On the verge of giving up on internet marketing!

Chulbul Pandey
Profile picture of Chulbul Pandey
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
70 replies
I have been doing this since 2 years...bought endless amounts of products.. did everything from article writing to website creation to clickbank,cpa everything.. now its like my mind has gone numb..

Today i wasted 25$ just on fiverr now realising that i didnt need that,now bought a domain for a future car release and now i hear it was a fake news..

so in total i wasted over 35$ and absoluetly no income and no scope of income.

#giving #internet #marketing #verge
  • Profile picture of the author Don Luis
    Don Luis
    Profile picture of Don Luis
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Quitters never win and winners never quit. 'Nuff said.
    • Profile picture of the author Adnan Firdous
      Adnan Firdous
      Profile picture of Adnan Firdous
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Don Luis View Post

      Quitters never win and winners never quit. 'Nuff said.

      IM is tough! No doubt about that! But you can only be successful when you will think of yourself as successful!

      If you are still confused, follow the following procedures!
      • Search for products on ClickBank, Plimus, Avangate and copy the attractive product names into a .txt file aka swipe file.
      • Now go to - https://adwords.google.com/select/KeywordToolExternal
      • Put the product names into it, check the "Exact" box on the left side and uncheck the "Broad" box.
      • Put the product names one by one.
      • Whichever gets 500+ search/month copy the product name into your swipe file.
      • Now, search for each product name on Google and copy the name of site ranking no.1 on Google for the "Product Name" keyword.
      • Put the site url into http://www.backlinkwatch.com
      • Which ever has 1000+ backlinks leave the product name.
      • Which ever site has less 1000 backlinks pick the associated keyword.
      • Now, find an exact match domain name. Definitely it won't be available! Just use any of the following format -
      1. productnamehq.com
      2. productnamereviewed.com
      3. product-name.com
      4. productnamereviewblog.com
      • Install WordPress on the site and use all of your efforts to rank for that keyword.
      • If you don't have money to buy hosting use 000webhost.com
      • Here's an awesome thread to learn a lot about SEO -
    • Profile picture of the author Guru_Marketing
      Profile picture of Guru_Marketing
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Don Luis View Post

      Quitters never win and winners never quit. 'Nuff said.
      I like what I am hearing :-)

      Kindle Publishers: Get Reviews and More Sales to Your Kindle Books at http://GettingPublishedFast.com/publishers/

  • Profile picture of the author ttrance
    Profile picture of ttrance
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    sounds like your all over the place. Your not succeeding because your not focused. A plumber is a plumber and not an electrician. Of course someone apprenticing a contactor will fail as a technician!

    Stop buying products focus on one thing you enjoy and just do that. Unsubscribe from all your distracting sales pitches. I used to subscribe to the 'guru' newsletters when I realized its 99% garbage, even the good info is really just crap because its geared towards using their product to do something. Well if they need to explain it to you, its not for you.

    If you want to do internet marketing then do it. I settled on strictly quality leads gen type stuff. I hate affiliate stuff and whatever even smells slightly of 'easy' money. I like to close a serious business deal with a company, who will benefit from my internet marketing efforts. They have money, they pay you, and you get to enjoy the fun world of internet marketing while receiving pay for the benefits you bring to that c ompany. You love affiliate marketing? Awesome! Create a new affilate product for a real company, have them pay you for your time, work as well as promoting it! also take a piece off each sale if you can and expand! Success Defined.

    Proudly free of signature promotions since 2001!

  • Profile picture of the author Joseph Robinson
    Joseph Robinson
    Profile picture of Joseph Robinson
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    *Monotone Voice* No, please. Don't leave. You can do it.

    Look, when I played football in High School (<don't take that as bragging. I sucked.) and we were getting our asses kicked during conditioning, the coach would always say the same thing: You quit now, and you will quit the rest of your life. As I've gotten older (and I guess wiser) I have realized he was right. Quitting is contagious. Just because something isn't going as easily as you liked you are going to quit? That's moronic.

    Look, you didn't make any money today. You still got paid though, in knowledge. Now it's not foldin' money; but still even more valuable than whatever currency you use to buy food. Stop spending money on all those crap products, don't make purchases without doing the needed research. Guess what, if you actually take that lesson from today and implement it you won't get screwed over anymore!

    Hope the pep talk helps you out.
  • Profile picture of the author David A Griffiths
    David A Griffiths
    Profile picture of David A Griffiths
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    DO NOT QUIT! Not one single successful marketer on here hasn't been exactly where you are right now at some stage in their online career. Took me a loooong time to really get going, and when I was thinking like you are now if I'd given up I'd still have a day job...
  • Profile picture of the author Tony Shipp
    Tony Shipp
    Profile picture of Tony Shipp
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Stop moving around so much. Concentrate on 1 method until you make money from it.

