Just By Being Active On This Forum Can help You To Make Money
In my own opinion you can make money here if you have knowledge to offer, you can make money here even if you have no IM Knowledge to offer.....
For just being an active member puts you out there. Its as easy as putting a link to your blog/product in your sig and making relevant posts. You don't even of to mention one bit about that link that's in your sig.
I wrote this thread because of something that happened today, it have happened before, I KNOW WHAT TO DO BUT LIKE MOST OF US, I DON'T PUT IN THE WORK. Most of my time spent here on the net is watching music videos and watching movies even though i know that i should be here.
So this is what happened. I have not made a sale for over a month and couple days now. I have not posted on here for a couple weeks but for some stupid reason i came here yesterday i started 3 threads in total and reply to a couple here and there.`May i had that they were about my constant wining about not making any money online. I just wanted to share my situation and hoping for some valuable feed backs. the feed backs have been great, stuff that i should really act upon but its not just the feed back.
See this morning i woke up to a sale of $37. This is not co-incident. This forum is really targeted, its a real gold mind, you just need to know how to use it. I've gotten these types of result in the past put for some stupid reason i find watching youtube, movies and being on facebook more relevant than making money.
I am not telling anyone to go out and spam threads now with a hole-lot-of-bull-shh!t that's irrelevant.
This post is aimed at persons like myself who b!tch alot and do noting.

If you are not making any money online just try to become an active member here, its as simple as posting 3-5 relevant posts per-day.
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