Is PLR a Viable Option Anymore?

19 replies
I just bought and devoured Tiffany Dow's course on PLR. It fits right in with my skill set. Since I'm writing articles all day anyway, it would be a very easy transition to doing it full time for myself and something I can see myself enjoying for the long term.

It seems to me, however, that in the year (?) since the course was published, things may have changed quite a bit. It looks like a lot of big guns are running the PLR show and perhaps breaking into the market might not be as simple as it may have been then.

I know I can write the type of quality to generate repeat buyers, but I have doubts about being able to get initial buyers to get things rolling.

Do you think the small fries can still get in on PLR sales?
#anymore #option #plr #viable
  • Profile picture of the author travlinguy
    There's always room for quality stuff priced right. Create a pack of niche articles in demand, create a sig file, put the offer in there and see what happens. That would be considered market research. Good luck.
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  • Profile picture of the author robnoble
    You know I would say that producing PLR is probably one of the easiest ways for someone new to get themselves a start!

    There are always people looking for good writers, you don't need a track record just provide samples, the marketing is simple - advertise here on the forum and use a signature link to your ad.

    You don't even need to come up with your own ideas. Buyers will mostly tell you the keywords they want to target and away you go! A bit of research, a quick 400 word article or 5! and you will soon build a reputation if you aim to be good.

    See, you're looking at it all wrong. Try marketing your own products to the IM niche or affiliate marketing and see how much easier you have it!

    I've seen Tiffany's blog so I know she will have given you good advice. Now stop thinking and just do it!

    All the best for your success Megan
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  • Profile picture of the author rrm
    Originally Posted by megansays View Post

    It seems to me, however, that in the year (?) since the course was published, things may have changed quite a bit. It looks like a lot of big guns are running the PLR show and perhaps breaking into the market might not be as simple as it may have been then.
    What things have changed? It takes all kinds to run "the PLR show", not just the "big guns". As with anything in the online or offline world, there are a few players at the pinnacle and more of them the further down the income pyramid you go. Do people still need good, quality content? Yep. If anything, they need it now more than ever.

    Originally Posted by robnoble View Post

    Now stop thinking and just do it!
    As he said.


    It's not enough to want it... you have to want it enough.

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  • Profile picture of the author sscot
    Originally Posted by megansays View Post

    I know I can write the type of quality to generate repeat buyers, but I have doubts about being able to get initial buyers to get things rolling.
    These words mean that you haven't taken actions yet. It's really impossible to getting an accurate idea without testing. Perhaps, you may be sleeping on a goldmine.

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  • Profile picture of the author Sheryl Polomka
    Hi Megan

    Having a PLR business is certainly still a viable business option. PLR is one tool that is very unlikely to go out of fashion, people always want PLR.

    There is more competition out there since Tiffany released PLRATM but at the same time, there are a lot of people who would have read the book and done nothing with it, or those who started a PLR store, worked on it for a week or two and have done nothing since.

    I think you'll find that you're real 'tough' competition is not as big as you think. Don't get me wrong, there is competition, but if you give good quality PLR then that competition shouldn't be a problem for you.
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  • Profile picture of the author Miguelito203
    Originally Posted by megansays View Post

    I just bought and devoured Tiffany Dow's course on PLR. It fits right in with my skill set. Since I'm writing articles all day anyway, it would be a very easy transition to doing it full time for myself and something I can see myself enjoying for the long term.

    It seems to me, however, that in the year (?) since the course was published, things may have changed quite a bit. It looks like a lot of big guns are running the PLR show and perhaps breaking into the market might not be as simple as it may have been then.

    I know I can write the type of quality to generate repeat buyers, but I have doubts about being able to get initial buyers to get things rolling.

    Do you think the small fries can still get in on PLR sales?
    There is always room for quality content. One thing that I have learned about business from working in IM is that there is gonna be competition in anything worth it. Don't look at it as a bad thing. It just means there is a need that needs to be met. It's the same for blogging in profitable niches, for example. When I first started my blog, I never thought I would be able to compete, but it's just a matter of getting your foot in the door. I actually purchased her course, too. I just haven't done much with it since I have been focusing on my blog. I'm gonna make a change in 2012, though so that I can have a second income stream. I also know a fair amount of people with PLR stores that make a full-time income from that alone.

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  • Profile picture of the author HeySal
    I write PLR and do just fine with it. You just need to put out material that stands out from the crowd. The more they can resource it, the better for them, and for you. The better the information and research, the more they can improvise when doing resourcing. The larger pieces that can be cut-up or used for other means than to park on a website seem to be still much in demand.

    When the Roads and Paths end, learn to guide yourself through the wilderness
    Beyond the Path

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  • Profile picture of the author Paul Barrs
    I wrote about this just a week or so ago...

    This has got to be the easiest way I know of getting started with some cash in the hand.

    Paul Barrs
    It's Simple... I don't "sell" IM anymore, but still do lots of YouTube Videos
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  • Profile picture of the author megansays
    Thanks for all of the insights. I really *want* PLR to be a good option because it is such a good match, so I just wanted to make sure I wasn't romanticizing it or something.

    I have begun working on some articles, with a goal of having around 20 solid article packs by January (I'm due in 4 weeks so I have a feeling this won't go as smoothly as I plan) and officially launching a site then. Eventually I will add in larger items, so thank you for that tip, Sal.

