Keyword Research

Profile picture of hotpr
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
12 replies
Hey y'all,

can you all recommend a video (hopefully free), of the best way to do keyword research for doing clickbank affiliate websites? I am new to this and i really need help with doing keyword research. thanx
#keyword #research
  • Profile picture of the author nrupen
    Profile picture of nrupen
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    You can find many videos on keyword research on Youtube.
    • Profile picture of the author hotpr
      Profile picture of hotpr
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by nrupen View Post

      You can find many videos on keyword research on Youtube.
      i know, i have looked. but with so much out there i was wondering what was the best system of research
      • Profile picture of the author Steve B
        Steve B
        Profile picture of Steve B
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Check out all the information given by Warrior Jack Duncan.

        In the search box (see the horizontal menu above), type "Jack Duncan." Read his posts and follow the threads, you will learn a lot about niche research.

        Good luck,


        Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

  • Profile picture of the author Miguelito203
    Profile picture of Miguelito203
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    Originally Posted by hotpr View Post

    Hey y'all,

    can you all recommend a video (hopefully free), of the best way to do keyword research for doing clickbank affiliate websites? I am new to this and i really need help with doing keyword research. thanx
    There isn't just one way to do research. If you want to create a niche blog doing reviews of Clickbank products and putting related articles on there focusing on, let's say, product launches in the IM sector, a keyword tool won't help you because they are months behind. Some people come up with niche ideas by reading magazines, walking through a store doing their shopping or when watching t.v. It just depends.

  • Profile picture of the author hotpr
    Profile picture of hotpr
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Steve B, thanks i will look him up.

    Van - Thank you for the link

    Everyone else. Thanks for your thoughts.

    I am pretty good at finding niches i think but just had no idea how to find a good keyword to use for a site.
    • Profile picture of the author joelafoust
      Profile picture of joelafoust
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      The way I learned to use the google research tool was to enter in multiple words or phrases into the tool and bring up the results. look for the results that get good number of searches monthly - you can even download the results in excel format.

      Look for keword searches that get at least over 3000 searches per month. Single out one keyword or phrase - copy and past it into google search within quotes (i.e. "make money online"). This will find all the websites google knows uses that exact phrase. Look at the number of results. In general you want the least amount of competition as possible.

      It would be great to get 30, 000 or less. However, depending on the niche it may not be possible to get numbers that low. For example, this niche - affiliate marketing is so saturated, almost any keyword search is going to give hundreds of thousands of results - if not millions. Still, you have to search for the least competition possible. If a keyword or phrase gives you at least 3000 searches a month and you can get the lowest results possible out of other kewords or phrases - than use it.

      Once you have the best keywords and phrases - be consistent and use them on any page you talk about the product or have a link - youtube, facebook, twitter, blogs, forums - everywhere. And keep posting frequently so the search engines can have more to display from you.
  • Profile picture of the author gurokevin
    Profile picture of gurokevin
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    I can agree with the 3000 searches per month. But I do not agree with putting the keyword/phrase in quotes. This doesn't really tell us anything useful. The ONLY thing that matters (besides the amount of searches) is who is on page 1. These are the direct people you will be competing with, period. As far is looking at competition, look for page 1 results only (no quotes) and competition that is PR3 or less with 300 backlinks or less. One maybe even two somewhat strong competition is ok. but no more than that.
  • Profile picture of the author xxxJamesxxx
    Profile picture of xxxJamesxxx
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    Here's a video I made for my subscribers, I've tried to make it as beginner friendly and step by step as I can.

    Hope it helps!

    James Scholes
  • Profile picture of the author CatN
    Profile picture of CatN
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I know you were originally looking for a video but we've put together a pretty comprehensive guide to using Google's Keyword Tool over on our blog
    catn(dot)com/seo-2/using-the-google-keyword-tool which I think could be of some help to you.

    *sorry about not being able to post links yet.
  • Profile picture of the author David McKee
    David McKee
    Profile picture of David McKee
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    Originally Posted by hotpr View Post

    ... the best way to do keyword research for doing clickbank affiliate websites?
    One thing you might want to do is to find all of the articles already written at legitimate article sites (EZA of course, top rate syndication article sites, squiddo lenses, etc.) and perform keyword research including high word and phrase counts on those articles. This will tell you what the competitors are using as their keywords. Obviously you want articles that are attempting to promote products you want to promote or that are "Like" the products you want to promote.

    You can then use that knowledge to find keywords/keyphrases that they missed or are not really investing in, that you can use to gather traffic they are leaving on the table. Or, if you are SEO savvy you can decide that you will use certain of their phrases and rank better than they are.

    I do this all the time.

    Are you an affiliate marketer? My site has tons of free stuff and 14,000 pages of Clickbank research.
    Buy a Freedom Bulb! Don't let the government tell you what kind of light bulb you can use!
  • Profile picture of the author snowcloud
    Profile picture of snowcloud
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Following keyword search trends is a good technique but after a while I got bored of always going to google keyword tool to check on what I should name my new post.

    I started just titling my posts however i wanted and added some flare to them. Make the titles more organic and less copy-and-pasted-from-keyword-toolish.

    You will have more fun writing that way and your readers will feel for that.

    Traffic will come if you are a good writer and an interesting read.

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