Cash Cow Gone Wild!

Profile picture of laird
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
225 replies
#cash #cow #wild
  • Profile picture of the author Maria Gudelis
    Maria Gudelis
    Profile picture of Maria Gudelis
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    You rock! That is a great campaign - who would of thought of a vomit bag!

    Cheers, m

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  • Profile picture of the author Melody
    Profile picture of Melody
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I love it! Back when I owned a mortgage company in Calif (LOOOOONG time ago!) I used to do a lot of fun stuff - I had custom suckers made in the shape of the foot - with a tag on it that said "Ok - so what's it take to get my foot in the door??" with my contact details on the other side. Another fun promotion - at Thanksgiving, on the rate sheets we delivered to RE offices daily - there was a big turkey graphic, with "Let's Talk Turkey! The first 25 agents that call get a free turkey!"

    You cannot believe how many normally quiet and professional real estate agents called and said "GOBBLE GOBBLE GOBBLE!" then burst out laughing! I wound up giving away a LOT more than 25 turkeys - and we tripled our business during the 'slowest' time of the year.

    The point is: think out of the box. Do things that are goofy and unexpected. It works.

    Kudos to a GREAT campaign!!

    Our first "Digital Yard Sale"! A massive PLR Blowout Sale to help a friend pay medical expenses.
  • Profile picture of the author weeburty
    Profile picture of weeburty
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    There are definitely some weird and wonderful ideas out there. I'm sure I remember Andrew Reynolds tell us at a Cash On Demand Workshop that he came across a similar one which he copied, a plastic cow in each mailer which he bought for a few cents each.
    It works on the basis of human curiosity because people open the envelope to see what is causing the lump

    Cool eh

    Graham Burt
    Padlock Income

  • Profile picture of the author TelZilla
    Profile picture of TelZilla
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by laird View Post

    140 physical mailers....vomit bags.
    That has got to be one of the greatest campaigns I've seen.

    RESULTS: 11 calls, 13 emails, 5 no thank you's. <snip>
    And the results are outstanding.

    Excellent use of imagination and sheer nerve in sending those out. You should be pleased with the results. Great Job!

    Now go out and do it again.
    Don't get so wrapped up in making money that you forget the important things in life.
  • Profile picture of the author Jeremy Kelsall
    Jeremy Kelsall
    Profile picture of Jeremy Kelsall
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Even though the letter was very rough around the edges, it's easy to see that it was very effective!

    I've been looking more and more into doing some stuff offline for an additional revenue stream and your example here shows just how easy it can be.

    • Profile picture of the author chrisnegro
      Profile picture of chrisnegro
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Jeremy Kelsall View Post

      Even though the letter was very rough around the edges, it's easy to see that it was very effective!

      I've been looking more and more into doing some stuff offline for an additional revenue stream and your example here shows just how easy it can be.

      Wait can't....there is NO interest in offline remember . Seriously...just busting your chops. Actually, there is incredible money in offline if you approach it the alure of meeting many great people in the process.

      Warmest regards,

      Chris Negro

  • Profile picture of the author Shannon Tani
    Shannon Tani
    Profile picture of Shannon Tani
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    This is awesome!


  • Profile picture of the author shawnyates
    Profile picture of shawnyates
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Thats a fantastic method, kudos to you!
    • Profile picture of the author Riz
      Profile picture of Riz
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Excellent results - thanks for sharing.

      Looks like i'll be going to buy some vomit bags tomorrow.


      Ps: I would definately chase up the ones that never responded with another mailer or a follow up phone call.
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      • Profile picture of the author TLCarroll
        Profile picture of TLCarroll
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        You could follow up the ones that never answered with a mailing with a couple of generic antacid tablets ("Tums") that says, "If your website gives you heartburn...blahblahblah..."

        A huge bottle of generic antacid tablets is about $5.

        Originally Posted by Baal View Post

        Excellent results - thanks for sharing.

        Looks like i'll be going to buy some vomit bags tomorrow.


        Ps: I would definately chase up the ones that never responded with another mailer or a follow up phone call.
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        • Profile picture of the author Charles Washington
          Charles Washington
          Profile picture of Charles Washington
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          Originally Posted by TLCarroll View Post

          You could follow up the ones that never answered with a mailing with a couple of generic antacid tablets ("Tums") that says, "If your website gives you heartburn...blahblahblah..."

          A huge bottle of generic antacid tablets is about $5.
          That might not be such a good idea. The FEDs and trial lawyers in America are nuts about drugs and the such. I would refrain from sending any medication to some one you didn't know through the mail. What if they actually take the TUMS and have some sort of allergy to it?

          Tort lawyers would have a field day with that. A good attorney might even be able to get you for practicing medicine without a license. I am a private investigator and I work for and against these lawyers, so I know what they are capable of doing.

          With that being said, I am sure it works - but I might try I non medication alternative to use.
          • Profile picture of the author BFMedia
            Profile picture of BFMedia
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Originally Posted by shkad14 View Post

            That might not be such a good idea. The FEDs and trial lawyers in America are nuts about drugs and the such. I would refrain from sending any medication to some one you didn't know through the mail. What if they actually take the TUMS and have some sort of allergy to it?

            Tort lawyers would have a field day with that. A good attorney might even be able to get you for practicing medicine without a license. I am a private investigator and I work for and against these lawyers, so I know what they are capable of doing.

            With that being said, I am sure it works - but I might try I non medication alternative to use.
            So I guess Pepto-Bismol is out of the question, eh?

  • Profile picture of the author e-genius
    Profile picture of e-genius
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Nicely done lair. Really good tactic you used there. thnx for sharing
  • Profile picture of the author George Wright
    George Wright
    Profile picture of George Wright
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

    What's next? Put your sales letter in a dirty sock.

    Does your website stink?

    Man, this could get BIG.

    George Wright P.S. Of course you know I meant a envelope designed to look like a sock.
    "The first chapter sells the book; the last chapter sells the next book." Mickey Spillane
    • Profile picture of the author laird
      Profile picture of laird
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      • Profile picture of the author bobsstuff
        Profile picture of bobsstuff
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        Originally Posted by laird View Post

        I'm going to head down to Walmart and pick up a bunch of those envelopes that people drop in their film rolls or disposable cameras. Big label on the outside again. Letter inside that will lead off with..."I guess you missed the picture." and restate the offer.

        I thought this was a great idea, but I hope you are not serious about stealing photo envelopes from Walmart.
        Bob Hale
      • Profile picture of the author Ray Erdmann
        Ray Erdmann
        Profile picture of Ray Erdmann
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        Originally Posted by laird View Post

        I'm going to head down to Walmart and pick up a bunch of those envelopes that people drop in their film rolls or disposable cameras. Big label on the outside again. Letter inside that will lead off with..."I guess you missed the picture." and restate the offer.

        Damn...and here I thought the first tactic was just simply brilliant...but this one w/the 'didn't get the picture...."....OMG! I've got a funny feeling you're going to get SO MUCH business, you're going to be offering a WSO on "Off-The-Wall Offline Tactics That Are SURE To Just Shovel $$ Into Your Bank Account!" pretty soon! lol!

        Thanks for sharing!


        "Whether you think you can or'll always be 100% right!" |

        • Profile picture of the author laird
          Profile picture of laird
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Originally Posted by Ray Erdmann View Post

          Damn...and here I thought the first tactic was just simply brilliant...but this one w/the 'didn't get the picture...."....OMG! I've got a funny feeling you're going to get SO MUCH business, you're going to be offering a WSO on "Off-The-Wall Offline Tactics That Are SURE To Just Shovel $$ Into Your Bank Account!" pretty soon! lol!

          Thanks for sharing!


          I opted not to use the Walmart envelopes after all, but someone in the thread pointed out a place selling film processing envelopes (I think it had the FujiColor branding on it). Still a wonderful "unusual" mailer that's gonna grab someone's attention.

          I'm freely sharing these ideas (as everyone else is in the thread). I probably could put together a nice WSO but quite frankly, there's enough information out there already (on the thread and sold as WSO's) to keep anyone going the Offline Cash Cow route busy for the next several months/years.

    • Profile picture of the author jasondinner
      Profile picture of jasondinner
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by George Wright View Post


      What's next? Put your sales letter in a dirty sock.

      Does your website stink?

      Man, this could get BIG.

      George Wright P.S. Of course you know I meant a envelope designed to look like a sock.
      Even better, send them a dirty diaper filled with crap!!!

      I can supply you guys with at least 3 a day!! LOL

      "Human thoughts have the tendency to transform themselves into their physical equivalent." Earl Nightingale

      Super Affiliates Hang Out Here

      • Profile picture of the author JoeCool
        Profile picture of JoeCool
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        Originally Posted by jasondinner View Post

        Even better, send them a dirty diaper filled with crap!!!

        I can supply you guys with at least 3 a day!! LOL

        Jason, that was classic!


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  • Profile picture of the author Steve1776
    Profile picture of Steve1776
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    REVENUE: $1,800 for AutoResponders + $80/month (4 mailings per month that they write) $1,200 for the website (around 6 pages total with AutoResponder) + $160/month (4 mailings that *I* write for them) a total of $3,000 and $240/month recurring. </snip>

    What AutoResponders do you use? Aweber's affiliate program? I like the idea. If your autoresponder has an affiliate program I want to make sure you get the commission.

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    Losers fail and quit. Winners fail until they succeed.

    You can get anything you want if you help enough other people get what they want.
    Losers fail and quit. Winners fail until they succeed.
    Indecision is worse than the wrong decision. You can fix a wrong decision, you can't fix indecision.

    • Profile picture of the author Chris Grable
      Chris Grable
      Profile picture of Chris Grable
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      Originally Posted by Steve1776 View Post

      What AutoResponders do you use? Aweber's affiliate program? I like the idea. If your autoresponder has an affiliate program I want to make sure you get the commission.
      Great post Laird. I am also interested in the answer to Steve's queston <above>. I re-read your post and for some reason it doesn't exactly read like yoiu are talking about Aweber. Of course... that could just be me.
  • Profile picture of the author gai001
    Profile picture of gai001
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Where in the world do you buy vomit bags!?

  • Profile picture of the author tj
    Profile picture of tj
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I wonder how many of this kind of bags will be mailed in the next week heheheh

  • Profile picture of the author andrewharrison
    Profile picture of andrewharrison
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    That is very creative. I love the vomit bag. . .(VERY COOL) Shocking, AND effective.
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    • Profile picture of the author ShayB
      Profile picture of ShayB
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      How about puzzle pieces in an envelope?

      "Puzzled as to how to make your website better? We have the missing piece to the puzzle!"
      "Fate protects fools, little children, and ships called Enterprise." ~Commander Riker
      • Profile picture of the author Kerry Finch
        Kerry Finch
        Profile picture of Kerry Finch
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        Originally Posted by ShayRockhold View Post

        How about puzzle pieces in an envelope?

        "Puzzled as to how to make your website better? We have the missing piece to the puzzle!"
        Yes! the puzzle would have to have one piece missing!
      • Profile picture of the author jdmitchell
        Profile picture of jdmitchell
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by ShayRockhold View Post

        How about puzzle pieces in an envelope?

        "Puzzled as to how to make your website better? We have the missing piece to the puzzle!"
        That is absolutely great Shay! If anyone here is thinking of using it, perhaps reword the phrase to say:

        "Puzzled on how to market your website better? We have the missing pieces"

        It Does

      • Profile picture of the author MrYossu
        Profile picture of MrYossu
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        Originally Posted by ShayRockhold View Post

        How about puzzle pieces in an envelope?

        "Puzzled as to how to make your website better? We have the missing piece to the puzzle!"
        Whilst I'm amused by the vomit bag idea, and impressed with the results, I don't think I could do it myself.

        However, the puzzle idea is just brilliant! I'm going to try this one in my next mailing. I have loads of incomplete jigsaws lying around (that's what happens after seven kids!), and so have no shortage of pieces!


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  • Profile picture of the author steelhead
    Profile picture of steelhead
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hey Laird you are a warrior's friend.

    You get extra points for being creative and taking lumpy mail to a new level..

    For anyone looking for vomit bags, a Google search will fill the bill quckly. Didn't know so many folks were selling up-chuck catchers.

    Naturally you can find a slew of them on Ebay as well.

    • Profile picture of the author Corwinnx
      Profile picture of Corwinnx
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

      Now THAT is by and far my favorite!

      I like the puzzle pieces too!

    • Profile picture of the author jdmitchell
      Profile picture of jdmitchell
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      As the OP has said, the letter is not the strongest. Therefore I have altered it slightly, and tightened it up. I have used social proof, USP, risk reversal, pressure stacking, and a possible jealousy plot line to make the letter pull harder and faster. I have also shortened it to fit one page.

      It is by no means amazing, however will pull harder than the original. : )
      Hope it helps someone.


      Dear (Name),

      "Does your website make you sick?"

      And who in the world would send out a sickness bag to you?

      Our names are Mitch & Ryan, and what we do is we work with business owners in (City) who would like to cut their entire ad budget in half, and at the same time increase sales, by simply implementing a system on your current website that attracts leads, and automatically converts them into customers.

      Look. We talk to clients every day that are sick of all the money they spend on marketing, on or offline and are pulling their hair out trying out ways to boost business, free up time and generate a little more pocket cash. There has got to be a better way...

      We know that better way. So confident in fact, that if you choose to avail yourself to our expertise, and we can't slice your ad budget in half and simultaneously increase your sales by at least 25%, we will return to you every penny you invest.

      Please be aware that we are offering this service to only one business in the (salon) industry, and that we have just recently contacted the others as well.

      Here's what we'd like you to do if you wish to avail yourself (name)...

      1) Call Mitch at 1 604 220 5302 and let him know when you are available to meet for a free, low key chat to go over your business, goals, and how we can be of service to you.


      2) Send us an email at and let us know the best time to contact you.

      Looking forward to your interest,

      Mitchell Miller & Ryan Demchuk
      Phone: (604) 220 5302

      P.S. - If you are not interested in more customers and more revenue, please forward this letter to one of your neighboring businesses. If they choose to avail themselves of our services, you will receive a $500 referral fee.

      It Does

      • Profile picture of the author Riz
        Profile picture of Riz
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Hi Mitch,

        Thanks for sharing your letter. I love the way you have used risk reversal etc.

        But why would you want to restrict yourself to one business per industry? I know that is used for pressure stacking but it reduces potential business for you. Maybe make the free sonsultation a limited time offer or restricted to 'x' number of businesses as the pressure stacker.

        Also, i personally would not offer a money back guarantee by saying that if we dont cut your ad budget in half and increase sales by at least 25% you will refund every penny they spent with you. You can't guarantee that you can cut their ad budget in half or increase their business by 'x'%. Perhaps offer a money back guarantee if they are not happy with the savings and increased sales but i wouldn't specify specifics in the guarantee.

        Just my personal opinions but other than that i love your letter and appreciate you sharing it here on the forum.


        Originally Posted by jdmitchell View Post

        As the OP has said, the letter is not the strongest. Therefore I have altered it slightly, and tightened it up. I have used social proof, USP, risk reversal, pressure stacking, and a possible jealousy plot line to make the letter pull harder and faster. I have also shortened it to fit one page.

        It is by no means amazing, however will pull harder than the original. : )
        Hope it helps someone.


        Dear (Name),

        "Does your website make you sick?"

        And who in the world would send out a sickness bag to you?

