Watch me copy the guy who made $100 in 24 hours

55 replies
Howdy folks and welcome to my thread.

We all read the thread by the guy who set himself the challenge of building a site and flipping it in 24 hours making $100. OK, it took him a little bit longer than 24hrs but he still done it. My intention is to copy his exact plan and get it done in 24 hours.

Firstly I want to explain a little bit about my background in IM and the extra personal challenges that I am setting myself in doing this. I have been trying IM for roughly 10 months now, so far I have made a couple of hundred dollars through article writing. I have never made a cent from a commission on a product sale. I like content writing and know it is possible to make money from, unfortunately I never found any clients that were willing to pay more than $0.015 per word. I would like to work content writing full time but unfortunately $30 per day is not enough money for the 8 hours I spent writing.

I have set myself this new challenge, if I fail I have vowed to myself I will never try IM again. I will not spend hours on IM forums researching new methods, I will not buy domain names or build websites, I will never write an article for IM purposes again, basically I will give up ever trying to make money on the web again. OK now that's of my chest Ill get back to my challenge.

My challenge is divided into 5 basic sections listed below, they may not be in the order in which they will be executed. I will probably leave the article writing till after the site is built.

1. Perform keyword research and get 10 long tail keywords for articles.

2. Write 10 articles for the site.

3. Build a wordpress or html site, Im leaning towards html at the moment due to ease of transferring the site files to their new owner.

4. Incorporate adsense into the site.

5. sell the site on sitepoint.

For this site I am going to be going with the health niche. I already have a domain I will use for the site. It is not the best keyword for the site but its a domain I already own and I have no money to shell out for a new one.

I am going to update this thread every hour until the 24 hour point. Yes that's right I'm willing to work 24 hours straight on this site if needs be.I have my countdown timer on front of me and I'm going to start it as soon as this thread is published. I am going to post an update in this thread on the hour every hour from starting my challenge. The updates will basically comprise of what i accomplished in the previous hour. These updates wont be too detailed as i don't want to waste too much of the 24 hours I have set myself on non challenge things.

Please leave any feedback you may have positive or negative. This is my last stand in IM, I hope everyone who follows along gets enjoyment from watching my progress.
#$100 #copy #guy #hours #made #site flipping #watch
  • Profile picture of the author dogisland
    Sounds great, good luck.

    Will you be doing any article marketing to get the site some links too ?
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  • Profile picture of the author ZiggyWhybrow
    I wish you every success with this. It will be an interesting thread to watch.

    However... there is one part of your post which worries me.

    Originally Posted by mrsteady View Post

    I have set myself this new challenge, if I fail I have vowed to myself I will never try IM again. I will not spend hours on IM forums researching new methods, I will not buy domain names or build websites, I will never write an article for IM purposes again, basically I will give up ever trying to make money on the web again. OK now that's of my chest Ill get back to my challenge.
    There is only ONE WAY you can possibly fail, and that is by GIVING UP. For such a positive challenge, there is a lot of negativity there. You obviously have the drive and ambition to succeed, so why give up?

    Keep taking action, make yourself accountable for your actions (as you have done by making this post). I feel confident that you will succeed online, even if you do not meet this challenge.

    Be a winner. Believe in yourself and your dreams and goals.

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  • Profile picture of the author yommys01
    I have the same target but I will never give up even if I fail and I think you shouldn't either. You never can tell how close you are when you think you are too far way.
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    • Profile picture of the author goindeep
      Originally Posted by yommys01 View Post

      I have the same target but I will never give up even if I fail and I think you shouldn't either. You never can tell how close you are when you think you are too far way.
      Thats what i like to hear. Not like the wimpy OP. "Ill never try again" Pfffft Thats just weak mate! In your sig it says your a noob. Well sorry to say this but if your only new and your already contemplating giving up then i would say "Get Out Now" and leave the real cash up for grabs to people with a better attidude.

      In a way its good to see guys like you wimp out, it just means more opportunites for guys like me :rolleyes:
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      • Profile picture of the author Peter Lee
        I enjoyed reading from the first word....thanks for taking up the challenge and although you didn't make it, your hard work, determination speaks volumes and came up tops. Well done and hope to read more of your new challenges.

