You know what people hardly ever say out loud?

19 replies
"There are lots of ways to build a business online which work just fine, and make perfectly good money, but which I just plain don't want to do."

Instead, they like to say these things are "dead" or "saturated" or something like that. They feel like they need some kind of rational, objective excuse NOT to run a particular kind of business.

Do you know why I don't have an army of AdSense sites? Because I, personally, find the process of creating them so unbelievably mind-numbingly dull I would honestly rather beat myself over the head with a stick.

That doesn't make building AdSense sites a terrible business model. On the contrary, it's an excellent business model, and plenty of my friends are making damn good money doing it.

But there is not one damn thing you can do to convince me I should do it myself, because I don't want to.

That's okay, you know. We do a lot of bitching and griping and stomping around about how you have to do work, and you have to work hard, and it's not like you push a magic button and money falls out of the sky.

And that's true. You do have to work. Nobody makes money for nothing and there is no magic button.

But let's not lose sight of the reality that most of us started our own business because our jobs sucked.

You don't have to build a business that sucks. If you get up in the morning and dread working in your business, that's actually worse than dreading your job, because nobody is making you do it. You've chosen all by yourself to build a business that you hate and don't want to do.

Don't do that. No matter what people tell you about what you have to do if you want to succeed in this industry, there's really very little you actually have to do. There are tradeoffs. Make the ones that matter to you... not the ones people tell you have to be made.

It's your business. You own it. You make the decisions.

You don't have to do keyword research, or build niche sites, or learn SEO, or outsource to the Philippines, or be a Clickbank affiliate, or build your own products, or sell every product you make as a $10 WSO with 100% commission, or anything.

Your business is yours. Don't let other people be in charge of it.
#loud #people
  • Profile picture of the author Joshua Rigley
    That's why I decided to do ecommerce. The barrier of entry is much higher than for other business models, and it can be harder to do, but it's something I'm passionate about. It's the way that "clicks" with me, more than affiliate marketing, info-products, CPA, etc.

    It's also part of the reason why it's so hard to take action. There are many paths to Rome, and sometimes it seems there are too many.
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  • Profile picture of the author roseca
    i am agree with you cdarklock..your business our and no other people can be in charge of it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tracey_Meagher
    Very inspiring. And you a completely right. I never felt comfortable doing any of the typical money making tactics. I started doing what I love, designing graphics and templates and I haven't looked back since
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  • Profile picture of the author bazscourfield

    It took me a few years to come to the conclusion you have so eloquently put in one Warrior thread :rolleyes:

    I now do something I enjoy doing from the moment I wake up and I usually end up wondering where all my time has gone. In a good way...

    Once I started doing the things I wanted to and enjoyed doing, I seemed to be able to get off the treadmill of "needing to know more stuff".

    I found a level of focus too that I had not seen before.

    But the bottom line is

    It's your business. You own it. You make the decisions.
    Nicely said CDarklock

    The buck stops with you so you may as well enjoy what your doing.


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  • Profile picture of the author Ken Strong
    Originally Posted by CDarklock View Post

    I would honestly rather beat myself over the head with a stick.
    How would you best monetize that?
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  • Profile picture of the author Paperchasing
    It's interesting how prevalent this is in IM, whereas nobody ever really makes those kinds of assumptions in the offline world. I can't remember the last time somebody who hated cooking felt like they had to apologize for not starting a restaurant, or worse, announce that restaurants are dead in order to justify their lack of interest. Don't recall ever hearing a couch potato explain away his failure to start a gymnastics studio or taekwondo dojo. Running a business is already challenging enough without saddling yourself with something you hate.
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  • Profile picture of the author John Romaine
    Originally Posted by CDarklock View Post

    But there is not one damn thing you can do to convince me I should do it myself, because I don't want to.
    Stop being a sook and do it.

    BS free SEO services, training and advice - SEO Point

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  • Profile picture of the author Sheila Dunfrey
    Interesting and very inspiring! Nice share!
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  • Profile picture of the author J Bold
    I love CDarklock, always keeping it real!

    This reminds me that there have been times where I have tried something half-assed and then gone on to something else and kind of locked away that previous strategy as something that "doesn't work" or something I just don't want to do, as you say.

    Then, after a while I realize others are still using it with great success and here I am, thinking it's not something worthwhile because I put up that mental wall in the beginning.

    True, though, you need to find what works best for you and what you enjoy more. If it feels too much like "work" and you don't have a boss in your ear telling you to do it, you may quit way way too early...
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  • Profile picture of the author Mark Singletary
    I agree. Good post. However I hate when people who DON'T know better close off their options but still complain about being broke and miserable. In other words they DON'T know if Adsense sites work or infoproducts work or Clickbank works or anything so therefore they DON'T know even if they'd hate it.

    They are still looking for big success without having any clue as to how to do it and rejecting every idea that comes along all for the wrong reasons.

    For example "I can't type" is no reason to not create an infoproduct and shows ignorance or lack of knowledge about the whole process. "I understand typing ebooks and I don't WANT to type (and I understand I'm cutting off all options that include typing and I'm fine with that and I'm going to diligently look for another way)" is fine.

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  • Profile picture of the author Jason Clay
    There are a certain set of morals/ethics that each person has when it comes to applying some of these methods/business models that we find in the internet marketing world. I've read a lot of methods lately, that I know work, but I just could never do because they are outside my moral comfort zone.
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  • Profile picture of the author Alfred Shelver
    It's been ages ( Internet terms in reality 10 months) since I have been active on this forum....but it is always good to come back and know that Caliban will always be there sharing his wisdom..... Great post CD
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    • Profile picture of the author tpw
      Originally Posted by Cathy Shelver View Post

      It's been ages ( Internet terms in reality 10 months) since I have been active on this forum....but it is always good to come back and know that Caliban will always be there sharing his wisdom..... Great post CD

      And it is damn nice to see you back here!

      We miss you!
      Bill Platt, Oklahoma USA,
      Publish Coloring Books for Profit (WSOTD 7-30-2015)
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  • Profile picture of the author John Taylor

    Originally Posted by CDarklock View Post

    ...I would honestly rather beat myself over the head with a stick.
    You don't even have to do that... you can
    outsource it to my team of beaters. ;-)

    John's Internet Marketing News, Views & Reviews: John Taylor Online
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  • Profile picture of the author JCorp
    great share and very true. you know what else people hardly say out loud? I farted...
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    • Profile picture of the author Kay King
      Once in a while I make a preemptive strike and hit myself over the head with a stick to get this Self in line....

      No method of working is solid chocolate. Every single job or project I've done offline and online had a few tasks I didn't much enjoy. The trick is finding work that is mostly what you want to do and getting through the boring parts quickly to get back to the "meat".

      Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
      2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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      • Profile picture of the author John Taylor

        I don't mean to egg you on... but...

        Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

        No method of working is solid chocolate.
        ...quickly to get back to the "meat".
        Make your mind up which food group you're
        mixing into your metaphors! ;-)

        John's Internet Marketing News, Views & Reviews: John Taylor Online
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        • Profile picture of the author Kay King
          chocolate covered hot dogs? Hey, it could happen....
          Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
          2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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