        Our names are Mitch & Ryan, and what we do is we work with business owners in (City) who would like to cut their entire ad budget in half, and at the same time increase sales, by simply implementing a system on your current website that attracts leads, and automatically converts them into customers.

        Look. We talk to clients every day that are sick of all the money they spend on marketing, on or offline and are pulling their hair out trying out ways to boost business, free up time and generate a little more pocket cash. There has got to be a better way...

        We know that better way. So confident in fact, that if you choose to avail yourself to our expertise, and we can't slice your ad budget in half and simultaneously increase your sales by at least 25%, we will return to you every penny you invest.

        Please be aware that we are offering this service to only one business in the (salon) industry, and that we have just recently contacted the others as well.

        Here's what we'd like you to do if you wish to avail yourself (name)...

        1) Call Mitch at 1 604 220 5302 and let him know when you are available to meet for a free, low key chat to go over your business, goals, and how we can be of service to you.


        2) Send us an email at and let us know the best time to contact you.

        Looking forward to your interest,

        Mitchell Miller & Ryan Demchuk
        Phone: (604) 220 5302

        P.S. - If you are not interested in more customers and more revenue, please forward this letter to one of your neighboring businesses. If they choose to avail themselves of our services, you will receive a $500 referral fee.
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        • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
          Profile picture of JohnMcCabe
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          Originally Posted by Baal View Post

          Also, i personally would not offer a money back guarantee by saying that if we dont cut your ad budget in half and increase sales by at least 25% you will refund every penny they spent with you. You can't guarantee that you can cut their ad budget in half or increase their business by 'x'%. Perhaps offer a money back guarantee if they are not happy with the savings and increased sales but i wouldn't specify specifics in the guarantee.
          Maybe my mind is a little more devious than some others (Way back in school I belonged to a group that spent out time trying to devise the 'perfect crime'), but this kind of risk reversal seems dangerous.

          All they have to do to get your work for free is simply NOT cut their ad budget. You have no control over that.

          And what happens if sales only increase 24%? Do they still get their money back? A good accountant can make the P&L say anything they want it to say just by shifting things around. Just ask any screenwriter hoping to get rich on their percentage of the gross...
          • Profile picture of the author jdmitchell
            Profile picture of jdmitchell
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Originally Posted by JohnMcCabe View Post

            Maybe my mind is a little more devious than some others (Way back in school I belonged to a group that spent out time trying to devise the 'perfect crime'), but this kind of risk reversal seems dangerous.

            All they have to do to get your work for free is simply NOT cut their ad budget. You have no control over that.

            And what happens if sales only increase 24%? Do they still get their money back? A good accountant can make the P&L say anything they want it to say just by shifting things around. Just ask any screenwriter hoping to get rich on their percentage of the gross...
            All of this is true, and well said. Damn John, you ARE devious
            A perspective that has no doubt helped you immensely in your career, but
            maybe caused some drama with the girls? :p

            It Does

        • Profile picture of the author jdmitchell
          Profile picture of jdmitchell
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Originally Posted by Baal View Post

          Hi Mitch,

          Thanks for sharing your letter. I love the way you have used risk reversal etc.

          But why would you want to restrict yourself to one business per industry? I know that is used for pressure stacking but it reduces potential business for you. Maybe make the free consultation a limited time offer or restricted to 'x' number of businesses as the pressure stacker.

          Also, i personally would not offer a money back guarantee by saying that if we don't cut your ad budget in half and increase sales by at least 25% you will refund every penny they spent with you. You can't guarantee that you can cut their ad budget in half or increase their business by 'x'%. Perhaps offer a money back guarantee if they are not happy with the savings and increased sales but i wouldn't specify specifics in the guarantee.

          Just my personal opinions but other than that i love your letter and appreciate you sharing it here on the forum.

          Thanks Baal,

          Everyone has different goals.

          I offer to only work with one company in an industry not only to create a bidding war, but to force me to broaden, as I want to do this on a global scale. It forces me to saturate myself quickly so I must aggressively expand my geographic area.

          Most business owners are afraid of complete risk reversal, and I completely understand that. It is a combination of fine print in the contract, trust, and the fact that for every devious cheap ass who just wants to get his money back on a technicality and not performance, I have 10 more clients waiting because of the effectiveness of the risk reversal offer in the first place.

          The amount of new, and waiting clients that the risk reversal creates over shadows "returns". Many of the most successful online companies are always trying to find ways of RAISING their return rate...from 7% to 10% or whatever, as sheer sales eclipse the returns, and scammers.

          Also I guarantee 50% reduction and 25% increased sales not for fun, but I actually CAN guarantee it. We crunch their numbers. I get right in there, and know every detail. MY skill allows me to do much better than that in most cases....most cases we are increasing business by 1-300%. It is very easy, and not a testament to my skill (which is still limited, and junior) but that most companies are frankly inept, and under optimized. Remember this is just a lead generation letter, and actual negotiations happen later.

          An abundance mindset.

          It Does

          • Profile picture of the author Riz
            Profile picture of Riz
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            That's true Mitch - everyone has different goals. From what i read u definately have a strategy up your sleeve that is working for you. I wish you all the best buddy.

            When offering services - what is your average charge to a client if they only want the Opt in box for lead generation?

            With just that service do u still give them the guarantee of 25% increase in sales and cut ad budget in half?


            Ps: u still chillin inn Thailand?

            Originally Posted by jdmitchell View Post

            Thanks Baal,

            Everyone has different goals.

            I offer to only work with one company in an industry not only to create a bidding war, but to force me to broaden, as I want to do this on a global scale. It forces me to saturate myself quickly so I must aggressively expand my geographic area.

            Most business owners are afraid of complete risk reversal, and I completely understand that. It is a combination of fine print in the contract, trust, and the fact that for every devious cheap ass who just wants to get his money back on a technicality and not performance, I have 10 more clients waiting because of the effectiveness of the risk reversal offer in the first place.

            The amount of new, and waiting clients that the risk reversal creates over shadows "returns". Many of the most successful online companies are always trying to find ways of RAISING their return rate...from 7% to 10% or whatever, as sheer sales eclipse the returns, and scammers.

            Also I guarantee 50% reduction and 25% increased sales not for fun, but I actually CAN guarantee it. We crunch their numbers. I get right in there, and know every detail. MY skill allows me to do much better than that in most cases....most cases we are increasing business by 1-300%. It is very easy, and not a testament to my skill (which is still limited, and junior) but that most companies are frankly inept, and under optimized. Remember this is just a lead generation letter, and actual negotiations happen later.

            An abundance mindset.
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            • Profile picture of the author jdmitchell
              Profile picture of jdmitchell
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              Originally Posted by Baal View Post

              That's true Mitch - everyone has different goals. From what i read u definately have a strategy up your sleeve that is working for you. I wish you all the best buddy.

              When offering services - what is your average charge to a client if they only want the Opt in box for lead generation?

              With just that service do u still give them the guarantee of 25% increase in sales and cut ad budget in half?


              Ps: u still chillin inn Thailand?

              Because I am new to this model, I am still testing and playing around.
              I have been doing different things, like SEO, actual offline marketing strategies, and of course website creation.

              This will be the first time I actually send out a letter based upon the auto responder service. Usually when I talk or meet with them, I find out that they may just need something else. It is all about their goals.

              If I want to increase their business by 25%, there is basically only 3 ways to go about it.

              1. Increase the number of customers (Rarely needed unless a startup, or going out of business)
              2. Increase the size of the average transaction
              3. Increase the frequency of purchase

              In a nutshell, I meet with the owner(s), and find out what they want, and what they are not getting. I find out what their average customer is worth to them in bottom line profit.

              Example: Coffee shop

              Average # of customers per year: 1000
              Average $ gross profit per transaction: $2.50
              Average customer frequency: 3 times per week
              Average length of loyalty: 1 year

              Which means that the "average" customer or client is worth $390
              $2.50 x 3 (times per week) x 52 weeks = $390

              The lifetime value of the average customer in gross profit is $390
              x 1000 = $390,000

              This is how much his business is making on a general and average degree not counting fixed expenses, and any expense that is going to be paid no matter the volume of business, eg: rent.

              If you want to improve his business by 25%, in reality you can do many things. You can:

              1. Improve # of customers by 9%, size of purchase by 8%, and frequency of purchase by 8%

              2. Improve size of purchase by 10%, and frequency by 15%

              The combinations are endless..

              1000 customers per year to improve by 8% means 80 new customers per year. /12 = 6.6 new customers per month. Not hard to do.

              Size of transaction by 9%, means .22cents per bill. There are many ways to do this. Up the price by 25cents, add on a bagel for cheap...etc...

              Increase frequency of purchase by 8% by offering incentives such as daily specials, and rewards for coming back more often. Building personal relationships.

              When you break down their business in this way, it is easy to improve it.

              A simple referral system can explode the # of customers, and now that you know the numbers, you can track it all. A simple up sell, cross sell or add on at the point of purchase can boost size of transaction by big numbers. A simple auto responder can boost frequency of purchase by simply offering sales, and remaining in the mind of your customers. Add a referral system "sign up a friend who has never been here before for a free coffee".

              The opportunities are endless, and you can see how the auto responder truly is (as Andrew said) just an "in" to be able to really get into their business and transform the entire system from the inside out.

              All of these are intertwined with each other, and the whole will be bigger than the sum of it's parts. You can not improve one without the others improving as well.

              The auto responder allows the business owner to capture all of his past, current, and soon to be customers in a conversation, and they are now in his world.

              Constantly having to bring in new customers is like filling a bucket with a hole in it. The auto responder is that plug. The best customer is the one that already bought. The auto responder curbs attrition (the rate at which they drop off), and improves retention.

              You also reduce your ad budget, as once you funnel all of your past, present, and soon to be customers into your email world, you do not have to put an ad in the paper when you anticipate a slow week, you just press a button. You don't have to constantly spend cash getting new customers, because the real value is in the repeat business of the special relationships you have already cultivated.

              Most business owners have it all backward.

              P.S - Yes still in Thailand. taking it easy, will be here I think until Christmas. Am moving over to Koh Phangan though, to live and full moon party on the island everyday.

              P.P.S - I have been charging $5000 for the auto responder service, and $200/mo.
              Easy to do when you can state all the benefits, and they trust you.

              It Does

              • Profile picture of the author Riz
                Profile picture of Riz
                Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                Thanks for the detailed response Mitch - much appreciated.

                I've been charging £499 and £99 to £150 per month for maintenance. After hearing what u charge i think it's time i followed your approach.

                Love the way u break down all the numbers with the owners.


                Originally Posted by jdmitchell View Post



                If I want to increase their business by 25%, there is basically only 3 ways to go about it.

                1. Increase the number of customers (Rarely needed unless a startup, or going out of business)
                2. Increase the size of the average transaction
                3. Increase the frequency of purchase

                In a nutshell, I meet with the owner(s), and find out what they want, and what they are not getting. I find out what their average customer is worth to them in bottom line profit.

                Example: Coffee shop

                Average # of customers per year: 1000
                Average $ gross profit per transaction: $2.50
                Average customer frequency: 3 times per week
                Average length of loyalty: 1 year

                Which means that the "average" customer or client is worth $390
                $2.50 x 3 (times per week) x 52 weeks = $390

                The lifetime value of the average customer in gross profit is $390
                x 1000 = $390,000

                This is how much his business is making on a general and average degree not counting fixed expenses, and any expense that is going to be paid no matter the volume of business, eg: rent.

                If you want to improve his business by 25%, in reality you can do many things. You can:

                1. Improve # of customers by 9%, size of purchase by 8%, and frequency of purchase by 8%

                2. Improve size of purchase by 10%, and frequency by 15%

                The combinations are endless................

                P.P.S - I have been charging $5000 for the auto responder service, and $200/mo.
                Easy to do when you can state all the benefits, and they trust you.
                NEWBIES - Stuck on Technical Issues?

                Ask me For a FREE copy of my upcoming course that will eliminate all your technical gremlins....:
              • Profile picture of the author JHG1981
                Profile picture of JHG1981
                Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                That was a great break down and example of how to boost business!
          • Profile picture of the author BrashImpact
            Profile picture of BrashImpact
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Simply amazing what can transpire when u think out of the box. Thank you so much for sharing and we are now going to implement this. What a fantasic forum.

          • Profile picture of the author jdmitchell
            Profile picture of jdmitchell
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            I know many people that are considering this will have a problem writing a letter, and will probably just use and copy the OP's letter, or the one I posted earlier.

            I believe that the effectivness of the sales letter (or in this case, lead gen letter) is always determined by actual in field testing, and anything else is here say.

            That said, there are fundamentals, and the letter I will post here is a hybrid of what the OP has posted relative to this thread, and as well with parts taken from letters I have actually used successfully.

            This kind of letter works wonders for me. Some of you will see it as crazy with the risk reversal. But I am a Dan Kennedy, and Jay Abraham Mentee, and this is how the big boys do it. It is all numbers, and you can backup your risk reversal without losing money.

            I have very carefully crafted every word, and every line has a reason and meaning behind it.

            This letter fits perfectly to one page. I am going to use this letter for the hell of it to see response. For the vomit bag, or any trick, I am going to attach a small either sticky note, or Half sheet of paper to the front of the letter that says:

            "Does your Website make you sick?"
            "And who in the world would send you a sickness bag?"

            I want to keep the actual letter clean, professional, and gimmick free.

            If any experienced copywriters would like to critique this letter, by all means I would love it.

            Hope this helps somebody with their campaign,


            "Dear Jim,

            Our names are Mitch & Ryan, we are business owners that work with other entrepreneurs in the Miami area who want to cut their entire ad budget in half, and at the same time increase profits by 25%

            Look Jim, we talk to clients every day that are sick of all the money they spend on marketing with random, or no results. Many of us can't even sleep at night, because we are worried about how we can ensure enough customers for the month. Most of our clients are so busy, yet are not experiencing the freedom they thought their business would bring them.

            Sound familiar?

            Would you like to spend less money, effort, time, and actually make more money and freedom than you do/have right now? Would you like to automate your marketing so that customers just flow to you every day without paying for any advertising? We can help.

            So confident in fact, that if you choose to avail yourself to our expertise, and we can't slice your ad budget in half and simultaneously increase your profits by at least 25%, we will return every penny you have invested, and actually give you $100 cash.

            Please be aware that we are only offering this service to 4 businesses in the Salon industry, for the next 30 days only. So if you wish to avail yourself to more information, here's what we'd like you to do:

            1) Call Mitch at 1 604 220 5302 and let him know when you are available to meet for a free, low key chat to talk about your business, goals, and how we can be of service.


            2) Send us an email at and let us know the best time to contact you.

            Thanks Jim, and looking forward to your interest,

            Mitchell Miller & Ryan Demchuk
            Phone: (604) 220 5302

            P.S. - If you are not interested in more customers and more revenue, please forward this letter to one of your neighboring businesses. If they choose to avail themselves of our services, you will receive a $500 referral fee."

            1. Stating we are owners as well, establishes commonalities, trust and rapport.

            2. The city shows we are local, and homebread. Comfort, trust and commonality building.

            3. Immediatley stated the big promise (USP)

            4. "We talk to clients all the time" Social proof. Use of his name again to personalize, and emotionalize.

            5. Then I talk about the problems most business owners have, to stir up the feelings they have been avoiding.

            6. "Sound familiar?" Associate back those feelings to themselves.

