I banned a WSO Plus affiliate sending traffic - did I do the right thing?
I've got a WSO going - using Mike Lantz's WSO Pro.
I've been pretty careful about the affiliates I approve - which has worked out well. Almost everyone who's sent even a handful of traffic has converted.
This morning - checking my stats, I noticed one affiliate had sent over 180 clicks with no conversions. Compared to all the other numbers, this was a big surprise.
There was no more traffic coming in at the time so I turned him off so I could check with him about his source / copy etc...
Before I could write back to him, I got a PM from him.
It was rude in tone - telling me to turn him back on ASAP.
I wrote back and told him to please tell me a bit more about his list and show me the copy he used to promote, so I could make sure the traffic was legit before I turned his approval back on.
Seemed like the safe and professional thing to do.
He replied calling me a theif, threatening to tell the world I was a theif, and telling me how he is going to "out me" - etc... etc... He said 200 wasn't a big sample size and insisted I turn him back on.
I said I'd be happy to - if he'd just give me the details I requested.
I received several replies from him like this - but no details of his list or the copy he used to promote.
I am very uncomfortable now after getting several threatening and rude PMs from him.
I keep hearing how carefeul we have to be with affiliates on WSO Pro - so I feel I did the right thing to stop his promotion and double check first.
I've been here a long time - I don't want to upset anybody, but I want to be safe with my promos as well.
Your thoughts?
- James
Whats the latest movie you watched? Anything good?
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