Weebly or Blogger for a quick test?

by bwh1
14 replies
Long time ago since I did some in affiliate marketing.

In the past I used Weebly (years ago Squidoo) to test some markets/keywords.

You could get relatively easy on first page for long tail keywords and if the site converted I gave it a go and purchased a domain.

But now, after Panda?

Weebly or Blogger or ??

What's your pick to get a fast ranking for a test.

Or should I make a PDF and put it at Scribd?

#blogger #quick #weebly
  • Profile picture of the author Arthur Barn
    I guess Blogger. But i depends on the keywords you use. Sometimes keywords is one of the problem why we can't be on the top and can better rank.
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  • Profile picture of the author barache
    It used to be Blogger would get ranked pretty quickly. Now, not so much, but I would still opt to test Blogger over Weebly.
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  • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
    Originally Posted by bwh1 View Post

    But now, after Panda?
    I don't believe the Panda update has/had anything to do with this, at all.

    Originally Posted by bwh1 View Post

    Weebly or Blogger or ??
    I don't believe that how easily and how quickly your site ranks has much to do with where you host it. Why would it?

    I appreciate that there are people who like to repeat the myth that "Blogger ranks better 'because Google owns it'," but I don't think there's ever been any real evidence for this at all. Certainly it isn't plausible and SEO textbook writers seem always to dismiss it completely, as one would expect.

    Personally, I would certainly use Weebly in preference to Blogger, even for a "quick test", just because at least that way I'd own the site myself and wouldn't have to be concerned about Blogger's terms of service and their idiosyncratic and inconsistent interpretations of them, nor any of the other problems described in countless threads like this one.
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    • Profile picture of the author bwh1
      Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

      I don't believe the Panda update has/had anything to do with this, at all.

      I don't believe that how easily and how quickly your site ranks has much to do with where you host it. Why would it?

      I appreciate that there are people who like to repeat the myth that "Blogger ranks better 'because Google owns it'," but I don't think there's ever been any real evidence for this at all. Certainly it isn't plausible and SEO textbook writers seem always to dismiss it completely, as one would expect.

      Personally, I would certainly use Weebly in preference to Blogger, even for a "quick test", just because at least that way I'd own the site myself and wouldn't have to be concerned about Blogger's terms of service and their idiosyncratic and inconsistent interpretations of them, nor any of the other problems described in countless threads like this one.
      Great, all got a "thanks"


      thanks for your helpful answer (as always).

      Back then I had more success with Weebly then with Blogger, what confirms your quote.

      A few years back Squidoo worked best, then Hubpages. But both are out of question today due to their TOS, guess Blogger as well limited the way you can use affiliate links.

      I ask for "After Panda" as all those sites got slapped badly due to the crap content they have accumulated over the years.

      Happens that I don't see those 3th party sites that often at page 1 then in the past.


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      • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
        Originally Posted by bwh1 View Post

        I ask for "After Panda" as all those sites got slapped badly due to the crap content they have accumulated over the years.
        Yes ... I do see exactly what you mean.

        But (pedantically - which is my forte ) they didn't get slapped by the Panda "because they were hosted at Blogger" or "because they were hosted at Squidoo" or "because they were hosted at HubPages". It just turned out that a lot of people whose sites were ultra-low-quality nonsense did quite often use that sort of "hosting" because some/many of them were also the very same people who hadn't quite worked out that it's a good idea to own and control your own site, and not to be unnecessarily dependent on third-party terms of service. That's the skepchick perspective, anyway.
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  • Profile picture of the author getano
    I would use Tumblr. I noticed that lately it has a gret SEO "power". It ranks easily, it gets indexed fast, it can provide high quality backlinks and most of all you can promote it super fast among other Tumblrs.

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  • Profile picture of the author triojobss
    Being a weebly customer I would choose weebly.

    Weebly is alot easier and you can make things look better, but I am not sure about what ranks easier or faster.
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  • Profile picture of the author temp_12000
    weebly and blogspot, both still work fine. it really depends on how you use it. many people just want to find a shortcut, well, 'shortcut' lost its effectiveness quickly. but if you take time to build the content on these web2.0 properties, they still work fine.
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    • Profile picture of the author mysterrio
      I think both would work fine. I have been having some success with Squidoo as well. It does depend on your keywords and you must give value in your content.

      I have found that is does help to link the sites to other sites and even use other quotes from non-competitive websites that are in the same niche.

      I would love to know what results you get.

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  • Profile picture of the author Ged3
    You could also try Hubpages,

    they rank very quickly and very well.

    I get a lot of traffic from them.

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  • Profile picture of the author ameliewarner
    My vote would go to BLOGGER
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  • Profile picture of the author jahangir87
    I would use blogger too.I think its always flexible to use and getting highest position for keywords will be relatively easy than weebly or squidoo.
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  • Profile picture of the author RoyalEmperor
    I dont think the google's panda is any issue because it has nothing to do with it(My Views)

    Since blogger is owned by Google itself so it is obviously loved by google

    But if you go with weebly then still no prob because websites rank on Keywords not on platforms
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    • Profile picture of the author Tom Ryan
      Either one will work just fine for testing, you could even use squidoo or hubpages. I've used all three for testing of keywords. Panda shouldn't be an issue when choosing one, just use quality content on your sites.

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