    Anyway, I'm really excited to get going and excited to have found such a great resource in this forum. Now to stop reading and get working...

    Thank you!
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  • Profile picture of the author nicholasb
    yes but there is a right way and a wrong way, I use plr in almost all of my sites at some point, I always rewrite the content into my own unique words then turn it into video content.

    As long as you are making it into your own original content it is still viable but not if left alone.
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  • Profile picture of the author Online Bliss
    Whether you make a lot of Money or not.

    Do you think the small fries can still get in on PLR sales?
    Don't forget you have the right to add
    your affiliate links, website links
    and Go Viral.
    This is Gold.
    Almost all affiliate earnings (Host Gator etc.)
    for me are due to selling or Giving away my edited PLR.

    Best of Luck!
    You've got it Made
    with the Guy in the Shades!
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  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    I think there's plenty of room for high quality PLR sellers, whether they are new to the game or "big guns." The quality of the PLR is key to me and I buy a fair amount of it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ruth P
    Totally agree with everything said above.

    I have no doubt that there are more PLR sellers than there used to be, and it can be a problem when all the PLR sellers try to target the same niches. If you do something different though - and the good news is that SO many subjects are in demand - then you have a way to break into it.

    PLR isn't always fast cash. It can take a while to build up a following and a reputation. Once you do, though, it's great to know you'll earn cash every time you choose to write a new PLR pack.

    I would spend a lot of time doing your research to see how you can be different from other PLR sellers, and how you can still fill a need. This is what I did when I first started and I think it has served me well.

    If you really want to succeed in PLR then you're also going to need to be consistent. I made $50 average per month for the first 6 months of my PLR store, largely because I released a load then left it for ages. Now I make a full time living from PLR so it's easy to look back in hindsight and say it was worth it, but while you're doing it you probably will go through some frustrating times.
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  • Profile picture of the author BloggingPro
    Think of it this way.

    If you can get a hold of PLR content before everyone else gets it, its just like a regular article that was written by an "original article writer."

    I've emailed several PLR providers and have blatantly told them that I would pay top dollar for "first access" to their content. Some have turned me down, others have taken the offer.

    Thus, if their package is in one of my many niches I get first dibs on the content. For those that don't take the offer I at least ask for an alert when they go live with the package. If it fits my niche I buy it and publish within hours.

    (For those thinking, "what if they launch at 4AM? Trust me, I've had my phone go off for the email alert and I get my ass up and copy/paste onto my website.)

    Fresh PLR content is damn near the same as paying someone for original content. The early bird gets the worm, and in my case that means more adsense clicks before others start publishing the **** out of the same article.

    As for those who take more money to sell me their PLR packages before anyone else? NO I will not share those providers with you.
    You're going to fail. If you're afraid of failure then you do not belong in the Internet Marketing Business. Period.
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  • Profile picture of the author barbling
    I use PLR in my 100% affiliate commission program and it works just grand.

    Was quite surprised to find out just how many people will buy PLR products too! Very much the learning experience.

    Some helpful PLR changing ideas can be found at:
    Turn Your Buried PLR Into Gold by repurposing PLR
    10 Great Ways to Repurpose Your PLR Content | Internet Marketing PLR Content
    How to Use Your PLR (& Reuse & Repurpose It Too)

    Hope that helps!
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  • Profile picture of the author megansays
    I'm really encouraged by all the positive responses in this thread. It sounds like the demand is still very alive, so long as the quality is great and the content can stand out from the crowd.

    I have lots of food for thought now and will rethink some of my topic ideas with all of this in mind.

    Very much appreciated, everyone - thank you!
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  • Profile picture of the author eastwest97
    Someone once gave me some info and I'm sure it's here on the Warrior Forum too (just not sure who stated it) that helped me "see the light."

    Here it is: One of the most popular niches/categories in published books every year are...cookbooks. I mean...really cookbooks? There are only so many ways to bake a ham but then again...there are so many ways to bake a ham; if you get my point. Information and the need for information is the one thing which will never go away. I have several southern cookbooks, several weight loss books and a ton of self help books. All with their different spin. So IMHO I truly believe PLR will never be out of style or outdated. Stand out from the crowd and focus on a specific niche and you will do fine. Unique, quality-rich content is king!

    Oh...and I just bought Tiffany's PLRATM last night. Can't wait to get into it this weekend!
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    • Profile picture of the author megansays
      Originally Posted by eastwest97 View Post

      Oh...and I just bought Tiffany's PLRATM last night. Can't wait to get into it this weekend!
      You know what would be fun? To be PLR buddies, like there are weight loss buddies. If you decide to get started, want to sort of have a challenge to help keep each other motivated? I've gotten all the basics set up, bought my shopping cart and have everything ready, but I'm having a heck of a time motivating myself to write.

      I write all day for a living, so when I'm done with paid work, it's hard to force myself to write even more.

      If you're interested, maybe we could check in with each other once a week or so and be accountable for getting goals accomplished.

      Anyway, the course was great, and I hope you enjoy it too!
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  • Profile picture of the author jannatus
    Yes, PLR's can be very good, providing you are unique, and innovative with current market trends.
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