    Most importantly get out of the MMO niche.

    Vision without action is a daydream...Action without vision is a nightmare.

  • Profile picture of the author Troy_Phillips
    Profile picture of Troy_Phillips
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I hate to say it but if you have truly been applying yourself for two years and have yet to make money ... call in the dogs.

    • Profile picture of the author scrofford
      Profile picture of scrofford
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Troy_Phillips View Post

      I hate to say it but if you have truly been applying yourself for two years and have yet to make money ... call in the dogs.
      How can the OP truly have been applying themselves if they've been all over the place chasing everything under the sun? There's been no focus.
  • Profile picture of the author Daniel Wilson
    Daniel Wilson
    Profile picture of Daniel Wilson
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    About 95% of people who start IM will never get high numbers. It is your decision if you want to be in those 5%.

    -25% WF PROMO CODE: "WFPROMO911" (expires on 1.1.2012)
    - High search volume keywords , high CPC keywords, easy to rank keywords
  • Profile picture of the author Steven Miranda
    Steven Miranda
    Profile picture of Steven Miranda
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Don't quit. Devote everything you have into the task at hand until you succeed. Successful people did not just magically become so overnight. You don't know all the FAILures they had to endure first.
  • Profile picture of the author John Kilcoyne
    John Kilcoyne
    Profile picture of John Kilcoyne
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    We all hit brick walls. Refocus / concentrate on one area of interest and don't stray off it.
    • Profile picture of the author hotboy18
      Profile picture of hotboy18
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      I understand your frustration but please don't give up just yet. Focus on one thing at a time and stop buying products that claim your will be successful overnight. Learn the long term internet marketing skills first then apply them. It takes time but all your hard work will be pay off with patience.
      • Profile picture of the author Fraser SellHealth
        Fraser SellHealth
        Profile picture of Fraser SellHealth
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        if you wanna quit , then you should, this game is not for quitters. I have tried 1million things that do not work , or are unrealistic but i have learned 1millon ways that dont work. Its a process of trial and error , i agree to stick with one thing until you have exhausted. try to make $1 a day and dont move on until you have reached that goal. most of the time people get overwhelmed with all the ways to make money online and they dont focus on 1 single method. another piece of advice is stop buying ****ty clickbank products that claim to make you 18,999.75 in your first day , cuz thats not the case

        Fraser Mackie
        Affiliate Manager

  • Profile picture of the author Jealee
    Profile picture of Jealee
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    All I can say is that 97% of people online don't really understand what they are doing, because they keep looking for another methods to make quick money overnight. But that ain't gonna happen anytime soon.

    Stop looking for methods but start polishing your skills and get them to work on one method. Stop buying junks from all the hypes. And most important, never quit!
  • Profile picture of the author Chulbul Pandey
    Chulbul Pandey
    Profile picture of Chulbul Pandey
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Thanks a lot guys..ur words are so inspiring and now i have realized my mistake.. I will catch my niche and focus only on one thing..thanks a lot guys.
    • Profile picture of the author bostoncitymass
      Profile picture of bostoncitymass
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Chulbul Pandey View Post

      Thanks a lot guys..ur words are so inspiring and now i have realized my mistake.. I will catch my niche and focus only on one thing..thanks a lot guys.
      It took me about two years to start making money. And I'm not talking "quit my job money". I bounced around bought every WSO of the day, every ebook, got on every "gurus" mailing list, etc. etc. Now I'm not gonna say don't quit, If you have truly applied yourself and you haven't had any results then there is o sense throwing good money after bad.

      But ask yourself this: Have I really applied what I have learned or did I just do it for a week or two? Do I spend more time "learning" stuff than implementing stuff? Do I keep buying stuff and not using it?

      Everyone buys the next shiny object because they are afraid they are going to miss the next big thing. The newest marketing technique that is so cutting edge you can't help but make money.

      Well here is the truth. Right now there is no "next big thing", or automatic profits. SEO is no longer new and easy, PPC is no longer the cash register it once was. Giving away free reports, videos or whatever offer you have, is no longer unique and new.

      That being said it doesn't mean it doesn't work. Not saying that at all. It's just not as easy. When the next big thing does come around, whatever that may be, it will work for awhile but then it will be just another marketing method soon enough. But believe me, when the next big thing does come out you WILL know it, and it ain't here yet.

      So my advice would be to dust off some old training you have because I;m sure it has some value, and stop buying stuff. Get off 90% of the mailing lists you are on cause you will just get information overload, and most of the crap is rehashed anyways. Stick with the guys you KNOW have had success and just keep you list subscriptions to them.