            7. Benefits in question form must be answered in the prospects head, and are questions no logical human would say no to.

            8. Better than risk reversal. Takes all the pressure of a decision off of their chest. Buyer can assume no risk.

            9. Next part is exclusivity, pressure stacking, and competition, and date pressure.

            10. Call to action in Double bind format. Two options are really the same thing worded differently.

            11. Used his name again to solidify the letter is personal. Rapport.

            12. Referral option.

            It Does

  • Profile picture of the author tremayne
    Profile picture of tremayne
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I love the ideas I'm seeing here!

    Let me add a possible:

    If you know someone who owns homing pigeons, have a pigeon delivered to a prospect's store with a message tied to its foot. The message would say:

    "Want merchandise to fly off your shelves? Release the pigeon to see how fast your products can go and then call me. My number is xxx-xxx-xxxx."


    Joe Blow
    sig file

    Wealthy Investor Limited

  • Profile picture of the author Samuel Lee
    Samuel Lee
    Profile picture of Samuel Lee
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Interesting and quite unexpected idea! Usually the unusaul idea that is the most profitable! It would be really interesting if you could figure out a way to put your letter copy enclosed inside your vomit bag and mail it people so they see the vomit bag first! Terrifc post! I would definiteily agree that it is really important to have a good mailing list and then learn as much as you can about the businesses you'd be mailing out to - eg. their website, postal address - because it might get a bit costly to get a lot of mailers returned. Hope this helps!
  • Profile picture of the author doylesoft
    Profile picture of doylesoft
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    This marketing strategy makes me green with envy!

    Brandon Doyle Simple, effective, and affordable software. Knowledge Base software.

  • Profile picture of the author lburrell
    Profile picture of lburrell
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Great great thread. I think there is real possibility in this!

    My problems are:

    I understand the theory behind many things discussed here on the forum (auto-responders, landing pages, news letter sign ups, PPC, articles marketing etc etc) however, I am lost on how to actually DO most of them. (I got article marketing down ok haha)

    If I went to a business owner and presented what is presented in this thread, I could def get some to sign up. I've even been approached by biz owners who THINK I know exactly what to do.

    But I don't.

    I know the basics, but to promise them 25% increase in sales and 50% reduction in advertising costs is pretty big.

    How do I (or anyone else like me) go about doing this stuff? I have outsourced web stuff in the past with good success, but I'm lost on how to do implement what a biz owner wants with my specific skills.

    ANY help/suggestions?


    • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
      Profile picture of JohnMcCabe
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by lburrell View Post

      Great great thread. I think there is real possibility in this!

      My problems are:

      I understand the theory behind many things discussed here on the forum (auto-responders, landing pages, news letter sign ups, PPC, articles marketing etc etc) however, I am lost on how to actually DO most of them. (I got article marketing down ok haha)

      If I went to a business owner and presented what is presented in this thread, I could def get some to sign up. I've even been approached by biz owners who THINK I know exactly what to do.

      But I don't.

      I know the basics, but to promise them 25% increase in sales and 50% reduction in advertising costs is pretty big.

      How do I (or anyone else like me) go about doing this stuff? I have outsourced web stuff in the past with good success, but I'm lost on how to do implement what a biz owner wants with my specific skills.

      ANY help/suggestions?


      Lee, you have two options...

      Learn some of this stuff, or find people you can trust to outsource it to.

      You can learn most of what you need (at least in theory) by searching here and on your favorite search engine. Look for demos, tutorials, etc. Once you have the theory down, the mechanics are easy to acquire.

      Finding trustworthy contractors is something that takes some hit or miss until you find the right ones. I don't do much, so about the only tip I can give you is to have more than one source for everything (graphics, programming, writing, etc.)

      If you look at increasing sales in increments over time, it's not that hard. As a post further up showed, it's a matter of compounding gains in number of sales, average sale value and frequency of purchase.

      As far as reductions in ad spend, if they are making more money selling to existing customers, they don't have to spend as much money acquiring new customers.

      Neither the increase in sales or reduction in costs are going to be instantaneous. It will take time to hone in on the right combination of things that accomplish the objective for a given client. In other words, you still have to test...
  • Profile picture of the author jrapisarda
    Profile picture of jrapisarda
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I absolutely love this forum! It's always nice to see threads like this. Good work!
  • Profile picture of the author jnapier
    Profile picture of jnapier
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Several years ago I owned an ad specialty ad agency. So, anything you can put a logo or text on - I sold it. We sold the items through a consultative sales process (Item + Distributution = more sales).

    I'd like to suggest that there are some great ad specialty companies available who'd be happy to supply a catalog or ideas to you.

    You might be sending out a letter to a dentist. "Brush up your website for a healthy shine to your practice".....and don't forget the toothbrush keychain

    You could also take some hair and put it in a baggie. Put together a nice letter and put that in a priority mail envelope. "How to keep from Pulling YOUR hair out online". "Tired of Hair today - gone tomorrow web designers?"

    There are tons of ideas to get peoples attention - but don't forget that the quickest - least expensive way to get peoples attention is the simply make a Phone Call.

    Jay NaPier

    Do LIVE webinars on FACEBOOK... Yes, you can attract an audience for your webinar on Facebook MeetCheap

    • Profile picture of the author Black Hat Cat
      Black Hat Cat
      Profile picture of Black Hat Cat
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      How about using dirty diapers?

      "Do You Have a Crappy Web Site?"
    • Profile picture of the author ShayB
      Profile picture of ShayB
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      You know, when you think about it, you can do this kind of thing with almost anything.

      I am looking around my house and seeing things that the kids have or I have and came up with these ideas in about 5 minutes:
      1. Plastic toy fish - "Are you FISHING for more customers?" "Are you FISHING for ideas?"
      2. Giant play money - tons of ways to use that. (I mean play money that is about 5 times the normal size for a bill.)
      3. Pens - "We have the "WRITE" ideas to help your website be better..."
      4. Frog stickers - "Are you "HOPPY" with your website? We can make it better!"
      Those were just a few ideas. Use your imagination.
      "Fate protects fools, little children, and ships called Enterprise." ~Commander Riker
    • Profile picture of the author tkaasbell
      Profile picture of tkaasbell
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

      Thanks for sharing all the detail. The barf bag was a great idea. Pure Dan Kennedy stuff.

    • Profile picture of the author Steve Sanchez
      Steve Sanchez
      Profile picture of Steve Sanchez
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      It's amazing how one great idea spurs so many others in just a short time. It might have something to do with all of the creative minds on this blog. Very awesome.
    • Profile picture of the author philleep
      Profile picture of philleep
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      interesting idea. sounds very good.Can't imagine how many great ideas are out there
  • Profile picture of the author jbarnes77777
    Profile picture of jbarnes77777
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Great post Laird,

    1. Do you guys think having a return address makes any difference?
    2. What do you think about printing out lables vs. hand writing the addresses?

    Thanks for sharing.
    • Profile picture of the author MrYossu
      Profile picture of MrYossu
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by jbarnes77777 View Post

      2. What do you think about printing out lables vs. hand writing the addresses?
      Hand-written is definitely better IMO. Bear in mind that many people sort their mail over the wastebin, and printed addresses screams "JUNK" loudly. A hand-written address is more likely to get the envelope opened.

      Takes a bit longer, but worth the effort.

      As with everything, your mileage may vary, but this seems to be the consensus of opinion that I have heard on the subject.

      Ta ra

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    • Profile picture of the author Maria Gudelis
      Maria Gudelis
      Profile picture of Maria Gudelis
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by jbarnes77777 View Post

      Great post Laird,

      1. Do you guys think having a return address makes any difference?
      2. What do you think about printing out lables vs. hand writing the addresses?

      Thanks for sharing.

      Hand writing is definitely the way to go...huge response rate difference.

      I outsource this to an outside company to do for me - they handwrite the address and stick a real stamp on the envelop.

      Brand NEW: How To Dominate Facebook SEO - LIVE Coaching - Closes SOON! Get In Now Click Here

      • Profile picture of the author jbarnes77777
        Profile picture of jbarnes77777
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Thanks Maria you really put it in to perspective for me.

        What do you think about the idea of having a return address on the letter vs not having a return address?

        Originally Posted by Maria Gudelis View Post

        Hand writing is definitely the way to go...huge response rate difference.

        I outsource this to an outside company to do for me - they handwrite the address and stick a real stamp on the envelop.
      • Profile picture of the author jimbo3891
        Profile picture of jimbo3891
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by Maria Gudelis View Post

        Hand writing is definitely the way to go...huge response rate difference.

        I outsource this to an outside company to do for me - they handwrite the address and stick a real stamp on the envelop.
        When we did marketing in years past, we would buy the largest (size not postage amount) stamp that was the prettiest that you could buy. The standard FLAG stamp was a "NO-NO" in what we were doing. Commeratives were always a winner. NEVER, NEVER, NEVER use a postal meter or today - PC Postage. Always use a really nice and large stamp.

        James Dunn
        Athens, GA

  • Profile picture of the author stanli
    Profile picture of stanli
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    brilliant use of lumpy mail, you might want to write it up as a quickie course or pose it as opt-in bait.
  • Profile picture of the author JustVisiting
    Profile picture of JustVisiting
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    You probably 'pulled-off' one of the most effective direct mailshots ever
    "...If at first you don't succeed; call it Version 1.0"
  • Profile picture of the author tallman
    Profile picture of tallman
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    This has been amazing to say the least. I've picked up more here in 20 mintues
    than I believed possible.

    Thanks for all the unique and interesting insights.

    Nobody cares how much YOU KNOW,
    until THEY KNOW, how much you care.

    • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
      Profile picture of JohnMcCabe
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by jdmitchell View Post

      Also I guarantee 50% reduction and 25% increased sales not for fun, but I actually CAN guarantee it. We crunch their numbers. I get right in there, and know every detail. MY skill allows me to do much better than that in most cases....most cases we are increasing business by 1-300%. It is very easy, and not a testament to my skill (which is still limited, and junior) but that most companies are frankly inept, and under optimized. Remember this is just a lead generation letter, and actual negotiations happen later.
      With access to proper information, I can see how you could guarantee increased sales. Without control of the ad spend, though, I don't see how you can guarantee that part. Must be something in your contract...

      Originally Posted by jdmitchell View Post

      All of this is true, and well said. Damn John, you ARE devious
      A perspective that has no doubt helped you immensely in your career, but
      maybe caused some drama with the girls? :p
      Hah! I've been happily married for over 27 years, and there really hasn't been any serious drama in that department in 30...

      It has helped me steer clear of some pretty clever scams and pretty poor deals. When I buy something, I drive the salespeople crazy when I sit there and actually read the contract.

      Had one guy get antsy and just tell me to strike through anything I didn't like. I was tempted to cross out the whole payment section, but stuck with simply crossing out all the little 'gotchas' - extra fees, penalties for very likely things, hidden continuity and insurance stuff - all the usual crapola. He looked at what I crossed out, tore up the contract and threw me out...
      • Profile picture of the author jdmitchell
        Profile picture of jdmitchell
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by JohnMcCabe View Post

        Without control of the ad spend, though, I don't see how you can guarantee that part. Must be something in your contract...
        I understand what you are saying. For me, I go through a process of teaching them as well. When I show them how to increase biz, and lower ad spend, most see that they are throwing away money and wouldn't want to overspend anymore. Basically John, I don't let them get away with it
        And If they are stubborn, conniving, or!

        It Does

  • Profile picture of the author OmarNegron
    Profile picture of OmarNegron
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    cool tactic. Never would have thought a vomit bag would make so much sense.

    Thanks for sharing bro.

  • Profile picture of the author jimcal
    Profile picture of jimcal
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Chuck one up for some great marketing. Once you get a few sales, you will be more confident and it will be easier to charge more. Businesses really need a lot of help today.

    Index Annuity Guide

    • Profile picture of the author haridasz
      Profile picture of haridasz
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Wow! I wonder if they sell this vomit bag in the supermarket.
      I used to work in the airlines and had plenty of encounters with these bags.

      Did you mail it as normal post or was it hand delivered?
      I didn't know you could do this with the post office.

  • Profile picture of the author John W.G.
    John W.G.
    Profile picture of John W.G.
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I'd like to know where you got the barf bags at that price.

    I've been looking around and most of the ones I see on the net have some type of goofy design.
  • Profile picture of the author laird
    Profile picture of laird
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    • Profile picture of the author Steve1776
      Profile picture of Steve1776
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by laird View Post

      Wow. Take off for the weekend and no internet access and this thread took off.


      Autoresponders...Use aweber or getresponse. I'm looking into some per-site install applications as well since some of these folks want to host and run it themselves (which is fine by me) fact, I might hire a programmer to whip up one for me which I can then resell to my clients for one time and allows me to walk away.


      PS - Moooooooooooo!
      Do you have an affiliate link for aweber or getresponse? If I'm going to profit from your idea you should too.

      Thanks for the info and the inspiration.

      You can get anything you want if you help enough other people get what they want.
      Losers fail and quit. Winners fail until they succeed.
      Indecision is worse than the wrong decision. You can fix a wrong decision, you can't fix indecision.

  • Profile picture of the author AntonFan
    Profile picture of AntonFan
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  • Profile picture of the author smartsites
    Profile picture of smartsites
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Ha. I like that a lot! Maybe you could send them one and say after you visited their website you had to barf so you thought they could use this too! Just Kidding...

    I build Facebook Messenger Chatbots and Provide Training. Feel free to check out my demo bot

  • Profile picture of the author laird
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    • Profile picture of the author John W.G.
      John W.G.
      Profile picture of John W.G.
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      Originally Posted by laird View Post

      2) Brown kraft envelope with window - "Official Notice. Forfeiture of Funds."

      Includes second version of the original letter in courier font and red stamped with a Response Due By date (had it made at Staples or Office Depot a number of years ago).


      What is a brown kraft envelope look like and what does "Official Notice. Forfeiture of Funds." mean? Probably a stupid question but I don't get it.
      • Profile picture of the author laird
        Profile picture of laird
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        • Profile picture of the author rmx
          Profile picture of rmx
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Originally Posted by laird View Post

          Here's an example of the envelope:
          24lb. Kraft Envelope with Window

          The "Forfeiture of Funds" on the outide, placed just above the window, duplicates a typical IRS mailing notification. The "Forfeiture" addresses the "loss" of income they're missing out on with their existing website.

          Be CAREFUL of the IRS type of mailing. It could backfire.

          A number of years ago, I did something similar for a client. In that case it was a highly regulated industry and we made the envelope look similar to the kind they would receive from the government agency that governed that industry. People in the industry live in fear of that getting something in the mail from them, like most of us do about getting something from the IRS.

          The results? Won't do it again.

          It got opened but be also got a fair number of angry people. Even though if they looked the envelope for more than a few seconds they would realize it wasn't from the goverment agency, the ones that complained thought it was real and made them mad (some said it scared them) and they felt tricked.

          There are too many cute, fun lumpy mail ideas that people would enjoy getting to take the risk of making prospects mad.

          • Profile picture of the author laird
            Profile picture of laird
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Originally Posted by rmx View Post

            Be CAREFUL of the IRS type of mailing. It could backfire.

            A number of years ago, I did something similar for a client. In that case it was a highly regulated industry and we made the envelope look similar to the kind they would receive from the government agency that governed that industry. People in the industry live in fear of that getting something in the mail from them, like most of us do about getting something from the IRS.

            The results? Won't do it again.

            It got opened but be also got a fair number of angry people. Even though if they looked the envelope for more than a few seconds they would realize it wasn't from the goverment agency, the ones that complained thought it was real and made them mad (some said it scared them) and they felt tricked.

