Making Similar Product to one I've Purchased

Profile picture of CaseyGeorge
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Hey guys,

Trying to get to sleep, but tossing and turning over a question. About 2 years ago, I purchased a product I thought was great. After teaching several people the methods I learned, I thought "I'd love to sell this as an affiliate". Well after making several attempts to reach out to the author with no response, not being able to find the product on Clickbank, and even finding the product to have dead links on his own site, it seems he may have lost interest in the product.

My question is, is there anything ethically wrong with me creating a similar product? By no means copying it, because quite honestly, I lost my receipt and access information, and I would never plagiarize anyway. But I know the methods, which I haven't really seen taught in any other course, could help a lot of people. I know all the time I see products teaching the same or similar things, but being new to the "product creation" side of IM, just wanted to get some feedback.

Is there any reason not to make a product that teaches methods similar to another product?
#making #product #purchased #similar

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