      Take one of those training you have spent your hard earned money on go through them and find the one that you liked best. Take the one that you liked best, and follow it step by step and then follow it step by step some more.

      For me, there is alot of things that I don't like to do, so I don't do it (hello, article marketing), it's not that it doesn't work, I just don't like it so I know I'm not gonna but my heart into it, and if I don't put my heart into it, I'm not gonna get results with it.

      Find one thing or a few thing and do them well and follow through. Make a promise to yourself (as hard as it might be) to not buy another product until you can pay for it with profits from your earnings. Again, don't worry, you aren't going to miss anything, when/if the next big automatic profit maker comes out you will know it and you will hear about it.

      Stay out of the WSO section as much as we all love to go there and get sucked into the sales letters. Don't click on that link, Don;t click on that link .

      Just keep working and following what you already got. Keep telling yourself "I'm not missing anything. I;m not missing anything.", "I don't need this new product. I just need to stay on my path".

      I started and stopped so many times over. We all have. We all questioned if what we are doing is a big waste of time. Is it? Well I can't answer that for you. I'm not you. For me it became a mission. I was gonna make this f***ing IM thing work. If others can do it, so can I. And the way to start making it work is to get to work. I'm sure like all of us you have bout a ton of stuff. Like I said dust it off, stick with it and get to work. It may take you another 2 years to make money who knows. When it is time to quit, IF it is time to quit, you'll know. Is that time right now? Only you know that.

      And finally if it is, don't feel defeated or mad. It is not a reflection of you. This is hard stuff we do. It really is. Don't let anyone tell you any different. Most people don't make it. If you tried everything and it's just not panning out, at least you tried, at least you put in a true effort. But no one is any smarter than you. If they did it there is no reason you can't do it either.

      Hope this helps a bit.
      Good Luck
  • Profile picture of the author rooze
    Profile picture of rooze
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Don't feel bad about walking away if you've truly given this your all.

    Ignore all the other comments about not giving up, they're erroneous - none of them come from a specific point of reference - your own set of unique personal circumstances.

    You've rolled the dice, played the game, lost a little and decided this particular game ain't for you.
    It takes courage to walk away from something you believed was going to change your life for the better, it's like breaking up with a partner after you've put your whole life into a relationship. "sometimes you have to cut off your own leg to get out of one of life's traps".
    Move on guilt-free and good luck.
  • Profile picture of the author Ken Marc
    Ken Marc
    Profile picture of Ken Marc
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by Chulbul Pandey View Post

    so in total i wasted over 35$ and absoluetly no income and no scope of income.

    35$ is 1820+ INR, which tells me you have guts. That's half the battle won! The other part - patience, will come eventually.

    IF, on the other hand, you are intellectually challenged, I have just the right WSO for you. :p

  • Profile picture of the author pinks
    Profile picture of pinks
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hey, I know Chullbul Pandey(from the movie)would not quit!I did see the movie...
    So hang on...I am sure there is a way to make money online.
    • Profile picture of the author Chulbul Pandey
      Chulbul Pandey
      Profile picture of Chulbul Pandey
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Thanks man.. you actually understood that after converting it costs a lot here in india.

      Originally Posted by Ken Marc View Post

      35$ is 1820+ INR, which tells me you have guts. That's half the battle won! The other part - patience, will come eventually.

      IF, on the other hand, you are intellectually challenged, I have just the right WSO for you. :p

      Hehehe you brought back my smile..
      Originally Posted by pinks View Post

      Hey, I know Chullbul Pandey(from the movie)would not quit!I did see the movie...
      So hang on...I am sure there is a way to make money online.
  • Profile picture of the author Dimitris Skiadas
    Dimitris Skiadas
    Profile picture of Dimitris Skiadas
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Just stop buying every product that exists on how to make money online!There are thousands,maybe millions and every day they become more and more and more!Trust me!I did the same thing!Most of us here in the Warrior Forum did!

    You just have to focus only in ONE thing!Only in one!What is it?

    -CPA marketing?
    -E-mail marketing?
    -Affiliate marketing?
    -Article marketing?
    X type of marketing?

    There are hundreds of methods on how to make money online.Just focus in only one.Study everything you ve got about how to succeed following this certain method.Ask.Study again.Test.Ask again.Study.Test.Ask again.

    It's all trial and error mate.You ll find the right method for you.I am sure.

    Never give up!

  • Profile picture of the author underworld
    Profile picture of underworld
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    You may be few miles short of those canon.If you quit now you will miss it.
  • Profile picture of the author K Meier
    K Meier
    Profile picture of K Meier
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I personally find that there is so much fluff out in the internet marketing industry. It seems to appeal to many people who think they can make quick money without knowing anything about computers, internet, web development, seo etc. They read one eBook and call them self SEO expert.