            There are too many cute, fun lumpy mail ideas that people would enjoy getting to take the risk of making prospects mad.

            I've done this before in several industries and vertical niches - none of which was "highly regulated" and I would caution against doing so in that type of environment. This is a second email only going to those that failed to respond at all to the initial mailing....Caveat venditor!

  • Profile picture of the author Michael Silvester
    Michael Silvester
    Profile picture of Michael Silvester
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi Guys,

    Great thread!

    I love the lumpy mail idea's. If you want to know
    where to get most of this stuff you can visit
    Mitch Carsons website Promotional Products, Dimensional Items and Tradeshow Giveaways!

    Her has some really good stuff there. Like Shredded Money
    boomerangs and a needle in a haystack

    I have some pictures in this thread

    Take Care,

    Michael Silvester
    • Profile picture of the author Lloyd Buchinski
      Lloyd Buchinski
      Profile picture of Lloyd Buchinski
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Michael Silvester View Post

      I love the lumpy mail idea's. If you want to know
      where to get most of this stuff you can visit
      Mitch Carsons website Promotional Products, Dimensional Items and Tradeshow Giveaways!
      I just checked out a bit of this site and it is really good, with a
      front page mailing idea right along the lines of this thread. The
      mailer is a bank deposit bag, with suggested slogans like "You'll
      need this to take your money to the bank."

      Do something spectacular; be fulfilled. Then you can be your own hero. Prem Rawat

      The KimW WSO

    • Profile picture of the author jimbo3891
      Profile picture of jimbo3891
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Michael Silvester View Post

      Hi Guys,

      Great thread!

      I love the lumpy mail idea's. If you want to know
      where to get most of this stuff you can visit
      Mitch Carsons website <<<<Link removed so I could post>>>>

      Her has some really good stuff there. Like Shredded Money
      boomerangs and a needle in a haystack

      Link removed so I could post.

      Take Care,

      Michael Silvester
      Thanks Michael.

      Visited the site quickly and immediately came up with another idea - don't know if someone had already mentioned it here. Send them an empty keyring (maybe with the little key tag attached or not - don't have an opinion here) and the tag line "Missing the key to profiting from your web site?"

      I don't know, this may sound too cheesey. Any thoughts????

      James Dunn
      Athens, GA

      • Profile picture of the author AndrewCavanagh
        Profile picture of AndrewCavanagh
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        Originally Posted by jimbo3891 View Post

        Send them an empty keyring (maybe with the little key tag attached or not - don't have an opinion here) and the tag line "Missing the key to profiting from your web site?"

        I don't know, this may sound too cheesey. Any thoughts????

        I quite like this idea.

        If your contact details were on the keyring it might also increase the chance that they get back to you.

        Kindest regards,
        Andrew Cavanagh
        • Profile picture of the author jimbo3891
          Profile picture of jimbo3891
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Originally Posted by AndrewCavanagh View Post

          I quite like this idea.

          If your contact details were on the keyring it might also increase the chance that they get back to you.

          Kindest regards,
          Andrew Cavanagh
          "We've got the key to maximizing your web site"

          Then follow it up with your contact details - maybe on the other side of the key tag?

          What do you think.

          James Dunn
          Athens, GA

        • Profile picture of the author chrisnegro
          Profile picture of chrisnegro
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Originally Posted by AndrewCavanagh View Post

          I quite like this idea.

          If your contact details were on the keyring it might also increase the chance that they get back to you.

          Kindest regards,
          Andrew Cavanagh
          Yes...I like the idea of the key chain also...nice additional spin on the contact details on the key chain Andrew !


          Chris Negro

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    • Profile picture of the author 4morereferrals
      Profile picture of 4morereferrals
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      I just whipped up a piece for demo - took about 10 min's

      Im not copywriter - obviously. But this is the piece I could send from the system in a clear envelope - in lumpy mail with 99% certainty that it would get opened. Id take screen shots of the client site and make note on the images with photoshop ... put those on the inside - put the Sales Letter on one of the other 3 available panels - in my own handwriting - system does that for me ... and its signs my name too :-)

      Hit send ... done. Just havin some fun gang ....

      Rank Ascend Network - High PR Links / Guaranteed Rankings Increase
      • Profile picture of the author Big Till
        Big Till
        Profile picture of Big Till
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        The barf bag is a great idea. I was doing some searching and found some cool ones. They can be found at store dot sicksaver dot com. I will be trying them out soon.

        Keep the ideas coming.
        • Profile picture of the author BFMedia
          Profile picture of BFMedia
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Originally Posted by Big Till View Post

          The barf bag is a great idea. I was doing some searching and found some cool ones. They can be found at store dot sicksaver dot com. I will be trying them out soon.

          Keep the ideas coming.
          As many of us did, I went on a wild hunt for barf bags (also called vomit bags, sickness bags, etc...), and although the sick saver bags listed above are cool, be warned that they do contain the URL on the bag.

          I didn't want that, as I didn't want my prospects to be any more confused than they already are!

          So, after searching, I found this really neat husband and wife team on ebay, who at one point in time bought literally thousands and thousands of plain white barf bags, and are now selling them in small lots (25 or 100) for what ends up being only like .30 each!

          Here is the link to one of their ebay auctions (of course, not an affiliate link):

          I ordered a batch of 100 Sunday night, and she shipped them early Monday morning, so they are quite prompt. They're coming from Connecticut, and I should have them in my office tomorrow! So excited!

          Hope this helps those who are looking for a smaller quantity of plain white barf bags
  • Profile picture of the author xlfutur1
    Profile picture of xlfutur1
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    Excellent post, and thanks for posting results of the mailing too. This sounds like something right out of the Gary Halbert playbook.
  • Profile picture of the author xlfutur1
    Profile picture of xlfutur1
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    You mentioned that this was an endorsed mailing by your CPA.

    Did he/she put an endorsed letter in the package along with your letter then?
    • Profile picture of the author laird
      Profile picture of laird
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by xlfutur1 View Post

      You mentioned that this was an endorsed mailing by your CPA.

      Did he/she put an endorsed letter in the package along with your letter then?
      Sorry for the biggest results have been from the endorsed letter from my CPA. I did the vomit bag independent of it.

  • Profile picture of the author lburrell
    Profile picture of lburrell
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I want to do this so bad cause I know it will work! My skills just suck and I want to be able to stand by my services!!

    Could I pay someone to "mentor" me through the first couple??

    PM me if interested.
    • Profile picture of the author AndrewCavanagh
      Profile picture of AndrewCavanagh
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      In reality it's not too difficult to get a business owner to call you by using some form of direct mail or even email.

      Most people will drop the ball in the way they talk to the business owners who do call.

      You do have to learn how to ask questions and build rapport with business owners if you want to get hired and you REALLY have to avoid coming across as a sales person.

      In many cases a business owner's curiosity will be enough to get him to call you but he might make several calls like this a week where he's just trying to find out what the deal is and pretty much eliminate you as having anything valuable to offer.

      The key is in asking intelligent questions and demonstrating that you're genuinely interested in him, his business and what he wants out of his business and helping him get those things with genuine customized solutions that you implement.

      The direct mail letter or first approach is just that...the first step in what can be a lengthy process of getting hired.

      Kindest regards,
      Andrew Cavanagh
      • Profile picture of the author 4morereferrals
        Profile picture of 4morereferrals
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Finally ... it was said!

        All this talk about how some 18 yr olds [no offense to you guys - im just old and jealous ] w/ no website, no prior skills, no portfolio of current clients, no testimonial letters, No Nada, in sandals and boardshorts rolls into a business and strolls out straight to the bank with a $2,000 check ... ok.

        Im sure its been done and can be done - but the reality is - its a sales process like all others

        Originally Posted by AndrewCavanagh View Post

        In reality it's not too difficult to get a business owner to call you by using some form of direct mail or even email.

        Most people will drop the ball in the way they talk to the business owners who do call.

        You do have to learn how to ask questions and build rapport with business owners if you want to get hired and you REALLY have to avoid coming across as a sales person.

        In many cases a business owner's curiosity will be enough to get him to call you but he might make several calls like this a week where he's just trying to find out what the deal is and pretty much eliminate you as having anything valuable to offer.

        The key is in asking intelligent questions and demonstrating that you're genuinely interested in him, his business and what he wants out of his business and helping him get those things with genuine customized solutions that you implement.

        The direct mail letter or first approach is just that...the first step in what can be a lengthy process of getting hired.

        Kindest regards,
        Andrew Cavanagh
        Rank Ascend Network - High PR Links / Guaranteed Rankings Increase
  • Profile picture of the author cowboymark
    Profile picture of cowboymark
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Great idea. In the printing industry, at Christmas we printed 4 rolls of nice and exquisite wrapping paper which came in it's own custom case. It was a huge success. Keep the great marketing ideas coming!
  • Profile picture of the author Scott Peterson
    Scott Peterson
    Profile picture of Scott Peterson
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    How about going to the interview with a bit of green makeup to make it look like you are sick? And if he gives you any grief, I can see the "fake" vomit bag being used!

    Ok, well, that may be going a bit too far!

  • Profile picture of the author Kirk Ward
    Kirk Ward
    Profile picture of Kirk Ward
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    Originally Posted by laird View Post

    While my biggest gains have been as a result of an endorsed mailing that my CPA did in exchange for my redoing his website, on Tuesday I mailed 140 physical mailers....vomit bags.
    While the idea of an "endorsed" mailing is great, your "CPA" is taking a tremendous risk. If they did not ask their clients for permission to let you send a letter, before they prepared the tax return, then what they did with you was highly illegal. they should read IRS reg. 7216.

    Anyone else considering this idea should try to either find a different sponsor, or have the accountant get permission before they prepare the tax return. It can cost a bunch in fines. The IRS is concentrating heavily on this reg.

    They even consider the taxpayers name confidential tax information

    "We are not here to sell a parcel of boilers and vats, but the potentiality of growing rich beyond the dreams of avarice."

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  • Profile picture of the author Kate Davies
    Kate Davies
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    Local internet marketing in the UK
    Only the businesses who can be found online will succeed. Improve online visibility with
  • Profile picture of the author Steven Carl Kelly
    Steven Carl Kelly
    Profile picture of Steven Carl Kelly
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    Excellent idea. Also, please note that the domain "" is still available as of this posting...


    My offline marketing is limited, basically, to my live seminars. Next time I do a mailing, I'm going to grab the "photo processing envelope" idea and include a sales letter that starts:

    "Picture this..."

    and ends with

    "Get the picture?"

    Now, rather than ripoff a bunch of envelopes from Walmart, I'm going to buy a case of 1,000 photo envelopes from Mackay Mitchell. Here's a link (NOT an affiliate link, though it looks like it):

    Order Envelope 5 1/2 x 10 x 1: MackayMitchell Photopak a leader in photo envelopes and digital packaging.

    You can get 1,000 for under 7 cents a piece. Worth every penny, because you KNOW people are going to open them. Who could receive a photo mailer and NOT open it?

    Good stuff, thanks OP and Laird.
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  • Profile picture of the author rlnorthcutt
    Profile picture of rlnorthcutt
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    Handwritten address increases the read rate by a HUGE margin.

    I usually put a return address without a name (just the address).

    Brian Boffini is a real estate marketing trainer that teaches people to actually HAND WRITE THE LETTER as well. It really increases the response rate, and actually increases the retention... ie. people will hold on to the letter.

    I have seen some people actually get "interns" from a local college for free to do the writing. They often get some school credit if you do it right. Of course, paying them helps too.

    Putting something else in the letter (like one of the ideas above) is good, and can get people to open/remember the letter.

    The key is to get past their filters by inciting their curiosity.

    • Profile picture of the author MichaelBSoftware
      Profile picture of MichaelBSoftware
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      Kirk Ward,

      Back in 1990, the Government seized the Mustang Ranch brothel in Nevada for tax evasion and, as required by law, tried to run it. They failed and it closed. Now we are trusting the economy of our country to a pack of nit-wits who couldn't make money running a whore house and selling booze?

      LMAO.....hilarious, but sadly true.....

      great ideas on this thread - thanks to all - how about a single puzzle piece with your picture on it...

      I'm the missing piece to your marketing puzzle....
  • Profile picture of the author rlnorthcutt
    Profile picture of rlnorthcutt
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    One more thing - Holiday cards!

    You can get them pretty cheaply online, and even have them printed with your message. Everyone knows what a card looks/feels like and if it have a theme and hits around the holidays, it WILL get opened.

    We have some good ones coming up:
    - Valentine's day - Get your customers to spread the LOVE
    - St. Patricks day - You don't have to be LUCKY, you just have to work with us.
    - Easter - There is not need to pay EGGstravagant prices for high quality marketing


    The trick is to put together a good LIST of prospects that fit your niche, and then mail to them repeatedly until they contact you (7 times at least). If you used all major holidays, you would build up some nice momentum.

  • Profile picture of the author Steven Carl Kelly
    Steven Carl Kelly
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    Yeah (OP = Laird), I don't know what I was thinking.
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  • Profile picture of the author david-forer
    Profile picture of david-forer
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    Just wanted to thank everyone who has posted to the thread. As a fairly new warrior member I am finding a wealth of information and will be taking the next step. As someone who has been i sales for the last 18 years the relationship is the key. How do you build a relationship? Ask a lot of questions as it shows you care about them and their business.
  • Profile picture of the author nyrsimon
    Profile picture of nyrsimon
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    Did anybody find a good place to purchase the barf bags?

    I found these ones but they have no "universal symbol for barfing" (LMAO) on it - although good, I suspect the symbol is what makes this.....

    Motion Sickness Bag - White Large 4.5 x 2.5 x 9.25, Paper Bags

  • Profile picture of the author nyrsimon
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  • Profile picture of the author kswr123
    Profile picture of kswr123
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    for the cash cow, do you how much do you guys charge per month to send out their messgages through Aweber?
  • Profile picture of the author haridasz
    Profile picture of haridasz
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    he uses aweber / get response. I saw it written somewhere in the post.
  • Profile picture of the author dmhinman
    Profile picture of dmhinman
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    Does sound interesting. I have done 2 different direct email programs and not 1 single sale. Dont use blast4traffic, thats for sure. (my opinion)
  • Profile picture of the author laird
    Profile picture of laird
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    I received 4 more emails and 1 phone call from my initial mailing. None of them resulted in any business. I'm pretty happy with what I managed to get from a sub-$200 investment. Rinse and Repeat Obviously.

    Second mailer DID NOT go out purely due to laziness and time constraints put in place from the "real job".

    Referral-development is the second-tier of my Offline Cash Cow system (get down with the OCC!) and I'm putting into place methods involving "ethical bribes" - $100 for each referral or Free month of service. Most businesses know at least the owners/managers of the businesses to either side of them, so I'm hoping peer (business to business) reviews of my services will build traction and more clients.

    • Profile picture of the author xlfutur1
      Profile picture of xlfutur1
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      Originally Posted by laird View Post


      I received 4 more emails and 1 phone call from my initial mailing. None of them resulted in any business. I'm pretty happy with what I managed to get from a sub-$200 investment. Rinse and Repeat Obviously.

      Second mailer DID NOT go out purely due to laziness and time constraints put in place from the "real job".

      Referral-development is the second-tier of my Offline Cash Cow system (get down with the OCC!) and I'm putting into place methods involving "ethical bribes" - $100 for each referral or Free month of service. Most businesses know at least the owners/managers of the businesses to either side of them, so I'm hoping peer (business to business) reviews of my services will build traction and more clients.

