Making Better Use of Traffic
I've got a blog that I'm building (using Jon Legers products for my main source of SEO) and have one article in particular that gets lots of google traffic.
It's this one: Diet and Nutrition 101: Part 1 What IS Food? - SuperBootCampsBlog
My problem is that I don't seem to get many of my viewers reading anything else on the site (bounce rate of 84%! But average read time is 2min 21 sec), and I want them to.
My question, therefore, is this: What ideas do y'all have that might help me make more use of these highly valued viewers?
I have already tried to get them to add comments and put a banner at the top to ask them what their major question is about 'food'. None of this seemed to make any difference....
As a sweetner to everyone, I will send each respondent a pdf I created about the NLP process for setting goals (or more specifically, well formed outcomes).
Thanks in advance
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