    Most of the time its also those people who then give up again after they are overwhelmed with the amount of information they have gotten but can't seem to make any money from it.

    Thankfully I have almost 10 years experience in web development and find it quite easy to use the information at hand to turn it into a successful business model.
  • Profile picture of the author Samrath Gupta
    Samrath Gupta
    Profile picture of Samrath Gupta
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Ok First of all the main reason you aren't getting success is You aren't focused on what you should do !

    Wanna know How can i say that ?

    First you said you wasted your money on fiverr which later you found was useless (No Plan = This will happen lol)

    Second you bought a domain on fake news. It was not your fault that you bought a new domain the main fault was you left your path and tried to do something else to make quick bucks....

    So In the nutshell you need to make a super solid plan and stick to it and you will surely succeed ...

  • Profile picture of the author Joe J
    Joe J
    Profile picture of Joe J
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    First, don't think that all , or many, of the things you have purchased are actually junk as some people have mentioned.

    If you go back over the things that you have bought already,(I would start with the most updated products) find one that suits you the best and start there. Do a search on that product and find others who have used it with success, or even the product creator themselves. While you are on that search, it will become evident if 'that is not what it was all cracked up to be' for the reason that you did buy it. If that's your conclusion, so be it, your more the wiser.

    Next, move on to the next promising, up to date product and do the same.

    Eventually, you will find what you need to move forward and you will also find people that you can trust that are not in it to dig into your pockets but truly helpful people.

    I'm in the same boat but I'm just keeping at it until I find my own place in it all.

    Good Luck to Ya !

    • Profile picture of the author robnoble
      Profile picture of robnoble
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      I would say yes you should quit! - you should quit what it is you're doing, stop and let things calm down.

      If things aren't working out then it's no use just carrying on with them is it?

      Don't buy anything, don't start anything. This is time to take stock and something isn't right is it?

      The problem appears to be you have fallen into opportunity seeking. Trying one thing after another without any clear plan for what you actually want to achieve.

      So, no, don't carry on, quit.

      And then go and watch this video by Rich Schefren. Don't buy the course because it is way, way expensive. Just watch the video. Please.

      Webinar Registration

      (I have no affiliate connection with this at all. I don't know what the ?ls=436 is. It certainly isn't my affiliate id. Besides I really don't want you to buy anything it is scarily expensive!)
      • Profile picture of the author condra
        Profile picture of condra
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        I don't subscribe to any cliches about karma or winning.

        There is a chance that Internet Marketing really isn't for you, but I think it's more likely you've been focussing your energy in the wrong places, or might have a weak area holding you back.

        You have to be a jack of all trades and consider so many things, internet marketing is not easy.

        Have you had any successes?

        If you've created a blog or site that gets organic traffic, you've achieved something.

        You might be using crappy graphics, or writing badly. You need to find out your weak areas and either improve them, or better yet, outsource them.

        You say you are on the verge of giving up, then in terms of your internet marketing career, you have nothing to lose. ...... So, why not post some more details of your methods, your sites, etc, and get some proper feedback.

        Nobody is going to steal your idea because you've already said you haven't had much luck, but I'm sure plenty of people will be able to tell you the aspects of your system which need to be fixed up.

        I sincerely hope you come back and outline what you've been doing more clearly, because I know there are people here who can show you what you need to do to turn your strengths into cash.
        Abstract brand name generator. FREE.
        __________________________________________________ ___________________________
  • Profile picture of the author Troy_Phillips
    Profile picture of Troy_Phillips
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    The only true MM online product I really ever purchased was from the Rich Jerk. There was somethings to be learned even there. I learned rather swiftly to just contact the vendor and offer them a couple hundred bucks for some one on one. Saved a fortune in the long run and made some great contacts in the process.

  • Profile picture of the author The Copy Nazi
    The Copy Nazi
    Profile picture of The Copy Nazi
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Dude...we've all been there.

    You're doing Clickbank reviews? Like every other "Hey I can rich on the internets doing this affiliate marketing racket".

    You need to refocus. Perhaps you need to think about doing your own stuff instead of prostituting yourself out for CB offers.

    If you want some help - my time is precious - I will give you a limited amount.

    But there's a catch. LOL. You knew it - right? There's always a catch.

    Relax...this one is easy.

    I want you to go to the window...open it...and yell out to the world "I can't take it anymore!!!"

    Actually I jest. Just go to this WF link...leave any sort of comment you like...and I promise I will PM you and see if I can get you back on track.

    Deal? Here's the link - Row Row Row Your Boat

    that Nazi guy
  • Profile picture of the author celente
    Profile picture of celente
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    If first you do not succeed try and try again.

