This Will Work! Future Marketing...

by Ebbi
12 replies
I just thought of this method while I was doing keyword
research on a project I'm working on, and after going over
it I'm totally 100% sure this could become a good money
maker but at the time I just don't have the time for it so
I thought I might see if anyone here would want to check
it out!

I'm not going into details, just mapping out what this method
is about and then it's up to you to make it better!! Twist it,
Improve it, MAX IT!

-----Future Marketing-----
New TV shows are always popping up and when that happens
people start searching the big G for keywords like:
"watch (tv show name) online" "stream (tv show name)" etc...

So if you follow the gossip on upcoming tv shows you'll have
first pick on domains that have the exact keyword in it plus
you'll hardly have to do any SEO work to rank at the first page
because these tv shows haven't even been aired to begin with!

Basically, you are going to be building a site around keywords
that people aren't even searching for BUT you know they will!

The beauty about " future marketing (tm) " is that you won't
have any SEO competition, .com .net .org domains will be free
and the best part, work is next to none when getting them to
the top on the Big G!

Go out and google "upcoming tv series" for example and dig deep
into the results you get to find authority sites on that subject!

When you find a show that (Very important) you think will become
popular be quick and register 1 or 2 domains with great keywords
in them. "Watch (tv show name)" for example
(If the tv show sucks so will your traffic)

Throw up a wordpress blog and make 2 nice articles about this
tv show and remember to throw your main keyword into them, but
not to much! Post them on your blog and play around with the theme
to make it look good, find images with actors that are supposed to
be in it and post them as well! (If possible)
Best part about writing articles on the subject is that you can pretty
much make up the whole thing because no one will ever read it!
you are just putting up content so that you start ranking for the
keyword before people start searching for it!

When the traffic starts to come in and more information about the
tv show is out there then I would make few more articles about the
show just to keep your ranking!
Plus don't forget to write little bit about the episodes when you post
them just so you pick on the traffic when people start searching:
"watch (tv show name) episode one/1"

And of course provide people with links to watch the shows
You'll find them on the big sites like tvduck and sidereel!

When the site has been getting some traffic and it's only growing you
can start thinking about how to make money from it! I personally would
throw a content locker on the links to watch the show, making people
finish a incentive cpa offer and when the traffic starts to drop I would
make few more articles on the subject, take the content locker away,
buy a backlinking campaign and list it on flippa to make few $$$ and be
done with it!
-----The END-----

Please keep in mind that I just wrote this from the top of my mind and
it has only taken me about 5 minutes so you'll see some errors in grammar
and might even be some what confusing but if it is just ask me a question
or read it slowly over again

This is little bit like the stock/forex market because you really don't know
if the shows will become popular or not. So some of these sites will hardly
get any traffic and you'll find yourself selling it for $20 bucks somewhere
but when you get it right you'll get some serious traffic plus good money
for something that will maybe take you 2 hours to set up and extra 5 to 10
hours in writing articles and finding links for the next episodes!

Hope you enjoyed it! I'm going back to work now...
p.s. Best thing about this method is you can twist it to work with almost
everything! There are new products coming out everyday you just have
to find the source that can provide you the head's up!!
#future #marketing #work
  • Profile picture of the author Eddie Titan
    There is a lot of money in this but it is border line illegal if not just plain out illegal.

    First, by registering domain names that contain the tv show's names in them you are committing trademark infringement.

    And since many of these tv shows are run (or funded) by the same big tv networks, chances are the networks have lawyers that keep tabs on these things.

    When I was under 18, I registered a domain name that featured information about Family Guy. The website did not have any episodes of Family Guy on it but it did have the name "Family Guy" in the domain name. Within one month and a half of launching the website I got an email from a lawyer asking me to close down the website. I closed it and never looked back.

    Second, Along with trademark infringement, you have to worry about aiding the distribution of illegal content on the web. If you develop a website that gives people access to free tv shows that are not "authorized" by the tv network, then you are doing something wrong. I don't know if linking people to shows is illegal but it is iffy. I know for a fact that one of the most popular websites online that provides people with links to watch movies online for free has experianced problems with the law. They have jumped around from on server to the other and from one domain to the other to avoid getting shut down.


    This is a good idea. But it is not a futuristic idea because it has been played out many times before by many people including myself once.

    Nevertheless, it is a creative idea if you thought of it out of the blue.
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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5217155].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Ebbi
    Yeah this just came out of the blue and I still know this will work!

