You know what people hardly ever say out loud?
Instead, they like to say these things are "dead" or "saturated" or something like that. They feel like they need some kind of rational, objective excuse NOT to run a particular kind of business.
Do you know why I don't have an army of AdSense sites? Because I, personally, find the process of creating them so unbelievably mind-numbingly dull I would honestly rather beat myself over the head with a stick.
That doesn't make building AdSense sites a terrible business model. On the contrary, it's an excellent business model, and plenty of my friends are making damn good money doing it.
But there is not one damn thing you can do to convince me I should do it myself, because I don't want to.
That's okay, you know. We do a lot of bitching and griping and stomping around about how you have to do work, and you have to work hard, and it's not like you push a magic button and money falls out of the sky.
And that's true. You do have to work. Nobody makes money for nothing and there is no magic button.
But let's not lose sight of the reality that most of us started our own business because our jobs sucked.
You don't have to build a business that sucks. If you get up in the morning and dread working in your business, that's actually worse than dreading your job, because nobody is making you do it. You've chosen all by yourself to build a business that you hate and don't want to do.
Don't do that. No matter what people tell you about what you have to do if you want to succeed in this industry, there's really very little you actually have to do. There are tradeoffs. Make the ones that matter to you... not the ones people tell you have to be made.
It's your business. You own it. You make the decisions.
You don't have to do keyword research, or build niche sites, or learn SEO, or outsource to the Philippines, or be a Clickbank affiliate, or build your own products, or sell every product you make as a $10 WSO with 100% commission, or anything.
Your business is yours. Don't let other people be in charge of it.
Learn IM From the Experts Who Are Already Doing It!
"Sammy-approved, baby!" -- Offline Brat Pack
- Stop Wasting Time & Money on Traffic!
- You Can't Improve What You Don't Measure
- Why You Should Create Separate Desktop and Mobile Google Adwords Campaigns
BS free SEO services, training and advice - SEO Point
[Free] Learn How to Crush Web Traffic with Kenster
Publish Coloring Books for Profit (WSOTD 7-30-2015)