. PM me.
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