One penny in your pocket and $10000 in 1 week- Can it be done?
Sorry to be ranting, but why do people have these "wake up calls" one week before their rent/phone bill/car bill are due and post a thread how they want to make a lot of money out of 20$ within a week? If you knew you will have to pay rent at the end of this month just like you had to pay it the previous month, why haven't you saved up or made a plan before for your budget?
Where are these threads going? A few months these threads would ask if you can make 500$ with 100$ in two weeks, last month if you can make 500$ with 20$ and now its 1000$ with 20$....
In your dreams and on paper you could make a million with a penny, and It has been done by a few people on this planet, but they didnt make it by asking if they could...
/rant over
Fraser Mackie
Affiliate Manager
Website: http://vladromanov.com
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Fraser Mackie
Affiliate Manager
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