2 replies
Which Solo Email Ads are you using? Which service has a good opening rate, CTR and tracking?
#ads #email #solo
  • Profile picture of the author rich8169
    I've used ListBonus, LifeSurfing and A-State-Of-The-Art-Mailer-System, check out more details of these serices via my following blog:

    IM Foundation: Traffics! Traffics! Traffics!

    Hope that it helps.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4978464].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Norfolk
      Thanks Rich. Definitely going to take a look.

      I started using the monthly plan with 10DollarSoloAds recently. Can someone share their experience with that network?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4980462].message }}

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