How could I create a big site?

by 20 replies
I want to start a 'big' site that has different categories but how can i make it successful?

I know it's a wide question but I all information is helpful.

I will have categories for example.

- ect

-resistance training

My fear is building content for the next year and then not being able to get traffic to it or get the pages to rank. Especially past strong competition.

(I am thinking of putting all my eggs and effort into this one basket.)

#main internet marketing discussion forum #big #create #site
  • Profile picture of the author clickthroughrate
    Do a search for traffic. There are great tips in this forum.
  • I would suggest to just do it. If it fails it fails, but that's not because of the website. It's because you didn't take action.

    If you want to succeed you MUST take action right now and continue to take action as much as possible.

    Your idea is very reasonable and it's possible to build it, if your fear is traffic, then take action and learn how to build traffic, but begin building now.

    Also use WordPress as it's easy to use and doesn't take a lot of knowledge to get started.
  • Google loves content. So keep adding keyword rich and quality content to your website and you will see results.

    Remember that Google rank Pages and not your whole website, so try to make each page as good as you can. And don't forget to get backlinks...
    • [1] reply
    • If you make it all good content, stick with the health/workout theme, and make a page for each subcategory keyword, then use videos, social media, and lots of good backlinks to promote it, and maybe even add in paid facebook traffic, I don't think you will fail.

      Content is king, so if you do that well, and leverage trends like how easy it is for video to get ranked, and the incredible growth of facebook, I think you will do very well-keeping in mind that you will need to test different things, and adjust your strategies as you go. I hope you make a million!
  • You need a big monitor to make a big website.
    • [ 2 ] Thanks
  • Why not do each category as a separate blog and then link them. This way you can concentrate on getting traffic and money flowing to each before you move onto the next one. If you treat them as small niches, you could always have a separate "hub" website to connect them.

    The thing is not all your visitors to a "big" website will be interested in everything there but if you split them up into smaller "niche" websites you will be able to have more control, especially over things like SEO and you will be able to tell very quickly which websites are working and which are not. Those that are not you can sell on for extra cash.
  • Make it "good", not "big". If your target audience enjoys your content then Google will send you traffic
    • [1] reply
    • Profile picture of the author PLRExpress
      It's easy to get worried when you wonder if your investment is going to be worth it - especially with those large sites that seem like they're going to take a while to mature and prosper.

      I think the best thing to do is start small. Focus on one area of your site and build that up with good content. Get the traffic and get the rankings before moving on to other areas.

      If you start small and build up slowly you won't get as overwhelmed with a large project and you can still get great traffic because you're site will be more targeted.

      For example, you can get a general domain name that you can brand. Then choose one area such as running. Build up lots of great content and interaction about the topic of running without moving onto other topics until you are satisfied with the content for that one area and you are seeing great traffic.

      This way, you're not spreading yourself so thinly and you are not trying to create lots of content in all different areas.

      It's also easier to keep the motivation going when you start small and slowly build up because the tasks become much easier. Your goal of the month can be to get so many articles up about a certain topic and get some traffic. When you start breaking it down into manageable chunks without trying to get too big too quickly, you are more likely to get success. Success in traffic, content and motivation.

      That's the way I've started to do it anyway. Hope this helps.
  • i suggest not to put all the egges in one basket , i know you are motivated about your idea , and the potential results,but if things doesnt go as you like , or you figure out another great idea, you will be disapointed and you lose your motivation,
    i juggest to take it easy , build a small website to check the pulse , then if it goes great , go for it and expand , if not, you didnt lose anything but you gained experience..
  • Use tools who let you build a nice back links strategy.
    Submit your links to directories.
    And use social network to promote it.
  • Banned
    Take it one category at a time. Before you know it, it will be a big site.
  • It's easy to make a big and successful site.

    To make it big: Just write one article, then another, then a third... Continue until you have 1,000+ articles. No, I'm not joking. Nobody says you have to do it all the first week Write 5 articles per week. Maybe 10, if you have the time.

    To make it successful: Help people. Answer their questions in your articles. Solve their problems.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Just write, write, write and go for quality over quantity.

    Don't get too wrapped up with site structure. I have in the past and it's paralyzed me from taking action. Yes, plan a little, but just get cranking out top notch content.

    The suggestion of one category at a time is good. So too is separate sites for each category. But, a mega site works as well. They're all tried and true models and approaches. Do whatever you think is best ... just publish quality content and you'll do fine.

    Every website is a risk with respect to whether it will earn money. But, if you set out to provide people great info and people like your site, the traffic and money will follow (with a little SEO effort and/or social media effort).

    The great thing about websites is you can always link articles together so as your site grows, keep linking them: new to old; old to new, etc.

    Start writing on the topics you know best and like the most. Don't forget keyword research. The last thing you want is 1,000 posts where you are not getting much traffic because you didn't go after the right keywords (I've done this and it's not cool). When you go after keywords, in time your traffic will materialize ... even if you go after long tail keywords with 10 searches a day. If you have 1,000 posts, and 100 of them attract 10 visitors a day, that's 1,000 daily visitors which is enough to earn okay money with and build a business.

    In reality, if you do your kw research, you'll get posts attracting 50 to 100 (or more) visitors a day and some attracting no visitors per day ... it's a numbers game, but improve the numbers to your favor with great content, kw research, and some SEO work.

    Good luck!!
  • A few thoughts...

    1) There are still TONS of low competition keywords that you can scoop up
    2) There are more sources of traffic than Google
    3) Don't wait a whole year to start getting traffic- you can have it in a few minutes if you set up PPC, write press releases, etc.
  • I just want to add a friendly amendment to what a few have said, about writing lots of quality content. I say if you love writing, yes write tons of great content, but if not, outsource the sh** out of it! Concentrate on what you love and do well, if you have found that magical combination, and if not, keep working on it until you find it.

    I am just regurgitating Jay Abraham's advice on what he calls your "highest and best use". In a nutshell, he says one should figure out what they do best, and do only that. Every other skill can and should be hired, bartered for, or JVed. That way, you don't burn out, the journey is fun, and you get way more done, way faster, and done better.
  • If you want to create a big site,
    first determine the niche you want to go into if its profitable.
    Secondly, do your keyword research. Target alot of longtail keywords.
    Thirdly, keep writing alot of content.
    Fourthly, do you seo properly.

    Big site is an easy way to rank for competitative keyword and become an authority site.
  • You must first decide what niche you are going to use before creating a big site. Just choose one niche... if you see this niche already on top, then you can make another big site.
  • If you create a big site make sure you only focus on one theme. Also make sure your webpages interlink with one another and you will see traffic build over time. Don't pay too much attention to building backlinks by spamming other sites with your keyword anchor text...just let it happen naturally.
  • you must chose a knowing niche for you
  • All your answers have arrived, I agree with the above posters.

    - Big is just good content over and over till it's a big amount of good content which in turn will pull big traffic

    It's certainly a good niche to be working in there are hundreds of health targeted products you can sell and there are millions of people searching for those products/content/reviews/help/advice etc... relating to them.

    As Justin said, "take action" choose a name and get cracking, even if you are still working there is nothing stopping you from dropping a few good articles everyday and bookmarking them in the social networks making a few blog comments or forum comments or whatever/ however you want to get your site out there. But the main point is start doing it, it won't be any more successful tomorrow after doing nothing today

    Best of luck, keep us posted on it.

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