      Thanks for the updates Del. Real world results and figures are really appreciated, as is this thread to begin with. I think its brilliant. If anyone else has results from this mailing, please post.
  • Profile picture of the author bat55w
    Profile picture of bat55w
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    This is a GREAT spontaneous online brainstorming session. Super marketing ideas. This forum is so great. Imagine having people worldwide contribute fun ideas like this. I love it!!!!!
  • Profile picture of the author Lewis Turner
    Lewis Turner
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    • Profile picture of the author BrashImpact
      Profile picture of BrashImpact
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      i have barf bags, with the letter in em, I am bribing people i know too give it too business owners as a leave behind, i am getting Immediate Referral from my people or recommendation, and when the client calls, I pay em 200.00 if i close them on anything. and 15% of Net earnings on That client for life. Live the life of Abundance rather that lack thereof.

      Now, i gotta SCALE up my PEEPS leave behinds.

      Questions anyone drop me a PM

      • Profile picture of the author 4morereferrals
        Profile picture of 4morereferrals
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by RobertNelsoninc View Post

        i have barf bags, with the letter in em, I am bribing people i know too give it too business owners as a leave behind, i am getting Immediate Referral from my people or recommendation, and when the client calls, I pay em 200.00 if i close them on anything. and 15% of Net earnings on That client for life. Live the life of Abundance rather that lack thereof.

        Now, i gotta SCALE up my PEEPS leave behinds.

        Questions anyone drop me a PM
        Dude ... send the prospects the card - in a irresistable - 100% guaranteed Opened box with goodies in it - cookies. Here's how to scale it ...

        Upload your prospect list into the system. Create the card / campaign. Insert your message. Mail merges in your own handwriting and with your own signature. Hit Send. Done.

        1 or 100,000 pieces go like magic - your budget is the only limitation to the scaling. $14 bux a unit.

        If you pay 5 referral fees + recurring in a month - thats over a $1k. You send 65 of these, follow up and close yerself ... keep the quid. 5% close ratio is 4 clients - saved the recurring.

        "We'll make your site generate cash - not make you toss your cookies"

        Plus your sales letter on the inside of the card ...

        Rank Ascend Network - High PR Links / Guaranteed Rankings Increase
        • Profile picture of the author BrashImpact
          Profile picture of BrashImpact
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          Originally Posted by 4morereferrals View Post

          Dude ... send the prospects the card - in a irresistable - 100% guaranteed Opened box with goodies in it - cookies. Here's how to scale it ...

          Upload your prospect list into the system. Create the card / campaign. Insert your message. Mail merges in your own handwriting and with your own signature. Hit Send. Done.

          1 or 100,000 pieces go like magic - your budget is the only limitation to the scaling. $14 bux a unit.

          If you pay 5 referral fees + recurring in a month - thats over a $1k. You send 65 of these, follow up and close yerself ... keep the quid. 5% close ratio is 4 clients - saved the recurring.

          "We'll make your site generate cash - not make you toss your cookies"

          Plus your sales letter on the inside of the card ...

          send me a PM i got my ears on !! Having great success with the leave behinds though.
          Robert BTW, love the pic on the barf bag.. .Hilarious

  • Profile picture of the author TheRichVillain
    Profile picture of TheRichVillain
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    offline is not the way to go. there is a big investment required to enter the direct mail market. you can easily make $500/day without going offline or investing all that upfront cash!
    "Move over Rich Jerk, here comes the Rich Villain!

    Daily Paypal Payouts, 70% Commission, Best Conversions Ever!"
    • Profile picture of the author BrashImpact
      Profile picture of BrashImpact
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      Originally Posted by TheRichVillain View Post

      offline is not the way to go. there is a big investment required to enter the direct mail market. you can easily make $500/day without going offline or investing all that upfront cash!
      Ummm.. not the last time i checked villian, unless, that offer u r making at the bottom of your sig line is inaccurate. Big investment, i have nothing invested in marketing til a sale is made, well almost, some time, no investment monetarily. I read your offer ? Do you have noobs who are using it ? R u posting there results anywhere ? I can tell u, offline is just another stream, just like multiple campaings online. U need a bunch of em to get paid correctly, online, offline, inbetweenline , in your home country, out of the country, and inbetween as well.

      Offline is a Goldmine

      Robert Nelson

      • Profile picture of the author jnapier
        Profile picture of jnapier
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        Originally Posted by RobertNelsoninc View Post

        Ummm.. not the last time i checked villian, unless, that offer u r making at the bottom of your sig line is inaccurate. Big investment, i have nothing invested in marketing til a sale is made, well almost, some time, no investment monetarily. I read your offer ? Do you have noobs who are using it ? R u posting there results anywhere ? I can tell u, offline is just another stream, just like multiple campaings online. U need a bunch of em to get paid correctly, online, offline, inbetweenline , in your home country, out of the country, and inbetween as well.

        Offline is a Goldmine

        Robert Nelson
        Here's a great way of really putting it. Would you rather be JUST ANOTHER PLUMBER in the yellow pages....

        Or the guy who left a refrigerator magnet on the fridge when he was installing the water line for that refrigerator???

        Offline has WAY LESS competition.

        Todays Google is Yesterdays Yellow Pages..... You just have a bigger opportunity OFFLINE!

        Jay NaPier

        Do LIVE webinars on FACEBOOK... Yes, you can attract an audience for your webinar on Facebook MeetCheap

    • Profile picture of the author MrYossu
      Profile picture of MrYossu
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      Originally Posted by TheRichVillain View Post

      offline is not the way to go. there is a big investment required to enter the direct mail market. you can easily make $500/day without going offline or investing all that upfront cash!
      Well, I guess each to his/her own, but I have been struggling with IM for the past year or more, and have basically made nothing.

      After reading the original Cash Cow thread, I spent around $45 mailing 50 local businesses by letter. This was before I read this thread, using a variation of the original Cash Cow letter. I only got one response, but a 45 minute chat with the business owner turned that one into over $2000/year recurring income.

      A friendly chat with a local shop owner I know (cost=zero) turned into a one-off job for around $1500, PLUS a $3600/year recurring income.

      I had a plumber here the other day, and as I was paying him at the end, we got chatting about how business is, and how he finds new customers. The chat took about 30 minutes, and resulted in a $1500 one-off job, plus a $3240/year recurring income.

      So I guess you're right, there's a huge investment in going offline, and it's not worth it

      I don't think I'll EVER look at IM again! This offline stuff is just too exciting. The upfront costs are incredibly low compared to the results, and people are crying out for this.

      I can't imagine going back to fighting for SE positions, paying through the nose for PPC in the hope that I can beg someone to buy my e-book instead of spending ten minutes searching for the same info free!

      As I said, to each his own, but for me, this idea has been the most exciting thing that's happened to my bank balance for a long time.

      Ta ra

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      • Profile picture of the author M4UNow
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        • Profile picture of the author maildigger
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          What do you guys charge for which jobs? You don't use fix prices?
          • Profile picture of the author MrYossu
            Profile picture of MrYossu
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            Originally Posted by maildigger View Post

            What do you guys charge for which jobs? You don't use fix prices?
            I tend to work off an idea of what they'll make.

            For example, if they say that they have 100 walk-in customers a week, and the average spend is around $40, with approximately 20 of them coming back again, then I can say that if I were to increase the return rate to 50 of them, that's an extra 30 sales, or $1200 per week. Supposing you could bring in another 30 new customers each week, that's another $1200 per week, resulting in a total increase in income of almost $10,000 per month.

            I go through this while sitting with the potential client. I watch for the reaction, but it's usually one of excitement by this point.

            Once you've pointed out how much they can make, you pick a monthly figure that's minimal in comparison, say around 5-10% of the extra income. In this case, I might pitch my services at between $500 and $1000 per month.

            I have found that when you present it like that, they are usually very open to the price.

            Hope this helps

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            • Profile picture of the author w123
              Profile picture of w123
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              LOTS of awesome ideas to try in this thread! Thanks to all!
            • Profile picture of the author a2dsilva
              Profile picture of a2dsilva
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              do you or anyone else know if there is a worksheet (aka sheet of paper) which would serve as a calculator to work out the below in an organized fashion.

              I envision sitting with the business owner, bringing out this sheet and asking him the details as mentioned below.

              After the computation on the sheet I would like to write the outcome below and hand the owner the sheet for them to keep. The sheet would also be branded with my information for them to contact me again.

              The sheet can potentiall cover three scenarios:
              • Increase over purchase order of each customer
              • Increase the number of customers
              • Increase the frequency of purchases from customer
              each can be tied back to how email marketing and a direct response website can help.

              I've tried creating one of these before but am not very good at visualizing the numbers and how they fit together BUT if I can understand what is written on the sheet anyone else can so I'll make a good tester!

              Originally Posted by MrYossu View Post

              I tend to work off an idea of what they'll make.

              For example, if they say that they have 100 walk-in customers a week, and the average spend is around $40, with approximately 20 of them coming back again, then I can say that if I were to increase the return rate to 50 of them, that's an extra 30 sales, or $1200 per week. Supposing you could bring in another 30 new customers each week, that's another $1200 per week, resulting in a total increase in income of almost $10,000 per month.

              I go through this while sitting with the potential client. I watch for the reaction, but it's usually one of excitement by this point.

              Once you've pointed out how much they can make, you pick a monthly figure that's minimal in comparison, say around 5-10% of the extra income. In this case, I might pitch my services at between $500 and $1000 per month.

              I have found that when you present it like that, they are usually very open to the price.

              Hope this helps
              • Profile picture of the author MrYossu
                Profile picture of MrYossu
                Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                Originally Posted by a2dsilva View Post


                do you or anyone else know if there is a worksheet (aka sheet of paper) which would serve as a calculator to work out the below in an organized fashion.

                I envision sitting with the business owner, bringing out this sheet and asking him the details as mentioned below.

                After the computation on the sheet I would like to write the outcome below and hand the owner the sheet for them to keep. The sheet would also be branded with my information for them to contact me again.

                The sheet can potentiall cover three scenarios:
                • Increase over purchase order of each customer
                • Increase the number of customers
                • Increase the frequency of purchases from customer
                each can be tied back to how email marketing and a direct response website can help.

                I've tried creating one of these before but am not very good at visualizing the numbers and how they fit together BUT if I can understand what is written on the sheet anyone else can so I'll make a good tester!

                I just scribble this down on a piece of paper while I'm with the client, and tell them the bottom line. I've never had anyone ask me for a copy. I think that as long as you explain how you are using the numbers, so that they can see that it's genuine, they're probably only going to be interested in the end numbers.

                Having said that, if you want to leave them with something, it would be pretty simple to knock up a worksheet in Word (or whatever). You would just do exactly what I described, leaving blanks for the numbers. You would fill in the numbers that the business owner gives you on the first few lines, then do the calculation on those numbers on the next couple of lines.

                Hope this helps

                P.S. (a few minutes later...) I just did a quick Word doc to show you what I mean. You'll need to check I set it out right as I'm dog-tired and might have made a mistake There's an example, based on the numbers I used earlier. Hope this helps.

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        • Profile picture of the author MrYossu
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          Originally Posted by M4UNow View Post

          Great post.
          That just about sums it up for a lot of us.
          Great job.
          Ooh, somebody liked something I wrote!

          I am proud

          Turbocharge your backlinks with RSS Autopilot!
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  • Profile picture of the author maildigger
    Profile picture of maildigger
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    Can someone briefly explain to me what steps need to be taken to implement this method (between convincing the business owner and sending out targeted mailings).

    I do understand that you need a program like adweber, but how do you get customers to sign up for the mailinglist? Do you have to change the businessowner website? Is this difficult? Does anyone has an example from how this would look?

    At the moment I'm not seeying this missing link !! Thanks 4 the help !!
    • Profile picture of the author Kristi Lane
      Kristi Lane
      Profile picture of Kristi Lane
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      This is an off-shoot of a very popular thread:
      If you search the main forum for "cash cow" there are many related threads.


      update: the original cash cow thread has been deleted.
    • Profile picture of the author BrashImpact
      Profile picture of BrashImpact
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by maildigger View Post

      Can someone briefly explain to me what steps need to be taken to implement this method (between convincing the business owner and sending out targeted mailings).

      I do understand that you need a program like adweber, but how do you get customers to sign up for the mailinglist? Do you have to change the businessowner website? Is this difficult? Does anyone has an example from how this would look?

      At the moment I'm not seeying this missing link !! Thanks 4 the help !!
      maildigger, goo to WSO offers and get scott millions WSO on the CASH cow GOLD, it will be plenty too get u started. Then repost your questions after you have rehashed the material 3 or 4 times.
      Good Luck
      Robert Nelon

      • Profile picture of the author maildigger
        Profile picture of maildigger
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by RobertNelsoninc View Post

        maildigger, goo to WSO offers and get scott millions WSO on the CASH cow GOLD, it will be plenty too get u started. Then repost your questions after you have rehashed the material 3 or 4 times.
        Good Luck
        Robert Nelon
        OK, thanks !!
        • Profile picture of the author 4morereferrals
          Profile picture of 4morereferrals
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Maildigger ...

          You might also look at Chris Endres posts and threads started.

          He had a great one about his system. To me its one of the best methods Ive seen. The only missing element or the part I diverge from his "system" is how to make the business owners aware of the site to go to. He likes to walk into their businesses.

          He has setup a blog like site that shows how & what he will do for the business owner - how it will work - with an optin form.

          the AR series talks about the many benefits of having an optin list to market to customers. Kinda nifty.

          Personally im not into the walking around to businesses part - when I can drive them to take action at $15 per business. Send 10 to net 1 - or thereabouts - more would be nice. My way may take follow up phone cals, to me thats a no brainer vs. Mall Walking - your choice I guess.

          Just some thoughts ...
          Rank Ascend Network - High PR Links / Guaranteed Rankings Increase
  • Profile picture of the author humpysmith
    Profile picture of humpysmith
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Excellent idea with the sick bags, i'm going to start my cash cow next week so all ideas are welcome to me.
  • Profile picture of the author twocolor
    Profile picture of twocolor
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    This information is amazing! You guys rock!

    Thank you!

  • Profile picture of the author shurets1
    Profile picture of shurets1
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    This is awesome!
    thanks for inspiring me!
  • Profile picture of the author BFMedia
    Profile picture of BFMedia
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hey all!

    I was inspired by the vomit bags from the first second I read it last week, and quickly ordered a stack of them. As of last night, I successfully prepared each and every one of them for mailing, and they look FANTASTIC. I know this sounds biased out of my own personal excitement, but seriously, how could someone NOT open one of these things!!??

    My first mailing campaign using the confidential stamp (and I followed directions to the "T") produced ZERO results. Was a little let down...but certainly not out of the game. This time, I'm expecting at least SOME contact, if not a lot. I took my time selecting the business owners who would receive them, so we'll see if it pays off.

    Total vomit bags being sent today - 80.

    I will report back later this week with how many responses I receive from them. I'm expecting at least 10 responses (even if they are "no thanks" ones). Hopefully I can land a few fat gigs out of my efforts!

    Talk soon,

    • Profile picture of the author a2dsilva
      Profile picture of a2dsilva
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by BFMedia View Post

      Hey all!

      I was inspired by the vomit bags from the first second I read it last week, and quickly ordered a stack of them. As of last night, I successfully prepared each and every one of them for mailing, and they look FANTASTIC. I know this sounds biased out of my own personal excitement, but seriously, how could someone NOT open one of these things!!??