        Peter Lee
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      • Profile picture of the author yommys01
        Originally Posted by GoinDeep View Post

        Thats what i like to hear. Not like the wimpy OP. "Ill never try again" Pfffft Thats just weak mate! In your sig it says your a noob. Well sorry to say this but if your only new and your already contemplating giving up then i would say "Get Out Now" and leave the real cash up for grabs to people with a better attidude.

        In a way its good to see guys like you wimp out, it just means more opportunites for guys like me :rolleyes:
        I don't think that's a good advice man. I perfectly understand how the OP feels. I have also felt the way he feels before. It isn't easy spending so much time online without any tangible result to show for it.

        Any one interested in following my challenge should follow me at
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        • Profile picture of the author Jeremy James
          Hey sir,

          I thoroughly enjoyed reading this challenge. You have what it takes to succeed, so, don't give up. Courage, Courage!

          Have you ever been a ticked off customer? My reports gets you Satisfaction and Resolution! Click HERE to check it out!

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  • Profile picture of the author Markus Nimocks
    Good luck, I'll be watching! (But never give up - Rome wasn't built in a day!)
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  • Profile picture of the author kittyluver
    Nice decision!!! But I think you can make money online easily by this method. How you will select long tail keyword? I mean, which tool you're going to use to find a nice one...
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  • Profile picture of the author Ivancho
    Its easy to make this $100 but not everyday as you get sometimes pissed about the work you done and your actuall profit. I am as well website flliper and I sell on average 2 sites per 24 hours and I can say my profits are awesome as well.

    Good luck
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  • Profile picture of the author Theresa_wahm
    Good Luck. I'm also considering site flipping
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  • Profile picture of the author mrsteady
    Update T + 1 hour

    I have performed some keyword research solely using the Google keywords tools. I have decided on using wordpress to create the site because I have a lot of experience with it and know I can create a nice site. I suppose the trade off is in transferring the site to its new owner but I will cross that bridge when I come to it. Finally, I have started to write the content and have one article finished and about a third of the way through the second one.

    I know its not such an exciting update but at least I have gotten of to a productive start and although the site isn't taking shape yet I am getting the content out of the way. That is the beauty of wordpress that you can have a nice looking site in little to no time at all.

    Thanks for all the positive replies. I'm getting back to work and will update again in another hour.
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    • Profile picture of the author ElaineBaker
      What a challenge - the very best of luck with it.

      But whatever you do - don't give up - you can make it online - I know how you feel - but just keep at it and IT WILL pay.

      I will be keeping an eye on your posts - be positive and you will do it.

      Keep up the good work.

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  • Profile picture of the author mrsteady
    Update T + 2 hours

    Have installed wordpress to the domain and found a nice theme I'm going to use. Have completed the article I was half finished at the last update and just finished another one.

    I feel progress is going nicely. Going to take 10 mins for a cup of coffee before I get back to work. Next update in an hour.

    Again thanks for all the comments it means a lot to me.

    **edit: Just in case anyone wants to have a look at the blog it located here Health Blog Please let me know if im not allowed post a link here and ill remove it. As always constructive criticism highly appreciated.
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  • Profile picture of the author kittyluver

    I think you're going on the right path. Seeking the help of Google keyword tool is the best way to get useful keywords. I have seen the template. I think this template is the perfect fit for the Health blog. I am very interested to see your first article.
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  • Profile picture of the author mrsteady
    Update T + 3 hours

    Wrote another article which brings the total to 4, only 6 more.

    Installed some plugins to the blog: All in one SEO, adsense manager, google xml sitemaps and sociable. Edited the theme a little bit to remove some options fron the sidebar.

    I also enjoyed my coffee and cigarette break

    Overall Im happy with the progress, The plan for the next hour is to leave the blog alone for a bit and complete two more articles (I just love playing with wordpress though), thanks for following update in an hour.
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    • Profile picture of the author vifechi
      i wish you the best man.The part am not comfortable is on you giving up.Don't ever give up,even if you didn't get what you expected.
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  • Profile picture of the author mrsteady
    Update T + 4 hours.

    I have the site looking nearly the way I want it and I am getting new ideas all the time.

    I have 5 articles completed for the site so I am half way finished with regards the content. Does anyone know where I can get some nice royalty free images?

    I am going to take an hour now for lunch and go to meet my girlfriend as she finishes work so I wont be updating until T = 6.

    Thanks for the good wishes, Im getting more and more confident Ill be able to pull this off and maybe with time to spare.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jeremy James
    Very good, man. I am thoroughly enjoying your challenge.