    Simple really.

    But that sentence is a make or break thing.
  • Profile picture of the author celente
    Profile picture of celente
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    If first you do not succeed try and try again.

    Simple really.

    But that sentence is a make or break thing.
  • Profile picture of the author ninal
    Profile picture of ninal
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    The moment I stopped buying products was the moment I started earning.
  • Profile picture of the author hamburglar
    Profile picture of hamburglar
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

    With that nick name you should be slapped in the face for saying quit.

    The real Chulbul would never quit.

    Online-to-offline conversion tracking... coming soon!
  • Profile picture of the author flamewave
    Profile picture of flamewave
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Knowledge is something that you cant put a price on. Making mistakes is natural, learning from them makes you a winner, repeating them is a sign that you need direction.

    Messenger Chatbot Marketing Systems - https://m.me/jaygriggschatbotbuilder

  • Profile picture of the author Samangel
    Profile picture of Samangel
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Chulbul for what it's worth, I went to your website and without even looking at any of the reviews, being as new as I am, my first thought was - "this is an affiliate website full of affiliate links" because basically that's all a review site is - a sales site.

    Then I went into two of them, one was saying it was a good product to buy and click on the link below, the other was saying its not worth the investment followed by a sales pitch on a special offer for the product followed by a "make sure you go to to the "official website" through the links below.

    It screams - whether it's good or bad, buy it anyway cos I want money.

    Only the naive or new internet user would not know what you are doing.

    Scrub Reviews. Create your own product and learn how to market it.

    Hope that helps.
  • Profile picture of the author CDarklock
    Profile picture of CDarklock
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by Chulbul Pandey View Post

    so in total i wasted over 35$ and absoluetly no income and no scope of income.
    Did you learn anything?

    Like maybe you should stop and think a little longer before spending money?

    Also, most domain registrars will refund a domain purchase within 5 days. You may be able to get that back, at least.
    "The Golden Town is the Golden Town no longer. They have sold their pillars for brass and their temples for money, they have made coins out of their golden doors. It is become a dark town full of trouble, there is no ease in its streets, beauty has left it and the old songs are gone." - Lord Dunsany, The Messengers
  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    Profile picture of sbucciarel
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by Chulbul Pandey View Post

    I have been doing this since 2 years...bought endless amounts of products.. did everything from article writing to website creation to clickbank,cpa everything.. now its like my mind has gone numb..

    Today i wasted 25$ just on fiverr now realising that i didnt need that,now bought a domain for a future car release and now i hear it was a fake news..

    so in total i wasted over 35$ and absoluetly no income and no scope of income.

    So what exactly is your plan? You've made a plan, right? Stop buying products, figure out how you really want to make money online, learn as much about the business you'd like to build and then get to work building it.

    You're just throwing spaghetti at a wall to see what sticks. You have no plan and you are not building a sustainable Internet business. Doing things the way you're doing them, you might as well quit before you waste any more money.

    You need a plan and focus. Once you've decided on your business, only buy products that give you the tools or info you need to build that business.
  • Profile picture of the author scrofford
    Profile picture of scrofford
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by Chulbul Pandey View Post

    I have been doing this since 2 years...bought endless amounts of products.. did everything from article writing to website creation to clickbank,cpa everything.. now its like my mind has gone numb..

    Today i wasted 25$ just on fiverr now realising that i didnt need that,now bought a domain for a future car release and now i hear it was a fake news..

    so in total i wasted over 35$ and absoluetly no income and no scope of income.

    It's no wonder your mind has gone numb! You aren't focusing! And stop buying all the crap! Pick one thing and work on it until it works. If you want to create products then create products and sales funnel and only that.

    If you want to be an affiliate, choose how you are going to promote whether it be through cpa, or clickbank etc and focus only on that.

    You have nobody to be mad at but yourself. This forum is full of posts telling people to focus on one thing at a time and not get caught up with the next latest and greatest thing. You need to focus. That's with anything in life!
  • Profile picture of the author dame016
    Profile picture of dame016
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    It'll take time. If you have the passion, you'll surely get something one day. Just continue with what you're doing. What if it works one day?
    • Profile picture of the author Jill Carpenter
      Jill Carpenter
      Profile picture of Jill Carpenter
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Chulbul Pandey View Post

      I have been doing this since 2 years...bought endless amounts of products.. did everything from article writing to website creation to clickbank,cpa everything.. now its like my mind has gone numb..

      Today i wasted 25$ just on fiverr now realising that i didnt need that,now bought a domain for a future car release and now i hear it was a fake news..

      so in total i wasted over 35$ and absoluetly no income and no scope of income.