      My first mailing campaign using the confidential stamp (and I followed directions to the "T") produced ZERO results. Was a little let down...but certainly not out of the game. This time, I'm expecting at least SOME contact, if not a lot. I took my time selecting the business owners who would receive them, so we'll see if it pays off.

      Total vomit bags being sent today - 80.

      I will report back later this week with how many responses I receive from them. I'm expecting at least 10 responses (even if they are "no thanks" ones). Hopefully I can land a few fat gigs out of my efforts!

      Talk soon,

      Hi Ryan, it's been about 2 weeks since you mailed out the second batch. Are the results in? Did you get responses?

      Let us know.
  • Profile picture of the author webbizwidgets
    Profile picture of webbizwidgets
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    That's a very creative idea.

    Thanks for sharing....
  • Profile picture of the author certifying
    Profile picture of certifying
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    It sounds Great!
    I work with CPV only
  • Profile picture of the author John W.G.
    John W.G.
    Profile picture of John W.G.
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I think these are the bags that people are looking for with the barfing symbol:

    Sick Saver Barf Bags

    • Profile picture of the author BFMedia
      Profile picture of BFMedia
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by John Gottshall View Post

      I think these are the bags that people are looking for with the barfing symbol:

      Sick Saver Barf Bags

      I just wanted to bring this up again, John (I did earlier in the thread) - the "SickSaver" bags are pretty awesome, however, there are two things that you might want to consider before ordering:

      1. They are branded with the website. (Could be confusing to your prospects).
      2. They are quite expensive compared to the plain ones you can get off of ebay from a husband and wife that sell them in lots of 25 or 100.

      Again, just thought I would bring this up. It may not be a big deal for some, but I didn't want my prospects to think it was a promotion from

      PM me if you want to know where I got mine, I'll dig up a link to their ebay store (they end up being like .30 each). I posted it earlier in this thread but I'm a bit lazy at the moment
  • Profile picture of the author Traffic101
    Profile picture of Traffic101
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Great brainstorming and thinking outside the box. I love it. A person told me also to look at old flyers you get in the mail and to use something similar for your online marketing strategy, but you guys are being really original and clever. Thumbs up!
  • Profile picture of the author Sheila
    Profile picture of Sheila
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    Money only exchanges hands when you give something of value. So, no it's not like going to bed and waking up with money in your paypal account, but it took work for that person to create their product and sell it, too. Both methods are still cash cows once the systems are set up. right? I think it's just a matter of how you look at it.

    Here's another idea for lumpy mail - it's a way to brand yourself at the same time, if tying yourself to a barf bag isn't the exact image you want to portray :-) Btw, no offense to those who are using barf bags - I'm all for having fun with marketing, and that idea certainly fits the bill!

    But here's another idea to throw into the mix . . .

    If you make an audio of what you want your business owner to know (basically, you sales letter), you could go to, have them put the CD into a DVD case and mail it to your business owners for you - all for under $4 - and it's probably something the owner (or his staff) wouldn't throw away. You'd want to target your audience, of course, because $4 a pop could add up. But, I'm sure it'd be effective - it's worked in other industries!
    • Profile picture of the author Kristi Lane
      Kristi Lane
      Profile picture of Kristi Lane
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      Originally Posted by Sheila View Post


      If you make an audio of what you want your business owner to know (basically, you sales letter), you could go to, have them put the CD into a DVD case and mail it to your business owners for you - all for under $4 - and it's probably something the owner (or his staff) wouldn't throw away. You'd want to target your audience, of course, because $4 a pop could add up. But, I'm sure it'd be effective - it's worked in other industries!
      Did you mean

      As far as the branding goes, I see your point but from the small sample presented it seems the recipients thought the use of material was creative rather than negative. Personally, I've never watched or listened to a dvd or audio cd that was sent unsolicited. They definitely got round-binned.

    • Profile picture of the author jimbo3891
      Profile picture of jimbo3891
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      Originally Posted by Sheila View Post

      Money only exchanges hands when you give something of value. So, no it's not like going to bed and waking up with money in your paypal account, but it took work for that person to create their product and sell it, too. Both methods are still cash cows once the systems are set up. right? I think it's just a matter of how you look at it.

      Here's another idea for lumpy mail - it's a way to brand yourself at the same time, if tying yourself to a barf bag isn't the exact image you want to portray :-) Btw, no offense to those who are using barf bags - I'm all for having fun with marketing, and that idea certainly fits the bill!

      But here's another idea to throw into the mix . . .

      If you make an audio of what you want your business owner to know (basically, you sales letter), you could go to, have them put the CD into a DVD case and mail it to your business owners for you - all for under $4 - and it's probably something the owner (or his staff) wouldn't throw away. You'd want to target your audience, of course, because $4 a pop could add up. But, I'm sure it'd be effective - it's worked in other industries!
      When I was in the financial services industry, I was a "pro voice" on something called an Audio Business Card. This was basically a CD in a DVD type case where we interviewed the financial planner. I provided the prospect with a good overview - in a non threatening manner - of what the planner did, how he worked with people, etc. However, these were not mailed out - they were given to the prospect in person. Funny thing was, people would NOT throw these out - even if they didn't do any business with the planner. I've been in offices years later and the person would still have one of these on their bookshelf. Can't say the all were round binned, but I know that some weren't. These were costing the planner about $15 each (in quantities of 1,000), so the $4 a pop is pretty reasonable. But, I would probably not just mail them out willy-nilly.

      Something I've used in the past - not sure yet how to word the letter to introduce it - is a nice, clean, crisp dollar bill attached to the letter with a gold paper clip (these have become hard to find though). Maybe something like, "Does your web site bring more of these into your business? Or is it costing you money and not bringing anything extra to you?" Kinda lame, but that's just an "off the cuff comment". Could probably spend a little time with it and come up with something good.

      Another thing would be the Golden Dollars - if you could get them. They add bulk to an envelope and their unique. I've used $2 bills when I could get crisp ones. Basically, we've tried tons of things in the financial services business - just to be different from everyone else out there.

      Good luck to everyone. I'm working on this slowly - just getting it going.

      James Dunn
      Athens, GA

      • Profile picture of the author 4morereferrals
        Profile picture of 4morereferrals
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        Yup - we have 800 of them here in the office from one of our producers. Cold Call Cowboy was the promotion back in the day. Doubt they get tossed - as they are pretty nice ... with the special mailing box/envelopes they have for the cools cases ... and the trick artwork and graphics for the cases - these were $20+ each.

        They may not get tossed but rarely do they get listened to - sadly.

        The system I use for lumpy mail has the ability to include a dvd for marketing this system to others for affiliate overides if they get onboard with it. Well done video and or audio can be included for only $.50!!! But I dont bother sending them anymore - they straight in the trash.

        out of 200 sent out and followed up on - 2 watched/listened. Not worth the landfill space IMHO.

        Now what I send out get 100% open rate, 90+% read rate, and very high recall rate when we call and follow up - if they dont call us. We still only get 1-1.5% response rate, but our ability to have a reporte with the business owner and / or the gatekeeper has totally been tranformed ...

        Originally Posted by jimbo3891 View Post

        When I was in the financial services industry, I was a "pro voice" on something called an Audio Business Card. This was basically a CD in a DVD type case where we interviewed the financial planner. I provided the prospect with a good overview - in a non threatening manner - of what the planner did, how he worked with people, etc. However, these were not mailed out - they were given to the prospect in person. Funny thing was, people would NOT throw these out - even if they didn't do any business with the planner. I've been in offices years later and the person would still have one of these on their bookshelf. Can't say the all were round binned, but I know that some weren't. These were costing the planner about $15 each (in quantities of 1,000), so the $4 a pop is pretty reasonable. But, I would probably not just mail them out willy-nilly.

        Something I've used in the past - not sure yet how to word the letter to introduce it - is a nice, clean, crisp dollar bill attached to the letter with a gold paper clip (these have become hard to find though). Maybe something like, "Does your web site bring more of these into your business? Or is it costing you money and not bringing anything extra to you?" Kinda lame, but that's just an "off the cuff comment". Could probably spend a little time with it and come up with something good.

        Another thing would be the Golden Dollars - if you could get them. They add bulk to an envelope and their unique. I've used $2 bills when I could get crisp ones. Basically, we've tried tons of things in the financial services business - just to be different from everyone else out there.

        Good luck to everyone. I'm working on this slowly - just getting it going.
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        • Profile picture of the author jimbo3891
          Profile picture of jimbo3891
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          That's what it was - "Cold Call Cowboy" - I had forgotten the name of the one that I saw. There were several "copycats" as well and I worked with some people that produced their own. We even did some of the small CD's for some of the promotions. I never heard what the actual "listened to" results were from some of these people were. I know that they were telling me that they were being taken more seriously because the potential client perceived "value" from the expensive looking product they had been given.

          At one time, I had a small booklet that listed about a hundred ideas for sending out "bulky" packages. It had both the suggestion of what to use as well as the verbiage to use in your letter. Regardless, I'm still convinced that you MUST have something on the outside that gets the client to open it and read it.

          I knew one guy that was sending out pens to make his envelope bulky. Shoot, when I get those, I usually shuck that pen right out and the rest goes in the trash. I guarantee you that it takes more than making the package bulky to get the prospect to actually read your letter. The thing that makes it "bulky" has got to grad their attention in a manner that makes them take that second look.

          When I used to teach business owners about marketing (direct mail), I reminded them that most busy business owners open their mail over a trash can. And that's if they open their mail personally. If there's a gatekeeper that sorts through the mail first, you want to make sure that they don't get what's in the envelope, keep it, and discard your sales piece. If they do, then you've lost the opportunity to get their attention.

          We had an excellent FedEx rate with our business in years past. We could sent a FedEx package for just under $6 until about a year ago. We would FedEx things across town just to make sure it got the prospects attention, actually got to them, and actually got opened. Gatekeepers rarely open those FedEx packages - they usually get to the intended person. You could hire a teenager, make him up a courier shirt complete with logo, and have him deliver packages as a private courier - similar to the FedEx concept, but totally under your control. As long as you are marketing in a reasonable delivery area, a teen could do it effectively and efficiently (time and money wise).

          Maybe this will generate some additional ideas that others can help flesh out.

          James Dunn
          Athens, GA

          • Profile picture of the author TimCastleman
            Profile picture of TimCastleman
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            You could hire a teenager, make him up a courier shirt complete with logo, and have him deliver packages as a private courier - similar to the FedEx concept, but totally under your control. As long as you are marketing in a reasonable delivery area, a teen could do it effectively and efficiently (time and money wise).
            Being next to a large university we have no shortage of people looking to make a $100 for a day's worth of work. We find the prettiest girl and the hottest guys and send them to businesses as a courier. Think we had a problem getting to the person who is in charge?

            I know, I'm a pig but my bank doesn't seem to have a problem cashing checks.

            • Profile picture of the author jimbo3891
              Profile picture of jimbo3891
              Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
              I love the idea of using a "pretty college girl" and we've got plenty of them here in Athens, GA. And I know that this works very well. I'm a woodworker - my former business and passion when I need to relax. A couple of weeks ago I went to this year's Woodworking Show. After being there about two hours, I pointed something out to my wife. The booths that were the busiest were the ones that had young girls with low cut tops on that were bending over to fill out sales slips, demonstrate tools, etc. The girls didn't even have to be pretty - but most of them were. The older men of the bunch just saddled on up to the tables - purchasing things that were neither new nor innovative - just to get a quick shot down these girls tops. I know because I watch people as another pastime and I watched these people closely. Even my wife noticed it.

              Years ago, I was on the trade show circuit. One of the things we would do to get people to come to our booth was hire a pretty young lady in a short skirt and low cut top to shine shoes. We would pay them $100 a day to do it for us and she would make $200, sometimes $300, and once I even saw one take home an extra $500 in tips.

              I tell my 18 YO daughter - "men are pigs". She doesn't believe me yet, but I can demonstrate it with things like we're talking about here. Sorry to say that we men are so simple, but we are. Sorry ladies - we're built that way.

              James Dunn
              Athens, GA

    • Profile picture of the author jficarro
      Profile picture of jficarro
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Sheila View Post

      But here's another idea to throw into the mix . . .

      If you make an audio of what you want your business owner to know (basically, you sales letter), you could go to, have them put the CD into a DVD case and mail it to your business owners for you - all for under $4 - and it's probably something the owner (or his staff) wouldn't throw away. You'd want to target your audience, of course, because $4 a pop could add up. But, I'm sure it'd be effective - it's worked in other industries!

      Sounds like a good idea, esp. for $4, but that site is "under construction". What's up with that?
  • Profile picture of the author Rivers Corbett
    Rivers Corbett
    Profile picture of Rivers Corbett
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Very cool Del!! Thanks for the script...very very helpful!
    • Profile picture of the author Steve1776
      Profile picture of Steve1776
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      By Randy Gage
      February 7th, 2009
      I'm doing something unusual today, in that I'm going to post the "Randy's Rants" newsletter that went out today.

      Mind if I copy and distribute the letter?

      You can get anything you want if you help enough other people get what they want.
      Losers fail and quit. Winners fail until they succeed.
      Indecision is worse than the wrong decision. You can fix a wrong decision, you can't fix indecision.

    • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
      Profile picture of JohnMcCabe
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      On what to put on an envelope to get it opened, I got one the other day that definitely got my attention...

      Normal 6x9 mailing envelope, not hand-addressed or anything. Except it had the red 'Confidential' stamp and 'Caution: photograph inside' printed near the address. :confused:

      The contents were pretty worthless, but the envelope went in my swipe file...
      • Profile picture of the author jimbo3891
        Profile picture of jimbo3891
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by JohnMcCabe View Post

        On what to put on an envelope to get it opened, I got one the other day that definitely got my attention...

        Normal 6x9 mailing envelope, not hand-addressed or anything. Except it had the red 'Confidential' stamp and 'Caution: photograph inside' printed near the address. :confused:

        The contents were pretty worthless, but the envelope went in my swipe file...
        This gives me the idea of how to use the "Pepto Bismol" or "Antacid" idea without using the actual product. I had been trying to think of ways to get multiple copies of coupons for the products to use, but couldn't come up with a solution - even using all the Coupon Mom type sites that there are out there. Regardless, use a product photo of the item - antacid, Pepto, etc. and put "Do Not Bend - Photo Enclosed" on the outside of the envelope. It's not misleading because there would be an actual photo inside (print them for about $0.15 each at a 1 hour photo place - even less in quantity with a coupon) and put them in the envelope.

        James Dunn
        Athens, GA

  • Profile picture of the author Steve1776
    Profile picture of Steve1776
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    You can use priority mail.

    You can get anything you want if you help enough other people get what they want.
    Losers fail and quit. Winners fail until they succeed.
    Indecision is worse than the wrong decision. You can fix a wrong decision, you can't fix indecision.

  • Profile picture of the author dwshoup
    Profile picture of dwshoup
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    what ingenuity, I would never thought of using a vomit bag for an envelope. I can't even imagine if I would open it or not if I received one in the mail.
    The main thing is that it worked for you and I am thrilled for your successful campaign
  • Profile picture of the author Steveb2u
    Profile picture of Steveb2u
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    clever way to get their attention....kudos to you!
  • Profile picture of the author TheInternetWorkshop
    Profile picture of TheInternetWorkshop
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Freekin' brilliant - thanks for sharing!
  • Profile picture of the author rmholla
    Profile picture of rmholla
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    How about one of those small magnifying glass items with something along the line of "Having trouble seeing results from your marketing efforts? Call for a free 15 minute consultation."
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  • Profile picture of the author laird
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    • Profile picture of the author jimbo3891
      Profile picture of jimbo3891
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      Originally Posted by laird View Post

      Wow! Lots of great ideas being shared.

