How do you go about writing a great article for your site?
I'm wondering how you go about article creation. I understand that you research the keywords first and then go from there, but where do you get your information to write a "unique" article?
- Where do you do your research?
- How do you organize your research?
- Do you make a outline of the article first before you write it?
I haven't written many articles in the past. Any tips and advice are greatly appreciated.
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[CENTER]Founder of Nerdy Millennial - a blog all about millennials sharing their passions, ideas, and expertise. We love to share our knowledge about blogging, healthy living, psychology, arts, culture, and more! Interested in contributing? Contact us to pitch your idea or submit an article.
[CENTER]Founder of Nerdy Millennial - a blog all about millennials sharing their passions, ideas, and expertise. We love to share our knowledge about blogging, healthy living, psychology, arts, culture, and more! Interested in contributing? Contact us to pitch your idea or submit an article.
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