    Have you ever been a ticked off customer? My reports gets you Satisfaction and Resolution! Click HERE to check it out!

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  • Profile picture of the author Roger Mayne
    High Resolution Stock Photography: Download Free Stock Photos and Royalty Free Images also do some great Royalty Free Images from around $1.

    Good luck with your project.

    "If you don't quit, you can't fail"
    Success will follow.

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  • Profile picture of the author ADAMw3
    Good luck...

    Site flipping is all good, but why don't you write some well researched articles and try to get some long term income coming in?

    Just a thought.
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  • Profile picture of the author mrsteady
    Update T + 6.5

    OK so lunch was a little longer than expected but instead of letting it set me back I am now super eager to push on at a quick rate. I am getting right back to researching and writing.

    Adam, I would like to build a site like you say with well researched content and build long term income but this challenge is really to try and turn a quick profit.

    OK, enough chit chat for now. I'm going back to work
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    • Profile picture of the author Steven Fullman
      Originally Posted by mrsteady View Post

      Update T + 6.5

      OK so lunch was a little longer than expected but instead of letting it set me back I am now super eager to push on at a quick rate. I am getting right back to researching and writing.

      Adam, I would like to build a site like you say with well researched content and build long term income but this challenge is really to try and turn a quick profit.

      OK, enough chit chat for now. I'm going back to work
      Spot on, Steady-Dude (what's your real name?)

      Adam, seems like the guy is at a crossroads, and is - admirably - giving himself an succeed on HIS terms, or walk away.

      Personally, I'm following this thread with great interest, and I'm rooting for him.

      In fact, I think everyone should be.

      If this thread, like others before it have, inspires just ONE procrastinator to throw caution to the wind - and TAKE ACTION...take their first step...make their first buck online - well, then I guess you can count yourself a hero, MrSteady.

      Not bad for a day's work.

      My very best wishes,

      Not promoting right now

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      • Profile picture of the author Karen Blundell
        Good Luck MrSteady!

        I'm cheering for you...just let me say this: failure is just a lesson...never give up! Walt Disney went bankrupt a few times before he made it big. Countless of other famous people failed several times before they made it big.

        You will be successful! Even if it takes you longer than the 24 hours, who cares?

        remember not to be too hard on yourself.

        all the best,
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  • Profile picture of the author Alex Sol
    Where is the update?
    You are missing one, lol
    Alex Sol, Full time online marketer since 2007
    The Extra Paycheck Blog | Extra Paycheck Podcast
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  • Profile picture of the author mrsteady

    Ok so the updating every hour on the hour isn't going exactly to plan. I think I have achieved alot since I started this challenge and I'm getting closer to my goal (well I suppose the auction will judge that). I have updated the site considerably and am just implementing the adsense now.

    I will put the site for auction at the end of the 24 hour period. Im not really to sure how I should run the auction as it will be my first one but I plan on leaving myself an hour or two to figure that out.

    Have a look and tell me what you think. A big thanks to everyone who is supporting me in this thread it means alot (there are other people in another thread calling me unimaginary and attention seeking but Im not letting it get to me)

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  • Profile picture of the author bert81
    Website flipping is the new CPA...getting PRETTY flooded.
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    • Profile picture of the author Steven Fullman
      Originally Posted by bert81 View Post

      Website flipping is the new CPA...getting PRETTY flooded.
      People will ALWAYS pay for a headstart into their online business.

      Flipping isn't done by a long shot.

      The asking prices for brand new sites may have dropped a little, but the demand is still high. And I don't see it falling any time soon.

      Oh, and do you see what Justin is doing as a by-product?

      He's advertising his services as a content writer.

      Pretty smart, I'd say.


      Not promoting right now

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  • Profile picture of the author axeray
    Piece of cake mate. You'll finish it in no time.

    Originally, I thought you wanted it sold within 24 hours. I didn't think that would happen.

    Anyway, don't give up IM if it doesn't work out for you.

    You've got some skills bro.
    Free Website Design - Get a website designed for free.
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  • Profile picture of the author IMChick
    You know, the deadline thing is a good carrot on the end of the stick, but I think that the bigger thing here that as a content writer you can create and sell just about anything and do it any time you need to. That should be your lesson here. Just think if you applied this precision and focus to creating and flipping 'loaded' sites...Looks like I just talked you into a full time IM gig!