      There are literally TONS of great marketing trinkets available for mailings. My favorite source is Oriental Trading Company. Everything from shaped erasers to magnifying glasses to beanie babies, etc.

      The local "Dollar Tree" and "Dollar Store" as well as "Dollar General" have tons of great stuff as well. Plus "BigLots" sometimes have some really neat stuff that you can use. I've also found several wholesalers online that sell a TON of little trinket stuff for very little money. My wife is an SMC member (yes, the one that Tom Bosley used to promote) and she's got a catalog full of stuff like that as well. There are tons of sources and tons of ideas that I've seen through the years. I just hate it that this is a marketing technique that "worked so well, I quit using it". I can't tell you how many people I've known that have done that through the years.

      James Dunn
      Athens, GA

  • Profile picture of the author racso316
    Profile picture of racso316
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    wow lol that is funny
  • Profile picture of the author TrafficGuy Claude
    TrafficGuy Claude
    Profile picture of TrafficGuy Claude
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Thats awesome, I think its worth a serious try!
  • Profile picture of the author rlnorthcutt
    Profile picture of rlnorthcutt
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    This is a bit strange, but since the thread started with "vomit bags" I suppose its worth mentioning.

    A broker I used to work for is a genius at unique marketing techniques... his goal is to get agents to sign up for his 100% commission brokerage (with a monthly fee, etc.). Here are a few of the more zany ideas:

    1) He actually got some blank check sheets (with the check on the top third and the rest is blank for invoice, details, etc.). He would obviously mark the check a "sample" or "invalid" and put XXXX in the price field, and then use the blank page for the sales letter.

    Then he put it into a regular windowed envelope and it looks like a real check. Coupled with some humor to take the "edge" off of the trick, and he got a good response rate. I find it hard to imagine anyone throwing away what looks like a check in the mail.

    2) This was a crazy one... he created a business card coupon for a free seminar and put it in a small envelope. This went into a slightly larger envelope, and then a slightly large one, etc... I think it was like 4 or 5 envelopes total.

    THEN he took the recipient's business card and pasted it to the outside (with the address circled) and no return address. He sent these out a few weeks after collecting the cards.

    Not sure what the response was on that one as I left right after... but its a crazy idea.

    • Profile picture of the author a2dsilva
      Profile picture of a2dsilva
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      I like the cheque Idea.. I've got cheques lying around that I've never used but am not sure if I want ppl to know my a/c numbers... but a fake looking cheque printed from my computer with Sample written on it - That's GOLD!

      The curiosity effect would be too much... This is goin in the swipe file for my offline clients to use.
    • Profile picture of the author jimbo3891
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      Originally Posted by rlnorthcutt View Post

      This is a bit strange, but since the thread started with "vomit bags" I suppose its worth mentioning.

      A broker I used to work for is a genius at unique marketing techniques... his goal is to get agents to sign up for his 100% commission brokerage (with a monthly fee, etc.). Here are a few of the more zany ideas:

      1) He actually got some blank check sheets (with the check on the top third and the rest is blank for invoice, details, etc.). He would obviously mark the check a "sample" or "invalid" and put XXXX in the price field, and then use the blank page for the sales letter.

      Then he put it into a regular windowed envelope and it looks like a real check. Coupled with some humor to take the "edge" off of the trick, and he got a good response rate. I find it hard to imagine anyone throwing away what looks like a check in the mail.

      2) This was a crazy one... he created a business card coupon for a free seminar and put it in a small envelope. This went into a slightly larger envelope, and then a slightly large one, etc... I think it was like 4 or 5 envelopes total.

      THEN he took the recipient's business card and pasted it to the outside (with the address circled) and no return address. He sent these out a few weeks after collecting the cards.

      Not sure what the response was on that one as I left right after... but its a crazy idea.

      This is one of those "obvious" marketing things that we probably miss many times. How many times have you gotten one of these (looks like a check) in the mail? You open if and find it is almost a "REAL" check, but it's only valid to purchase that company's luggage or something like that.

      But, along those lines, you could buy Quick Books (or off brand) 1-up check stock and print your own "check" that the customer can use as a $$$$ off value to your services. That way, it looks and feels like a real check, and actually has value if the business owner decides to "cash" it in. I know that the check stock is fairly expensive, but it is probably no more expensive than all the other ideas we've discussed here.

      Good luck and hope someone comes on with some success stories soon.

      James Dunn

      James Dunn
      Athens, GA

      • Profile picture of the author MrYossu
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        Originally Posted by jimbo3891 View Post

        This is one of those "obvious" marketing things that we probably miss many times. How many times have you gotten one of these (looks like a check) in the mail? You open if and find it is almost a "REAL" check, but it's only valid to purchase that company's luggage or something like that.
        Personal opinion here, but when I realise it's a fake cheque, it goes in the bin far faster than normal junk mail would.

        I don't like being tricked. If I got a vomit bag, or one of the other ideas here, it would make me smile, and I wouldn't feel cheated about opening it. The cheque would annoy me though.

        Just my 2c, but worth considering. Not trying to be rude or offensive, but I don't like this idea.

        Remember, the ultimate idea is not getting them to open the envelope. That's a means to an end. The ultimate idea is to get them to contact you. Annoying them that they've been tricked isn't likely to get them to do that.

        Ta ra

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        • Profile picture of the author jimbo3891
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          Originally Posted by MrYossu View Post

          Personal opinion here, but when I realise it's a fake cheque, it goes in the bin far faster than normal junk mail would.

          I don't like being tricked. If I got a vomit bag, or one of the other ideas here, it would make me smile, and I wouldn't feel cheated about opening it. The cheque would annoy me though.

          Just my 2c, but worth considering. Not trying to be rude or offensive, but I don't like this idea.

          Remember, the ultimate idea is not getting them to open the envelope. That's a means to an end. The ultimate idea is to get them to contact you. Annoying them that they've been tricked isn't likely to get them to do that.

          Ta ra
          I've always been told that I'm strange - definitely true. But, I think the reason I actually open stuff and read it - even if I'm being tricked - is because I'm studying it to see what can work, what can be modified to work, and what is garbage. I have ten times more junk that I feel will not work in my files as I do things that I feel will work. That's why it's good to bring it all out in a forum like this. Someone like you can look at this from a different perspective than I do and point out the thing that should be obvious to me if I weren't looking beyond my own personal reaction. Thanks for the comments.

          James Dunn

          James Dunn
          Athens, GA

        • Profile picture of the author Scott Burton
          Scott Burton
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          Originally Posted by MrYossu View Post

          Personal opinion here, but when I realise it's a fake cheque, it goes in the bin far faster than normal junk mail would.

          I don't like being tricked. If I got a vomit bag, or one of the other ideas here, it would make me smile, and I wouldn't feel cheated about opening it. The cheque would annoy me though.

          Just my 2c, but worth considering. Not trying to be rude or offensive, but I don't like this idea.

          Remember, the ultimate idea is not getting them to open the envelope. That's a means to an end. The ultimate idea is to get them to contact you. Annoying them that they've been tricked isn't likely to get them to do that.

          Ta ra
          We all have our own things that will turn us off from a mailer.

          If the Check were, upon opening the envelope not a check, but a voucher for 'x' free (or say $195 off a $195 consultation), would you still feel cheated?

          Just looking for thoughts and ideas of how we can further improve upon a direct mail piece.

          I usually look at those things that 'look like a check' through the envelope window, and glance at the return address.

          I'll still open it, but if it is an offer of "up to $5,000 pre-qualified loan" or "$279" toward the purchase of a $495 product, it gets destroyed.

          If it costs me something more than you've sent me, then it's only a gimmick. If you are giving me something of value and using the 'check' as a way of letting me get it free, then that's another story to me.

          BTW - From what I can find in a quick web search, I can get 1000 sheets (with the perforated check page at the top or bottom, still blank) for under $40 . So it might be worthwhile on some offers.

          - = Signature on Vacation = -
          (We all need a break from what we do for a living. I thought it was time my signature got a break too)

          • Profile picture of the author MrYossu
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            Originally Posted by Scott Burton View Post

            We all have our own things that will turn us off from a mailer.

            If the Check were, upon opening the envelope not a check, but a voucher for 'x' free (or say $195 off a $195 consultation), would you still feel cheated?
            Nope, I would be happy with that - assuming it was something that interested me in the first place, but that's a separate issue.

            I think it's the idea of being tricked into opening junk that would annoy me. If you are offering me something of genuine value, then it's not junk.

            Ta ra

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            • Profile picture of the author Curleyjohn
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              Originally Posted by MrYossu View Post

              Nope, I would be happy with that - assuming it was something that interested me in the first place, but that's a separate issue.

              I think it's the idea of being tricked into opening junk that would annoy me. If you are offering me something of genuine value, then it's not junk.

              Ta ra
              I agree that tricking people is not the way to go but I think that if you give it some thought, the check idea could be great.

              My idea is to make it a part of a bird dog campaign. Send it out like you normally would but maybe have the customer give the check to the person they refer, to be proof of the referral. Of course the original client's name with the referral amount would be on the check. At your meeting with the referral you could present them with a check to pass along. IDK jus thinking out loud.

              How about those small travel size bathroom supplies?
              Deodorant: Does your website traffic STINK?
              Mouthwash: " " " " "
              Soap: " " " " "
              Toothpaste: Does your internet marketing campaign need some polishing?
              Sewing Thread: Is you website holding on by a thread?
              Small magnifying glass: I can't seem to find your (type of business here) on the internet......Is it in small font?
  • Profile picture of the author jficarro
    Profile picture of jficarro
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    Excellent thread. Fantastic ideas. I am really going to try to find some barf bags.

    @Jay... The dentist thing is great, but HAIR??? I would be really grossed out if someone sent me hair in the mail. Might be a little too far out.

    This is truly a fantastic forum.
  • Profile picture of the author rlnorthcutt
    Profile picture of rlnorthcutt
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    I was in a toy store yesterday and saw some fake "pirate gold"... I thought is could be a great trick to use - bulky but light.

    Maybe put a few in the envelope and then start the sales letter with something like:

    "Don't miss out on the buried treasure in your business"

    "Do you get the gold?"

    "This is a golden opportunity to get a huge discount on our SEO package"

    "Don't let pirates take your gold - be sure to work with a professional that brings the gold to you!"

    "This letter is a map to online treasure"

    "We will walk the plank if we can't bring you more online gold!"

  • Profile picture of the author twannahiga
    Profile picture of twannahiga
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    An unexpected idea that's for sure! The stranger marketing ideas are great because no one has usually thought of them yet! Many thanks for the inspirational post. Gives us a whole host of weird and wonderful ideas! Thanks!
  • Profile picture of the author SlickSki
    Profile picture of SlickSki
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    Nice idea. Thanks for sharing it with all of us. I'm sure that grabbed people's attention!
  • Profile picture of the author meisters
    Profile picture of meisters
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    That is amazing email marketing campaign. Great job you have done, laird.

  • Profile picture of the author laird
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  • Profile picture of the author Agung Prabowo
    Agung Prabowo
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    great post and great info
    • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
      Profile picture of JohnMcCabe
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      f the Check were, upon opening the envelope not a check, but a voucher for 'x' free (or say $195 off a $195 consultation), would you still feel cheated?

      Just looking for thoughts and ideas of how we can further improve upon a direct mail piece.

      I usually look at those things that 'look like a check' through the envelope window, and glance at the return address.

      I'll still open it, but if it is an offer of "up to $5,000 pre-qualified loan" or "$279" toward the purchase of a $495 product, it gets destroyed.
      In addition to the return address, I usually glance at the postage. If it has a real stamp, it's better than a postage meter (or metre for my UK friends), which is better than a pre-printed postage permit.

      First class postage is better than "standard mail" - the new term for bulk rate. "Presort" also indicates a bulk mailing.

      To be clear, when I say something is "better" in this post, I mean "more likely to get a positive reaction or feeling from me before opening." And that's all it means.
      • Profile picture of the author MrYossu
        Profile picture of MrYossu
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        Originally Posted by JohnMcCabe View Post

        In addition to the return address, I usually glance at the postage. If it has a real stamp, it's better than a postage meter (or metre for my UK friends), which is better than a pre-printed postage permit.
        In the interests of accuracy, in the UK a "metre" is 100 centimetres, and a "meter" is a machine used for measuring things (like electricity, etc) or for franking envelopes.

        It's the Americans who confuse matters by using "metre" for both

        Ta ra

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        • Profile picture of the author jimbo3891
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          Originally Posted by MrYossu View Post

          In the interests of accuracy, in the UK a "metre" is 100 centimetres, and a "meter" is a machine used for measuring things (like electricity, etc) or for franking envelopes.

          It's the Americans who confuse matters by using "metre" for both

          Ta ra
          <GRIN> Actually we use "meter" for both.

          James Dunn
          Athens, GA

          • Profile picture of the author MrYossu
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            Originally Posted by jimbo3891 View Post

            <GRIN> Actually we use "meter" for both.
            Aaaaaaargh!!!! Dumb stupid typos

            I knew that really - honest!

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  • Profile picture of the author Haltingpoint
    Profile picture of Haltingpoint
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second do you guys get started doing offline work when you can only spare a little time in the evenings during the week and your weekends? Do you find people care that you have a day job?
    • Profile picture of the author jficarro
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      Originally Posted by Haltingpoint View Post do you guys get started doing offline work when you can only spare a little time in the evenings during the week and your weekends? Do you find people care that you have a day job?
      You've got to start somewhere. In some cases, a "job" is the mechanism for meeting tons of business people. Particularly if you are constantly meeting business owners, conversations always end up being about "I noticed your website.... Are you marketing online?... etc.

      I am winding up a project management gig that I took on a favor for a friend of mine. I've been compensated very generously, but I really need to focus on IM (online and off). However, the experience has introduced me to dozens of business owners and every one of them is a prospect for me. They are all very excited to discuss ways to improve their business. Heck, even the workers and employees become prospects. I have worked out trades for everything from painting and carpentry work on my house, to graphic editing.

      As soon as you feel comfortable that you have enough paying clients, you can make a decision to go full time or not.

      Good luck - this stuff can be really fun and rewarding.
      • Profile picture of the author Haltingpoint
        Profile picture of Haltingpoint
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        Originally Posted by jficarro View Post

        You've got to start somewhere. In some cases, a "job" is the mechanism for meeting tons of business people. Particularly if you are constantly meeting business owners, conversations always end up being about "I noticed your website.... Are you marketing online?... etc.

        I am winding up a project management gig that I took on a favor for a friend of mine. I've been compensated very generously, but I really need to focus on IM (online and off). However, the experience has introduced me to dozens of business owners and every one of them is a prospect for me. They are all very excited to discuss ways to improve their business. Heck, even the workers and employees become prospects. I have worked out trades for everything from painting and carpentry work on my house, to graphic editing.

        As soon as you feel comfortable that you have enough paying clients, you can make a decision to go full time or not.

        Good luck - this stuff can be really fun and rewarding.
        Thanks for the thoughtful response. So lets say I'm sending out direct mail pieces to prospects or going door to door, and these are not referrals coming to me asking for my services. How do you say to them "I want to do business with you, but I have to do it on the side and I'm unavailable from 9-5 during the week."
        • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
          Profile picture of JohnMcCabe
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          Originally Posted by Haltingpoint View Post

          Thanks for the thoughtful response. So lets say I'm sending out direct mail pieces to prospects or going door to door, and these are not referrals coming to me asking for my services. How do you say to them "I want to do business with you, but I have to do it on the side and I'm unavailable from 9-5 during the week."
          Controlled availability may actually make you look more valuable if you handle it right.

