Launching a membership site need video help please
Like the title says I am launching a membership site and there is going to be quite a bit of video content in there.
What would be your recommendation for having the videos embedded? I don't really feel to use youtube but I do not want to host all the video's on my server is there anything you would recommend? I think Amazon had something but I am not sure..
Or would it be best to just host it on my servers? :-s
Thanks in advance

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1 simoncrabb.com (consulting and coaching - I've been a full time affiliate marketer since 2000)
2 plrproducers.com (free and paid PLR products)
3 concealeddeals.com (digital downloads deals site)
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I help the overworked & underpaid wage slave break free from the shackles of their 9 - 5 using just the internet and email. Find out how at ==> www.EducatedRebel.com
I help the overworked & underpaid wage slave break free from the shackles of their 9 - 5 using just the internet and email. Find out how at ==> www.EducatedRebel.com
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