    Good luck, this thread is interesting to come back to for the updates.
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  • Profile picture of the author Alex Sol
    Awesome stuff!
    I am really curious how this is going to turn out!
    Alex Sol, Full time online marketer since 2007
    The Extra Paycheck Blog | Extra Paycheck Podcast
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  • Profile picture of the author MarketerGuy
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    • Profile picture of the author Johnathan
      Originally Posted by MarketerGuy View Post

      Any updates? The site looks awesome.
      what is the site?
      Make money from writing, find out how now.
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  • Profile picture of the author drm709
    Having a great time reading your thread- on pins and needles! Go man, go!
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  • Profile picture of the author mrsteady
    Update T + 17 hours

    Ok I am back to the task at hand. I'm sure I would be finished this by now but had to spend about 6 hours doing other things in my offline life. I'm still committed to getting this site done in 24 hours though.

    I'm running into a few problems with my wordpress theme. I really like the way it looks and don't want to change it but for some reason it is showing the complete posts on the main page, even though I have changed the setting to only show the first paragraph. I dont know if I have enough time left to tinker with the code but I'm leaving that until I have all the content finished anyway.

    Speaking of content I have four more articles to write and the about page. I also plan on adding another page linking to a relevant clickbank product. I am also planning to include a picture link to a click bank item in the left side bar under the arcives menu.

    This is really all the ideas I have left for the site before I put it to auction.

    I am now asking for more input from you people that are experienced in this type of site building and flipping. I have never before sold a website and any tips you can give me on this will be much appreciated, how long do you think I should run the auction for? Does it cost money to make an auction on sitepoint? Is it worth it to try and sell the site on DP?

    I am really looking forward to finishing this challenge in 24 hours and watching the auction take place (although it wont be only watching as I plan on setting myself another 24 hr challenge after a good bit of sleep, this will be documented at my personal blog though which I also have to set up).

    I would like to thank all who participated in this thread and who continue to do so, every little reply meant more to me than you can imagine, it really helped with the motivation to see this thing true. Anyway I cant waste too much more time rambling here when the end is in sight. I will update again when there is something worth writing about or when somebody replies here.

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  • Profile picture of the author mrsteady
    Ok I am completely exhausted and am going to take a few hours to sleep, don't worry the challenge is still on and I have my alarm clock set.
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  • Profile picture of the author WinsonYeung
    Hey you rock with this challenge !
    I hope to see your success as well !
    [WSO of The Day] Discount How To Generate 172.56% Positive Return OR build your List for FREE!

    "Case Study: Discover You Can Make $1371.66 With A Simple Blog Post by Clicking Here"
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    • Profile picture of the author ScamFreeSuccess
      I can not wait to see how this turns out! Best of luck and I hope you don't give up no matter the outcome.
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  • Profile picture of the author Gail Sober
    I'm running into a few problems with my wordpress theme. I really like the way it looks and don't want to change it but for some reason it is showing the complete posts on the main page, even though I have changed the setting to only show the first paragraph. I dont know if I have enough time left to tinker with the code but I'm leaving that until I have all the content finished anyway.
    Grab this plugin, it will do it for you.

    WordPress › Evermore WordPress Plugins

    Good luck!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[431469].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author vifechi
    i am inspired and waiting to know how it ends.Am right behind you.
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  • Profile picture of the author mrsteady
    Hi guys and good morning. Well bad news for everyone I failed the challenge. I am going to explain why I failed and what I could have done and will do next time to succeed.

    Basically I worked flat out on this for the first 9 hours, Then I took a break. After my break I got about 1-2 hours work done before some offline business that I had to attend to cropped up, this really ate up my time. Last night when I finally got back to the challenge my mind was so exhausted that my productivity had dropped substantially and I decided to call it a night and wake up early today to finish the challenge in 24hrs. Well I woke up this morning not to my alarm clock but to the sound of my 24hr countdown timer going off, yep that's right I woke up to the sound of failure.

    Do I feel like a failure? the quick answer to that question is no. I know I failed my challenge but I am happy with the work that I got done and I am positive that I can easily finish this today. Anyway, thanks all for following you offered good advice and support.

    I may update this thread again when the site finally goes to auction and whether I achieved my goal of flipping it for $100 or not. I am also starting a new flipping challenge (maybe Ill give myself 48 hrs this time) which I will be fully documenting on my personal blog (address soon to come) so I hope people who were interested here will want to follow my progress there as well.