          Get a hold of Dan Kennedy's book on time management and look at the hoops you'd have to jump through to talk to him. Phone calls by appointment only, and then only during predefined times. Must be preceded by a fax outlining the nature of the call.

          I'm not saying you need to be that extreme, at least until you have Kennedy's track record and client list, but limiting availability doesn't have to be an issue.

          Besides, which sounds more like a successful professional?

          "I'd love to explore working with you on a project. I've found it most productive to schedule initial consultations in the evening or on Saturdays when we can both minimize distractions. Let me know which you prefer, and I'll give you the first available slot."


          "I'm desperate and I'll meet you whenever you say. Here's my home phone, my cell number, my fax, all my emails. Don't worry, I'll drop whatever I'm doing just for the chance to get your business."
        • Profile picture of the author jimbo3891
          Profile picture of jimbo3891
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          Originally Posted by Haltingpoint View Post

          Thanks for the thoughtful response. So lets say I'm sending out direct mail pieces to prospects or going door to door, and these are not referrals coming to me asking for my services. How do you say to them "I want to do business with you, but I have to do it on the side and I'm unavailable from 9-5 during the week."
          Hey Haltingpoint.

          Your problem is one we used to "create" to make people think we were extremely busy.


          "Mr. Dunn usually reserves time to return telephone calls between _____ and _____. That way he can keep his attention focused on creating solutions for clients during the ______ part of the day. Additionally, we find that evenings and Saturdays are best times for personal appointments to help minimize distractions from telephone calls, employees, and even customers. Besides, during the business day, your main focus is probably on your business and the customers that you must serve as well. I see that we have some time available either Tuesday or Thursday - which one of those works best for you?"

          This creates a scarcity mentality. It appears that you block out certain times to focus on specific tasks so as to minimize distractions. It also appears that your time is both limited and very valuable. That automatically creates the "value" that you are delivering to the client.

          As I said, your situation - properly packaged - is the exact situation that we always tried to create. I worked a full time, rotating shift job, while working in the financial services industry. During that time, only people that knew me outside of either job knew that I was working the full time job in the plant. All others, just assumed that I was a very busy person. The facade worked until I could get completely out of the other job and 100% into the financial services business.

          Don't be afraid our your situation. People only deserve to know enough about your life outside of your "business" to actually choose to do business with you. I used to make that mistake - telling the customer everything. Most have neither the desire not the time to worry about what you're doing other than working on their situation. Most business owners just want results. As long as you can deliver the results, they are quite happy with that.

          Good luck with this.

          James Dunn

          James Dunn
          Athens, GA

          • Profile picture of the author Haltingpoint
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            Originally Posted by jimbo3891 View Post

            Hey Haltingpoint.

            "Mr. Dunn usually reserves time to return telephone calls between _____ and _____. That way he can keep his attention focused on creating solutions for clients during the ______ part of the day. Additionally, we find that evenings and Saturdays are best times for personal appointments to help minimize distractions from telephone calls, employees, and even customers. Besides, during the business day, your main focus is probably on your business and the customers that you must serve as well. I see that we have some time available either Tuesday or Thursday - which one of those works best for you?"
            Genius. Thanks for that tip. I can definitely get away for urgent calls if needed during the day but that is a great answer...the day is for working on client projects and solutions, evenings and weekends are for business development.
        • Profile picture of the author jficarro
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          Originally Posted by Haltingpoint View Post

          Thanks for the thoughtful response. So lets say I'm sending out direct mail pieces to prospects or going door to door, and these are not referrals coming to me asking for my services. How do you say to them "I want to do business with you, but I have to do it on the side and I'm unavailable from 9-5 during the week."

          I didn't want to ignore your question, but the responses you've gotten are excellent.

          Not sure what your work situation is, but surely you have moments during the day to return phone calls. I have multiple cell phones and skype (you can pay a small fee for a phone number) You can cater the message to the particular business model, then return the calls to set up an appointment.

          It is absolutely the truth in this type of business that you want to create a little scarcity give the impression that your time is very valuable (without being an arrogant jerk).

          I would not lie if the question of your day job comes up. But, DON'T bring it up on purpose. It most likely won't be a deal killer, especially if you have some sample sites up to show and you come across like you know what your doing and your services are going to be beneficial to the business owner

          • Profile picture of the author jimbo3891
            Profile picture of jimbo3891
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            Originally Posted by jficarro View Post

            I didn't want to ignore your question, but the responses you've gotten are excellent.

            Not sure what your work situation is, but surely you have moments during the day to return phone calls. I have multiple cell phones and skype (you can pay a small fee for a phone number) You can cater the message to the particular business model, then return the calls to set up an appointment.

            It is absolutely the truth in this type of business that you want to create a little scarcity give the impression that your time is very valuable (without being an arrogant jerk).

            I would not lie if the question of your day job comes up. But, DON'T bring it up on purpose. It most likely won't be a deal killer, especially if you have some sample sites up to show and you come across like you know what your doing and your services are going to be beneficial to the business owner

            James is SPOT ON here. Don't mention your "day job". Structure everything that you say to avoid it coming up. BUT, if it comes up, don't lie. You will be found out. Maybe not today, maybe not next week, but you will be found out. And when you do, anyone that you lied to will feel betrayed. Chances are, by the time you're found out, you will have built a strong business relationship with them and probably even built a good friendship with them. When they find out (notice I didn't say "if"), both of those relationships will be strained at best. You just don't want to get into that type of situation. Honesty is still the best policy.

            Think of it this way, would your relationship with your girlfriend or wife be the same after she found out that you lied to her when you began your dating relationship? I'm sure she's no different from my wife or any other person on the planet - the relationship will be damaged.

            As James says above, as long as you have good work product to demonstrate, then what you do with your time should not be of concern to anyone - as long as you're not robbing banks or little old ladies<GRIN>.

            I know this is probably going to be hard for you because it always was for me. It was almost like I had a secret life. Learning how to separate the two is a developed skill and I promise you that you will goof this occasionally. When you do, don't worry about it - just move on to the next prospect if they have a problem with it. There are too many good prospects out there to be worried about the "flaky" ones. If your work can't stand on its own, then they're possibly not the best prospect.

            Good luck.

            James Dunn

            James Dunn
            Athens, GA

    • Profile picture of the author rlnorthcutt
      Profile picture of rlnorthcutt
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      Originally Posted by Haltingpoint View Post do you guys get started doing offline work when you can only spare a little time in the evenings during the week and your weekends? Do you find people care that you have a day job?

      I suggest that you "reframe" what a "day job" is in your own mind... that will change the way you think/feel/talk about it.

      For example, I have a broker's license, but don't do much personal production... I mean, I broker a few agents and list some houses, but I don't go looking for real estate work.

      I also do web development, some IM consulting and I have a partnership in a small company (that I devote about 10 hours a week to). So - I have several "part-time" jobs.

      When I have a new client, thats really two things:
      1) a relationship (for referrals, networking and as an ongoing client)
      2) a project

      The project has a beginning and an end... its important to define what constitutes the scope of the project. Even an ongoing project (like website/newsletter maintenance, SEO linking, etc.) is still divided into discrete units based on time (per month for example).

      What does this mean?

      Well, when I get a new client, I immediately begin talking to them about my availability and working their project into my schedule. Sometimes I am booked for 2 weeks, and sometimes I can start today if I get a deposit. But all of my projects are scheduled out on my calendar (with generous time estimates).

      A 9-5 job is simply a long term project with a major client. You make certain concessions for this major client (like a specific schedule, working onsite, etc.), but in return you have certain benefits as compensation.

      I guarantee you that once you start to see your 9-5 "job" as just another client/project (albeit a major one), you will shift your language and the way you think about it.

      Its not a problem if one project is way different than another... being a real estate broker is pretty different from being a web developer, but none of my clients care because I know what I am doing and I produce results either way.

      Change the way you see the world, and the world itself will change!

      • Profile picture of the author jimbo3891
        Profile picture of jimbo3891
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        Originally Posted by rlnorthcutt View Post


        I suggest that you "reframe" what a "day job" is in your own mind... that will change the way you think/feel/talk about it.

        For example, I have a broker's license, but don't do much personal production... I mean, I broker a few agents and list some houses, but I don't go looking for real estate work.

        I also do web development, some IM consulting and I have a partnership in a small company (that I devote about 10 hours a week to). So - I have several "part-time" jobs.

        When I have a new client, thats really two things:
        1) a relationship (for referrals, networking and as an ongoing client)
        2) a project

        The project has a beginning and an end... its important to define what constitutes the scope of the project. Even an ongoing project (like website/newsletter maintenance, SEO linking, etc.) is still divided into discrete units based on time (per month for example).

        What does this mean?

        Well, when I get a new client, I immediately begin talking to them about my availability and working their project into my schedule. Sometimes I am booked for 2 weeks, and sometimes I can start today if I get a deposit. But all of my projects are scheduled out on my calendar (with generous time estimates).

        A 9-5 job is simply a long term project with a major client. You make certain concessions for this major client (like a specific schedule, working onsite, etc.), but in return you have certain benefits as compensation.

        I guarantee you that once you start to see your 9-5 "job" as just another client/project (albeit a major one), you will shift your language and the way you think about it.

        Its not a problem if one project is way different than another... being a real estate broker is pretty different from being a web developer, but none of my clients care because I know what I am doing and I produce results either way.

        Change the way you see the world, and the world itself will change!

        I DEFINITELY agree with Ron here. Bear with me for a moment as I quickly outline my progression of jobs (eh projects) throughout my life.

        1) High school - most kids flip burgers. I worked with my Dad in his business. We made fresh country sausage and delivered it to stores in a regional route. I was a meatcutter, delivery guy, customer relations specialist, bookkeeper, etc.

        2) After high school - went to technical school - got an Associates Degree in Electronics Engineering Technology with a specialist degree in Computers. Definitely nothing to do with the meat business.

        3) After tech school - worked as an Electronics Tech in a major tire manufacturing plant. Worked there for about 13 years.

        4) During my Electronics Tech career, got my license to work in the financial services industry. Worked both projects for the last four or five years of my life as an Electronics Tech.

        5) Worked in the financial services arena/project until about six years ago when "flipping" real estate became an "in vogue" thing. Started my construction project by renovating properties in resort/vacation areas for a group of investors. Concurrently worked the financial services business but slowly gave it up.

        6) About three years ago - after a devastating hurricane season chilled real estate at the beach, I started building $1 million plus custom homes on a very prestigious lake about an hour drive from my home. This has fed my family for the past 2 1/2 years.

        7) Last October, finished my last custom home that I had in progress and declared that business "on ice" until the economy improves. I had studied IM and had tried it a little in the past six years or so, but was always too busy and making good money at my other projects. Since last October, I've been focused on IM.

        Each of these projects - either done independently or some concurrently - are projects in differing arenas of knowledge, skills, and styles. Construction - I can dress in blue jeans and polo shirts and I fit in. Financial services - custom suits and shirts are almost the norm. Meat cutter - an apron and rubber boots are the uniform. IM - well, it can be my PJ's, but I prefer to at least "get dressed" to "work" because it provides me with a start point for my "workday".

        Point is, as Ron says, it's all about categorizing your life. Men are very good at compartmentalizing (to use a Ronald Regan word) our lives. We put out lives into little compartments or boxes. I find that females have a more difficult time with this, but it is a trait that can be learned.

        Good luck with figuring it out. I'm not 100% sure I ever figured it out completely. But I did learn how to do it somewhat effectively.

        James Dunn

        James Dunn
        Athens, GA

  • Profile picture of the author Walter Cruickshank
    Walter Cruickshank
    Profile picture of Walter Cruickshank
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Great post, starting to love reading more and more of these
  • Profile picture of the author Sheila
    Profile picture of Sheila
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Business owners are busy too. Sometimes they take you more seriously when you have a full schedule and communicate only through emails, websites and phone calls. You really don't need to see them in person, only if you want to. With cell phones nowadays, you can call them whenever you get a free moment at work 9 (or you make one).

    I also wanted to share a mailer that got an 85% response, and a 63% conversion rate for me: I used plastic tubes with caps on them, and placed the letter inside. They come in different sizes, and are used by artists and architects. I'm sure you could do the same thing with cardboard tubes if you wanted to save some money.

    The tubes are definitely a novelty when they arrive in the mail, so people DO open them. And that's a big part of the battle - and they show your creativity in a professional way - something business owners appreciate. I found it was well worth the investment!
    • Profile picture of the author jimbo3891
      Profile picture of jimbo3891
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Sheila View Post

      Business owners are busy too. Sometimes they take you more seriously when you have a full schedule and communicate only through emails, websites and phone calls. You really don't need to see them in person, only if you want to. With cell phones nowadays, you can call them whenever you get a free moment at work 9 (or you make one).

      I also wanted to share a mailer that got an 85% response, and a 63% conversion rate for me: I used plastic tubes with caps on them, and placed the letter inside. They come in different sizes, and are used by artists and architects. I'm sure you could do the same thing with cardboard tubes if you wanted to save some money.

      The tubes are definitely a novelty when they arrive in the mail, so people DO open them. And that's a big part of the battle - and they show your creativity in a professional way - something business owners appreciate. I found it was well worth the investment!

      Thanks for getting my creative juices going. Using your idea and expanding it a little. Use something that is related to the client's business. Examples:

      For a plumber: use a length of PVC pipe with a glued on cap on one end and a screw on cap on the other (I use these to store house plans in so they don't get wet, dirty, or damaged).

      For a painter: use a paint can (small quart can maybe).

      For an electrician: maybe use a plastic electrical junction box that can easily be removed.

      For a pet shop: use one of the hollow plastic "bones" that pet toys come in sometimes - haven't seen too many of these, but how many pet shops would you market to.

      And the list goes on. I could probably sit with a phone book - as most of us could - and come up with something for most of the categories in there. When we were mailing to business owners, our objective was to make the item "stick out" from all the other JUNK that they receive in the mail. That's why we mailed odd shaped items more than just standard #10 envelopes. Bright colors sometimes work, but try to avoid them because that can potentially make something look like junk mail.

      Good luck.

      James Dunn

      James Dunn
      Athens, GA

  • Profile picture of the author Jolomboy21
    Profile picture of Jolomboy21
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    You have a great idea here. Think of other creative ones and I'm sure you'll draw lots more people.

  • Profile picture of the author hotlinkz
    Profile picture of hotlinkz
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I'm impressed!

    This thread alone is a small gold vein for those who pay close attention.

    My creative synapses are fired up!

    Many Thanks to all contributors. Keep it coming...

    I look forward to sharing some ideas I come up with as well (working on one now).
  • Profile picture of the author drewanderson
    Profile picture of drewanderson
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    It's awesome to see all the different ideas out there. With all the emphasis on mlm make money info. a lot of people think that that is all that is online. It is fantastic to see how "telling the story" works so well and people really get engaged. Thanks for sharing the letter!
  • Profile picture of the author TommyBussey
    Profile picture of TommyBussey
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hey Del, great job on the campaign, I'm very interested in incorporating some direct mail into my marketing. This was a great post to give me some pointers.


    - Tommy

    - Meet Tommy Bussey -

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