      What are you waiting for? Go ahead and give up now and get on with your life. You can come back and visit anytime in the OT forum.

      Seriously, you can just go.

      No one is forcing you to stay.

      Originally Posted by odonnellm88 View Post

      I just happened to see this post by accident
      I just happened to see a dirty little IMG tag when I quoted you.Not sure that was an accident.
      Don't bother visiting in the OT forum.

      "May I have ten thousand marbles, please?"

  • Profile picture of the author H.Miller
    Profile picture of H.Miller
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Get focused. Pick one thing and focus only on it until you start making money from it. If you have been truly applying yourself for 2 years you should be making some money. Most people say they have tried article marketing when really they have only written 15 articles and called it quits.

    Don't jump around trying to promote products based on the news. Right now would be the perfect time to set up a simple blog promoting a few weight loss products. The new year is coming and millions of people will be trying to lose weight. Why not set up something around that and be very aggressive and promote the heck out of it.

    Truth is, it takes a lot of work to be successful online. But once you get the momentum going things will get easier. I think the most important thing for you to do is focus on one thing. When you try to do multiple things at one time you stretch yourself too thin. Especially if you are a newbie. So don't give up, just get focused and give it all you got.
  • Profile picture of the author Newbieee
    Profile picture of Newbieee
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    simple, get a job. really.

    who says having a job is bad.

    it can be enjoyable.

    not everyone suits IM, and not everyone suits jobs.

    its the internet marketing world that paint a bad picture of jobs.

    i know many people who are VERY HAPPY and have a very colourful live with a job.

    and many people who dont have a live and doing internet marketing.

    so its not what u do.

    is what suits you and what makes u happy or what can bring you happiness.
    Pain is a perception, so is defeat & happiness!
    • Profile picture of the author Dr.Aljonaid
      Profile picture of Dr.Aljonaid
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

      been then Done that. I have been in business for over 16 years online and offline. It took me at least 2 years with lots of errors and mistakes and hundred of thousands of dollars ( I mean it) before I could finally start seeing the real picture.

      Hang in there and don't give up. The more difficult it gets the closer you are to your goal. That's where most people give up, few steps before their dream come true, and they realize it when it is too late.

      Wishing you all the best luck and looking forwards to seeing your name shining in the IM world.
  • Profile picture of the author AlexTheKid
    Profile picture of AlexTheKid
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    A few people have indirectly suggested that you get a mentor. I'd like to directly suggest, get a mentor. If you've been going at this for 2 years, I'll say it's safe to assume that you have another source of money and you don't rely on the success of what you do online (and have some money to spare).

    I can guarantee you that you can find somebody here on the forum that will be happy to mentor you for a respectable fee. If you see anybody in here who's posts you particularly value and you feel that they always make top notch contributions to the discussion, shoot them a PM asking them how much they would charge you for them to tutor you. Don't be embarrassed about being ignorant to a field that you are new to (2 years isn't very long, I've been working at it off and on for about 2 years and only recently have I started to see some success, and I obtained this success by getting a mentor).

    One last thing, make friends in the internet marketing world. Just start talking to some people one on one. Don't try and get free mentoring though because then people will think you are just trying to use them, just like if you made friends with a store owner and always used him to get discounts from his store.
  • Profile picture of the author Sevauhn
    Profile picture of Sevauhn
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hey Chulbul, I can understand your plight. I know how frustrating it is to spend so much time, effort, and money looking for a way into entrepreneurship. I know because I've done it. Buying every product I could get my hands on. Signing up for every ebook or webinar that every self proclaimed guru offers. This is called Shiny object syndrome and it is a sure fire way to leave you frustrated and broke.

    You have put to much into it to quit. But what you need to do first is to De-clutter. Get rid of all the crap you signed up for because if it was working for you, you would not feel as you do. You need to get focused. It takes time to start making money but if youre bouncing around you will never find what works. you need (FOCUS) Focus on One Course Until Successful

    Get yourself a mentor. Trying to go at it alone is like suicide on an installment plan. Remember "You are in business for yourself, not by yourself"

    One of the greatest discoveries a man makes, one of his greatest surprises, is to find he can do what he was afraid he couldn't Henry Ford

    You can do it. You can be successful but you have been lied to and tricked into spending so much time and money on stuff geared towards making others rich. It's time for you to take back your life. With a mentor you will be able to weed through all the junk to find what works.

