Clickbank Alternate Landing Pages - *POSSIBLE?

Profile picture of TheWebGuy
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
6 replies
Hey Warriors!

I have a clickbank product and want to create alternate landing pages for my affiliates like TruthAboutAbs does (ex: Affiliate Alternate Landing Pages -

Does anybody know how to do this? ...or do you know what script Mike uses at TruthAboutAbs?

Your help would be soooo appreciated. Thanks a lot.
#alternate #clickbank #landing #pages
  • Profile picture of the author TheWebGuy
    Profile picture of TheWebGuy
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by ErikNilsson View Post

    Just clone it Hire anyone...
    I'm not sure how to clone it because I don't know what the php file is called and I can't see the code.

    If anyone know more about this let me know.

    There's probably some simple .php file to use but I'm not sure.

    If anyone knows I'd appreciate it very, very much!
  • Profile picture of the author alam69
    Profile picture of alam69
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    There's no script or what so over... That just text using hyperlink... Just write words then highlight. After that click hyperlink image then insert your url...

    he must be good at row the text
  • Profile picture of the author TheWebGuy
    Profile picture of TheWebGuy
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Thanks for the replies but it's not answering my question...

    Clickbank allows 1 landing page

    So affiliates create affiliate links at clickbank

    That link takes them to the sales page (just 1 sales page)

    ...however, the guys at TruthAboutAbs allow affiliates to add those ending tags to their affiliate links which redirects them to other sales pages (instead of the 1 registered with Clickbank).

    I need to know how to do that (allow affiliates to add some kind of ending tag to their affiliate links that will redirect them to a different sales page than my Clickbank sales page...but while also tracking their affiliate link. So it must be a server side the info is tracked and they get credit for the sale on the alternate sales pages I want to create).
  • Profile picture of the author michael_gourlay
    Profile picture of michael_gourlay
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Any url query parameters you append to the end of the Clickbank URL will be passed to your pitch page as url parameters. I'd imagine what the truth about ads site does is check to see if that pid parameter has been passed, and if so, redirect to the page requested. This can be done quite easily with PHP.
  • Profile picture of the author williamstraus
    Profile picture of williamstraus
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Mike Geary might have developed something on his own in php. But, you can try this out:

    Original ClickBank Affiliate Management Tool

    BTW - Geary is an amazing affiliate. If you didn't read this article about him do so now:

    The Truth About Abs: How To Make $1,000,000 Per Month with Digital Products (Plus: Noah Kagan results)

    Promote my ClickBank Product - The Gut Health Solution - 75% Commissions. Converts 1-2% on PPC traffic. Acid Reflux, Heartburn and Digestive Distress Remedy from a Legit Doctor!.

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