What is going on with JV Notify Pro?

5 replies

I see that all the launches have turned into clickable links even though there is no affiliate info and people seemed to have stopped adding launches?

Anyone know what's going on?

#notify #pro
  • Profile picture of the author 0oo0
    Clickbank regulations
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  • Profile picture of the author Mike Merz
    You should have just asked me, Rob.

    We switched over to using a semi-automated version of the JV Launch list, called JVNewsWatch. If you remember the old JV Launch Calendar, many of the listings had links that were not hyperlinked. That's due to the merchant not having the JV Invite page ready. Typically, JV pages are not made live until a few weeks to a month or so before a launch, so you'll likely see many instances where there is no JV Invite link live yet.

    That being said, JVNW hyperlinks all listings due to it's semi-automated set up ... so though it appears that all the links are 'live', it is only the listing, itself, that is at this time ... we explain this at each link's destination.

    So .... the listings exist in the same manner they did previously (just not as visually obvious) ... we are still adding listings on a regular basis, and the site is actually just as busy or busier now than it has ever been before, despite a relative lull in the overall Online business climate at this time.

    So no need for worry. Hope that answers your question, Rob.


    Mike Merz Sr
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    • Profile picture of the author robcole
      Thanks Mike,

      Would be cool if you come up with a way of showing which links are live so we don't have to check each one at a time. :-)

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  • Profile picture of the author Mike Merz
    I understand where you're coming from, Rob. I certainly want to avoid confusing anyone, or inconveniencing them with unnecessary searching.

    The listings are actually made up of up to 2 possible destinations, now. The JV Page (default), and a link to the JV Letter in the JV Announcement Forum for merchant/potential partner interaction and updates (if the merchant chooses to create one).

    If neither link is available, the iFrame states that a JV Page is not available at this time ... until the merchant makes the link available.

    A guess I assumed that you'd only be clicking on links that appeal to you, as opposed to any of them at random ... but we know what happens when you assume.

    I'll have Mike Jr check into a mouse over to alert you if no link is available ... or something comparable.

    Thanks For The Feedback + Cheers,

    Mike Merz Sr
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  • Profile picture of the author robcole
    Thanks Mike. That would be useful.
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