    I wish you much success
  • Profile picture of the author pow999
    Profile picture of pow999
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Success seems to be connected with action. Successful people keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don't quit.
    • Profile picture of the author taffie
      Profile picture of taffie
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      You should have immense knowledge by now, just start teaching others what you now know - that's one way you can start making money fast. You are really conteplating quiting? Really?
      Coach | Mentor | Consultant | I work with business owners, marketers, experts, or coaches/ and mentors who want to understand new media or digital marketing better https://llpgpro.com/Internet-Marketing-HQ/
    • Profile picture of the author Keith Everett
      Keith Everett
      Profile picture of Keith Everett
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Instead of sucking in everything people say in the vain hope that something sticks. Choose one really successful marketer and model what he/she does (not says)...

      "He that is everywhere, is nowhere" - Chinese Proverb (I think ).

      • Profile picture of the author memememe
        Profile picture of memememe
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        I have been doing affiliate marketing for 4 yrs now and make a nice living from it.

        You must remember this is a business not a hobby I quit my day job 2 yrs ago and now work from home.

        I have 40+ websites all in different niche markets.

        Don't quit it took me 2 yrs. to learn this I stopped trying to sell make money online products and started to find different niche markets

        IE dog training, weight loss,relationships,self help, this is just a few there is hundreds of niches you could go into.

        Find someone to trust and follow them.

        Take care now
    • Profile picture of the author Vienn
      Profile picture of Vienn
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      That's very normal Chulbul. I myself had to waste hundreds of dollars on tons of IM products and services before figuring out how to actually make money online. Almost everyone had to go through the same mistakes before succeeding in their IM efforts.

      The golden rule in IM is to focus on what you are doing and don't jump into one system to the next. It's tempting to jump into the "next big thing" whenever you see them come, but resist the urge. Believe in the businesses you're trying to build and keep at it. Be persistent. Getting a mentor would help a lot.

      As an aside, how about trying the offline marketing field? LOL
  • Profile picture of the author Fahu
    Profile picture of Fahu
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Im just getting into internet marketing, got access to a couple of courses from my brother which I am going to go through. My brother has also been doing it for two years and he's doing okay. maybe you need to rethink how you are doing things. Sounds like you've done too many things and not concentrated on one of them.
    • Profile picture of the author condra
      Profile picture of condra
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      OP I'm not being funny but I think the name "White-Warrior" will alienate a lot of people. I know you never intended it to sound like a race thing, but it could easily be interpreted that way, especially when people just look at the URL in Google results.

      I also think the IM niche is a really bad idea unless you have genuinely, and quite publicly made a ton of money in IM.

      On the plus side, you clearly have good taste in aesthetics. You've good writing skills, you know how to use Wordpress properly. I think you should try starting up some small projects, then later focus more energy on the ones getting the hits.
      Abstract brand name generator. FREE.
      __________________________________________________ ___________________________
  • Profile picture of the author Eduard Stinga
    Eduard Stinga
    Profile picture of Eduard Stinga
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Don't want to seem rude or anything, but if after 2 years you're still not making money, it's clearly time for something else IMO.
  • Profile picture of the author kbraden09
    Profile picture of kbraden09
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I would ask who are selling to? What are you really selling? What is your business model? Are you using a blog, teleseminars, articles all the above and are you tracking your metrics? What is your strategy for getting your message out? You can never go wrong by evaluating you message, medium and market. I would also ask how many products have you created up to this point? Are you getting feedback from your fellow marketers. Most people jump into this with no strategy and wonder why they fail...as they say there's a shiny new product around every corner and this easily distracts the 95%. There's been Harvard studies done to say that show the most successful companies are those that create products frequently, which also gives you feedback from your market...remember there's no such thing as failure, only feed back. Good Luck, but don't quit elicit the help of others or find someone you can team up with, because as I've found we can't do it alone. Thanks and regards
  • Profile picture of the author vivi62
    Profile picture of vivi62
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I would concentrate on one area of expertise then ask questions and look through the warrior blogs for free training in that area.
  • Profile picture of the author georgedinmore
    Profile picture of georgedinmore
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Learning isn't the only process you should be doing.

    You should be learning, and then putting that into ACTION.

    Forget Buying stuff, look at what you have, its basically all the same if you look at it right.

    Apply what you learn, its that simple. And the only other ingredient is, FOCUS.

    Focus on one thing only. Once that is working and earning, apply something else to it.


  • Profile picture of the author scraig
    Profile picture of scraig
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    View it from the stand point of you have figured out what does not work. It looks like some habits need to be changed. You only lose in this game when you quit.
  • Profile picture of the author Chulbul Pandey
    Chulbul Pandey
    Profile picture of Chulbul Pandey
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I just want to thanks you guys for your replies..and you guys really changed my mind.. I have decided to go with one method and i noe what it is.. thank you so much you guys..
  • Profile picture of the author drmani
    Profile picture of drmani
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by Chulbul Pandey View Post

    On the verge of giving up on internet marketing!

