I aim for $100/month from email marketing - how can I achieve this?

11 replies
Hello fellow warriors,

I am new to email marketing and I want your help.

I decided that the best way for me to earn money
on IM is to build a list. So I created a squeeze page
and did some promotion with blog commenting
and I already got 5 subscribers in the first 2 days.

How many subscribers do you think I will need in order
to get a constant income of 100$/month from the list.

What methods of getting subcribers have worked well for you?

Any advice will be appreciated.
#$100 or month #achieve #aim #email #marketing
  • Profile picture of the author Chris Lengley
    Right now, I am not making $100 but what I know is that.

    Provide quality content, signup gift(free valuable short report)>Provide valuable content in emails>Promote affiliate products 3 to 4 times in a month.

    "Read books of your niche"

    If you follow this then I hope 1000 subscribers would be enough to give you more than $100 per month.
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  • Profile picture of the author Praveen Kumar
    Hey fellow warrior ,

    List building is almost seem to be shortcut to success but it also considered as Legitimate and Passive Income machine to newbie even GURU'S with a 500k list.

    In your case you're looking to make $100/Month though it's so simple if you done rightly .

    So , you really need to build a minimum 1k list in your decide niche to make $100-$1000(will)/Month through list building though email marketing.

    Two traditional ways you can build a list , in my case i most often to prefer ,

    1.Ad Swap
    2.Solo Ads

    In the adswap method you really need to make at least 100 subscribers in this method
    you will join with a partner who have same list size as you and both of you will blast ads to both of your list , you could checkout warrior forum joint venture section.

    In the second method you are required to pay money for blasting your ads on someones list , the price will depends on list size or link clicks , you could checkout warrior forum joint venture section..

    Obviously these are some sort of methods but there is ton of ways to build a profitable list.


    Praveen Kumar
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    • Profile picture of the author wayne60618
      That's a good start. Keep blog commenting like you're doing and then offer articles to the sites that you have commented on. In your author bio, promote your optin bait. Do the same at forums.

      Just do this everyday, and it will snowball. Add a few more sites to distribute your articles on each week and you'll do well. This is a really super simple way to build a list. It works - if you just keep working this over and over and over again.

      Then just look for new ways to distribute your content. Keep it simple to start.
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  • Profile picture of the author Dan Bainbridge
    Just blog commenting might get you started but it isn't enough long term.

    Make specific landing pages for your opt-in, offer a strong free gift of real quality and actual value.

    Have your opt-in on the sidebar of every page of your site, and aim to be an authority for you niche... write, and write, and write, quality content, unique content, all on unique pages.. then you will start getting some search traffic (with help from a little backlinking and seo too), and then you will start to get more subscribers.

    To make $100 a month I would estimate you need 1000+ subscribers... probably more.

    Almost my entire profit comes from email marketing in one sense or another - whether directly through signups who convert within 2 weeks through my autoresponder, or the ability to email my 150k subscribers occasionally about big sales and discounts, or swapping traffic with others in JVs - to make commissions, and get new subscribers in return...

    You're right, I would advise any of my friends and family coming into this to focus on email marketing and growing their subscriber bases before all else. Keep at it, keep pushing, building and you will get there.

    Hypnosis Affiliate Program Pays 50% + $20 Join BONUS
    Real Subliminal Messages Pays 35% (world's largest subliminal site)
    SubliminalMP3s.com Pays 75%

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  • Profile picture of the author P.Sharma
    Incidentally I just answered this on another thread and the best way I think you can achieve $100 per day via email marketing is building a list upfront and having a perfect sales funnel and then selling on the backend. Here is what I posted on that thread:

    1. I would make a squeeze page - split test A/B.
    2. Buy traffic to the squeeze page so that you get the maximum bang for your bucks.
    3. Create a product for the backend.
    4. Create a sales funnel, if you do not know how, just sign-up to Eban Pagan's course (any) and see his emails.
    5. Promote products on backend and collect qualified leads on the front end.
    Don't waste your money direct linking to offers when you can be making a whole lot of money on the backend and hitting the leads with offers again and again if you go the route I suggested.

    It is the only way I would spend my money!
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    • Profile picture of the author Kal Sallam
      Originally Posted by P.Sharma View Post

      Incidentally I just answered this on another thread and the best way I think you can achieve $100 per day via email marketing is building a list upfront and having a perfect sales funnel and then selling on the backend. Here is what I posted on that thread:

      1. I would make a squeeze page - split test A/B.
      2. Buy traffic to the squeeze page so that you get the maximum bang for your bucks.
      3. Create a product for the backend.
      4. Create a sales funnel, if you do not know how, just sign-up to Eban Pagan's course (any) and see his emails.
      5. Promote products on backend and collect qualified leads on the front end.
      Don't waste your money direct linking to offers when you can be making a whole lot of money on the backend and hitting the leads with offers again and again if you go the route I suggested.

      It is the only way I would spend my money!
      Well yes indeed an old yet proven system that makes money time and time again.
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  • Profile picture of the author cb1803
    If you deliver highly valuable and unique content, definitely u'll be able to grow your list very fast. I think with quality content 500 - 700 subscribers are enough to earn $100/month.
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  • Profile picture of the author Robert H Cwik
    That's not the question of how many subscribers you have on your list, but what are your relations with your list. Do you provide value? You don't have to provide free gifts in order not to teach your list to ignore your e-mails without free gifts, but you do have to provide value in the form of useful, actionable information, and nothing prevents you from putting your affiliate links to offers related to the contents of your e-mail. This way you teach your list that they can expect valuable info from you AND your offers. Still - good, useful, actionable content comes first. So instead of sending them free reports, divide those reports into your follow-up e-mails, add your offer at the end, and see what happens.
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  • Profile picture of the author GoingSomewhere
    Making $100/day from your list should come naturally
    if you focus more on what value you will give to your
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  • Profile picture of the author Ash R
    How many subscribers do you think I will need in order
    to get a constant income of 100$/month from the list.
    This depends on what kind of subscribers you get and what kind of relationship you build with your list.

    It's not about the size of your list - it's those two factors.

    If you sell a product and give affiliates 100% commission, you can easily build a buyer's list, which will be a lot more profitable for you.

    Even if you have a freebie seekers list, building a good relationship with your subscribers will let you earn a lot more. To give you an example, one of my smaller lists of 50 targetted subscribers earns me $200 - $300 a month. These are people who love reading my mails and buying from me

    On the other hand, I have a list of a couple thousand people which I built when I was just starting out - that list wasn't treated well, and now they don't earn me much. 4000 subscribers or so who only generate $70 - $140 each month. Ouch.

    Oh well, we all learn from our mistakes!
    Don't sweat the small stuff :)
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