Young student looking for guidance....
I am an 18 year old student who just recently started college. I live in Montreal so college is equivalent to 12th grade in the US. Regardless, I'm having a lot of trouble in school with finding an interest for all of this required material we're suppose to learn. I am in the commerce program and as excited I was to get out of high school and finally "specialise" in something I have an interest in, I come to find out that nothing has changed. This has really had an impact on me and my career. I have learned so much more from cruising the internet and especially this forum then at school.
I see IM as either the best thing that happened to me or the worst. I got into it at around the end of my 16 years going in my 17's and it was simply because all of these "Get Rich Schemes" all over the internet. I remember building my first website as an affiliate selling a beat maker. Little did I know when I started about the work that it was gonna take to actually generate some income. Regardless, I was hooked on it. I loved the idea of waking up in the morning and checking my clickbank account to see if I made a sale. It wasn't necessarily about the money, was more about thinking that I'm doing something I love and getting a sort of reward for it. Time passed and I finally made my first sale (24.97$). Man, was I happy that day!!!!! IM has proved to be one of the best learning experiences in my life and it just seems like every day something new happens. That's the good part of this. The bad part is the fact that I'm not thinking straight at school anymore. Most of the stuff they teach is useless to me and I don't take the time to study for my exams. I come home, open my computer and I start writing all kinds of posts for my blogs, build backlinks, cruise around warriorforum, etc.
At the current time, I have a few websites running. Even though they don't generate the income I'm aiming for (yet ) they still manage to pay for my hosting and some outsourcing which I am very happy about. I am currently developing a business plan with the help of my business teacher that involves offline SEO marketing for local businesses completely redone with my own personal touch. If it proves to be a success, this will easily generate a stable income for myself.
The big problem is.....
I am slowly losing interest for school and I don't know what to do. I don't want you guys reading this and thinking that I am a moron for thinking this way. I can assure you I am not one of those kids who think that life is easy cause I have my parents paying everything for me and bla bla. I have worked since the age of 14 in the restaurant business and NEVER asked my parents for a dime. My parents are both engineers with master degree in programming(mother) and chief engineer(father). I want to be asured I never become like them, and by that I mean workers. Their life revolves around that "9 to 5" bull**** and even though their salary is better then average, I would never be able to live like that. They have always told me to put school as a priority but I don't see the point if it's gonna turn me into a 9 to 5 worker like everyone else. I am young and I want to ensure myself that I make the best decisions possible now so I won't have to make them later when it will be more difficult.
What do you guys think of this? Is internet marketing considered as a career and is there still money to be made? What kind of studies have you guys done in the past and how much of it has been useful in your online marketing career? Any advice you guys can give me so I don't end up doing something that I will regret later in the future?
Thanks a lot for taking the time to read this thread about a teenager's problems Any help and suggestion will gladly be appreciated!
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