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  • Profile picture of the author babarapho
    This is wonderfull. Drive traffic to your site by doing some article writing and submiting to high traffic directories.
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  • Profile picture of the author Amber_Writes
    Ok, you know, I think I'm going to start one of these myself. I've need some quick cash (a few hundred wouldn't hurt), so I'll start my own later today or tomorrow.

    Congratulations on your succeeded because you tried, and haven't given up!
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    • Profile picture of the author nextebizguy
      I know these types of things are the rage, but I'm not sure they are really that worthwhile. Exactly how many hours are being spent in creating these blogs?

      Let's say it takes 12 hours to do the research, blog set-up, article writing, tweaking, and sales promotion.

      What is your billing rate?

      At minimum wage
      12 hours at 6.55/hr = $78.60

      Yep, so at minimum wage you already have a labor cost of 78 bucks. If you do sell the site for 100 bucks, you've really only made $21.40. If your billing rate is slightly higher you're breaking even or losing money!

      Another interesting question to ask yourself is how much would this cost if you 100% outsourced everything (keyword research, blog set-up, SEO, article writing, posting it for sale)?

      I think we can all agree the model works to some degree, but flipping new sites with minimal content at bargain prices is a recipe for burnout and frustration. Yeah, you can make a sale here and there but I doubt it's sustainable.
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      • Profile picture of the author Ray Erdmann
        Great thread! I appreciate that you 'took action' and by creating this thread, made yourself 'accountable'. That's more then what I can say for a lot of people who try their hand at IM!

        Congrats! Keep up the good work and stay persistent! Good things come to those who persevere!

        As for the comment below...
        Originally Posted by nextebizguy View Post

        Another interesting question to ask yourself is how much would this cost if you 100% outsourced everything (keyword research, blog set-up, SEO, article writing, posting it for sale)?
        Try 'outsourcing' when you've been unemployed for 6 months, have no money coming in and have less then $20 to your is the case with me...

        Sure, everyone says to outsource to those individuals who can do what you can't, but you still have to take into consideration that a LOT of people have been affected by the current decline in the economy, lost their job, have a mortgage to pay, require food on the table, etc., etc.,..

        I'm not making excuses, but merely sitting in front of your monitor, behind your keyboard and saying 'outsource'....isn't always the answer because no one knows another person's current economical situation.

        For me, I'm having to 'liquidate' a lot of my own personal belongings via eBay, Craigslist, Pawn Shops, etc., etc, just so that I can have some spendable income to buy food and pay the gas/electric bill....and letting my credit cards suffer while I try and generate some income in my own IM business.

        I'd love to outsource a few things, but right now, it's just not an option!

        Anyway, back on keep us posted about the auction process and let us know how it goes. I'd like to hear how things turn out regarding this.



        "Whether you think you can or'll always be 100% right!" |

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  • Profile picture of the author jeewant
    Any updates mate? I am watching this space for more info on the fate of your site

    Need content? PM me!
    Great offers for WF members, coupled with unique, intriguing content.

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  • Profile picture of the author heidigroleau
    Sounds like a great challenge hope it goes well for you! Don't give up and perservere - everyone has a chance to make it online and I know how you feel. If you keep chasing your goal you will have no problem obatining it, - its all about the spin you put on it! Good luck and best wishes!
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  • Profile picture of the author bert81
    Keep us up to date on how you do. Good luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author Asher
    Well, you didn't finish your initial goal but as stated
    in your thread... "Copy the guy who made $100 in
    24 hours"... FINISH it!

    He didn't finish it within 24 hours but he did go on
    through. Don't drop it, be like a stamp and stick to
    the end =)

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  • Profile picture of the author Christie Love
    Did the site eventually sell?
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  • Profile picture of the author goodmast3r
    Selling a website for $100 in 24 hour is a hard to do task. In 24 hours you only have:
    -domain (worth $10)
    -no backlink / untraceable backlink (worth $0)
    -no revenue (worth $0)
    -content. if you write an article in 30 minutes, in 10 hour of work you can have 20 articles, it one article worth $5 then it worth $100.

    So I guess you are selling content not website.
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  • Liked reading about your challenge, you have the drive to make it
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  • Profile picture of the author g00db0y
    All the best.
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    • Profile picture of the author nhynes57
      I enjoyed reading about your challange. Did you successfully sell the site?

      "There is no spoon"

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