    Providing links to sites/places where you can watch the shows is not illegal.
    Has never been and hopefully never will be.

    I agree that buying domains with the tv show name in it might not be the
    smartest way but I think it might be worth the traffic you'll get for the
    months you get it!

    What I would suggest as an alternative is getting a good domain name and
    building inner sites around the keywords I talked about in the first post.

    Remember that you'll rank in the top because you'll probably be the only one
    talking about this at the time and then it's just up to you to keep your self
    on the first page when the traffic kicks in!


    This way might even be better in the long run and when you have few shows
    on it and getting good traffic flipp it and be done with it!

    Thanks for this great input Eddie
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5217229].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author LeeLee
    It might work by genre, such as newvampireshow dot com. Or newfamilycartoon dot com.
    The wisdom of life consists in the elimination of nonessentials. ~ Lin Yutang
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5217250].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author travlinguy
      Originally Posted by LeeLee View Post

      It might work by genre, such as newvampireshow dot com. Or newfamilycartoon dot com.
      Yeah, I think a creative person could sidestep the trademark thing fairly easily. However, I'm not hip to how a 3rd party can legally offer videos of a current show.

      Not saying you can't but I'd think that stuff would be copyrighted intellectual property and the owner would be pretty guarded about who was using it without permission.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5217293].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author LeeLee
        Originally Posted by travlinguy View Post

        Yeah, I think a creative person could sidestep the trademark thing fairly easily. However, I'm not hip to how a 3rd party can legally offer videos of a current show.

        Not saying you can't but I'd think that stuff would be copyrighted intellectual property and the owner would be pretty guarded about who was using it without permission.
        I see your point. I reread the OP's post. I thought he was going to put up links to legal streams of the shows. But maybe not with the content locker language.

        And I wonder how easy it would be to rank such a site anyway since entertainment is so saturated. If you do any kind of "hot trend" sites that involve celebrities you will be up against some really stiff competition.

        I could see getting some traffic pre-launch of the show but I don't see a loyal audience returning to that blog specifically post-launch of the show.

        Clearly the best bet would be to find some sort of early tie in monetization and not invest too much in the site cause it really does sound like a coin toss.
        The wisdom of life consists in the elimination of nonessentials. ~ Lin Yutang
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  • Profile picture of the author Chris Chicas
    A few important points have been mention on why you might run into stumbling blocks.

    First of all Hollywood lawyers are like blood thirsty vampires when it comes to trademark infringement.

    And like LeeLee said, what's going to happen when PR 7-9 entertainment websites join the competition? Do you think you can really stay at bay?

    And most importantly... how are you really going to monetize this? CPA?

    I'm not saying it can't be done I"m just saying that there are so many other easier ways to make money on line.

    Anyways if you give it a go keep us posted... you never know what will happen til you try it.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5217545].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Kevin Perry
    I think your second idea would probably work. Register a generic TV related domain and create pages for all the new tv shows that pop up. If you're quick to discover a new tv show and pick the right keyword to target, you could probably easily get on page one before the influx of traffic. Then hit them with some related CPA and you're golden.

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  • Profile picture of the author watsonovedades
    i highly agree with LeeLee
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  • Profile picture of the author Trevor
    Good strategy. I agree that the SEO work will not be hard in order to rank number 1 in Google. The important thing there will be to pick up the momentum very quickly and not wait until someone else does it instead of you.

    As for monetization of those sites; besides content locking (incent CPA offers), you can also monetize with non-incent CPA offers that are highly related to the TV show or you can even monetize with AdSense...

    Just some ideas

    - Trev
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  • Profile picture of the author thebitbotdotcom
    Go to any article directory and you will see that people have been doing this in droves and it has become a highly competitive niche...all completely automated at this point.

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  • Profile picture of the author johan_malmo
    Really great idea! I think future marketing also would work on other stuff like cars, games, whatever...
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  • Profile picture of the author James Hessler
    Some very good info and advice here. Was thinking of something slightly similar myself after seeing a comment on YouTube re a tv show... 'fool us'

    The comment was 'where can I find every episode' the reply ' on my Channel ' so bought 2 domains... 'EveryEpisodeOfFoolUs 'EveryEpisodeOf' then ever post would be a different show...

    Anyway, not wishing to hijack the OP s thread, so it would be interesting and informative o see what transpires.

    Thanks to OP for posting and sharing...


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