    I have been doing this since 2 years...bought endless amounts of products.. did everything from article writing to website creation to clickbank,cpa everything.. now its like my mind has gone numb..

    Today i wasted 25$ just on fiverr now realising that i didnt need that,now bought a domain for a future car release and now i hear it was a fake news..

    so in total i wasted over 35$ and absoluetly no income and no scope of income.

    Yes, QUIT!

    Go on... do it.

    Quit right NOW.

    But quit the right THINGS.

    Quit doing whatever didn't work for the last two years.

    Quit hoping to get something from doing nothing.

    Quit waiting for someone else to show you the magic button.

    Quit thinking the way that got you where you are.

    Quit the cancerous mindset of "fearing failure".

    And then... maybe then... you can quit experiencing the same result.

    Success tastes sweet.

    But it ain't automatic.

    Set a goal and a reasonable target first.

    Hit it.

    Set higher targets next.

    Do whatever it takes to hit it.

    Rinse and repeat.

    Quit talking - and thinking - about giving up.

    Guess who taught me that important life lesson?

    The little kids I operate on. They are born with life-threatening
    heart defects. It's easy for them to "quit". They don't. They
    FIGHT back. And they survive.

    You can.

    But only if you want to - badly enough.

    All success

    P.S. - It took me 8 years. It doesn't have to take that long
    for you, but I'm sharing that because 2 years is too early to
    know what's possible ahead.
  • Profile picture of the author jannatus
    Profile picture of jannatus
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    hang in there Chulbul Pandey, sooner or later your gonna find your forte, and ya know what, you'll most likely do it better than the rest of us.
  • Profile picture of the author Anthony
    Profile picture of Anthony
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Don't give up mate!!

    IM is never easy - but it is also one of the best way to make money. There are many so gurus that just sell you stuff which you don't need. Focus on the core and take action.

    You been on IM for 2 years and I don't think you are any newbie I guess. However, it might be better to start from scratch - build a site, good content, rank it, monetise it. Then move on to build another.

    Sounds difficult? - No. But you just have to take action. This is the basic. Don't go for some shiny new solution offering that you might not be able to handle. Go for the basic one. Earn yourself a $500/month first. Get motivated and move on to replicate the next one.

    You don't most of the things sold here in forum to success. Trust me. Just do the basic (right thing). You just need 5 websites making $100/mth each to hit your $500/mth.

    Go for it again. You won't regret it.
  • Profile picture of the author Trivium
    Profile picture of Trivium
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I can't say I have much experience, as I'm only starting out, but my advice to you would to quit - not quit IM as a whole, but rather, quit any of the ventures that you do not enjoy, or are not making much returns. There are two big problems you risk falling into, one is over-committing, and the other is committing to too many things at once, which sounds exactly like your situation.

    So take a step back, consider your options. Clean the slate and take a new approach. Sometimes, instead of producing a large quantity of content, it may be better to specialise, produce some high quality articles/blog posts, and then use those as a springboard into other ventures. If you take the time at the beginning to set yourself up properly, it can pay off big-time later on. I'm sure many other warriors would - and probably have - said the same.
    Wired Up - Computer guides and software reviews
  • Profile picture of the author chrislangley
    Profile picture of chrislangley
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    It's always a good idea to find out from someone what worked for them, and see if you can follow suit, by double checking their claims and their linking strategy to see if it's feasible before committing time and effort on the venture
  • Profile picture of the author beckey
    Profile picture of beckey
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by Chulbul Pandey View Post

    I have been doing this since 2 years...bought endless amounts of products.. did everything from article writing to website creation to clickbank,cpa everything.. now its like my mind has gone numb..

    Today i wasted 25$ just on fiverr now realising that i didnt need that,now bought a domain for a future car release and now i hear it was a fake news..

    so in total i wasted over 35$ and absoluetly no income and no scope of income.

    No way is good way,i you don't try.
  • Profile picture of the author sunnyimrs
    Profile picture of sunnyimrs
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

    stick on to a particular niche.you need a guru who can guide you with that particular niche so that you will not falter once again.
    • Profile picture of the author Koolsteve
      Profile picture of Koolsteve
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Best products or services to sell are your own.

      Create an ebook on a subject you have good knowledge - something helpful with good advice and tips. Then give a quantity of the ebooks away to say people on this forum and ask for critique to fine tune the ebook. Get testimonials from the readers. Now go to Clickbank or RAP Bank and sell the book as a Vendor. If it takes off (with some marketing yourself) you will get loads of people promoting it and selling it for you.

      Good luck,
  • Profile picture of the author Francine Thomas
    Francine Thomas
    Profile picture of Francine Thomas
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I guess one less competition. but seriously dont give up. keep reading more and more and try to add some twist. it will pay off someday

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