700 fans but not even 1 sale

35 replies
i got 700 fans in 2 days on my facebook page, but not even 1 sale.
here`s the page: I want money | Facebook
can you tell me what`s wrong? would you buy my product or not? and why?
i would really apreciate your help.
thank you
#700 #fans #sale
  • Profile picture of the author Bettersignupnow
    WOW! 700 FANS in two days - forget the PLR and sell your traffic method instead!

    Seriously, about your PLR, you might consider featuring them one at a time while explaining benefits of that specific PLR, and selling one for say $7 or all for $47

    Success is within your reach
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    • Profile picture of the author ddDonPaul
      Originally Posted by Bettersignupnow View Post

      WOW! 700 FANS in two days - forget the PLR and sell your traffic method instead!

      Seriously, about your PLR, you might consider featuring them one at a time while explaining benefits of that specific PLR, and selling one for say $7 or all for $47

      Success is within your reach
      my traffic method is facebook ads lol
      which i didn`t paid for, because my credit card is empty.
      i don`t know how this works on facebook ads... i`ll just see what they will tell me :rolleyes:

      "At the end of pain is success." E.T.

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    • Profile picture of the author Andyhenry
      Originally Posted by Bettersignupnow View Post

      WOW! 700 FANS in two days - forget the PLR and sell your traffic method instead!

      He maxed out a credit card running Facebook ads and you think he should be selling his traffic method?

      nothing to see here.

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  • Profile picture of the author georgedinmore
    Well, the first thing your doing wrong is selling to them straight away.

    You should give half of it away for free, building an email list.

    The other half can be the OTO, sell other half for about $7-$27.

    Build a list, which you can then communicate with, as well as make money on OTO and build your buyers list from people that buy.

    And $47 for people that do not know you - your going to be lucky if you made 10 sales by end of the week.


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    • Profile picture of the author brandon_holcomb
      Originally Posted by georgedinmore View Post

      Well, the first thing your doing wrong is selling to them straight away.

      You should give half of it away for free, building an email list.

      The other half can be the OTO, sell other half for about $7-$27.

      Build a list, which you can then communicate with, as well as make money on OTO and build your buyers list from people that buy.

      And $47 for people that do not know you - your going to be lucky if you made 10 sales by end of the week.
      I agree when I took a look at your fan page you were trying to sell right away instead of building a relationship with your fans while maintaing the end goal of them purchasing your products or service because you have built that relationship and built up trust with them. Check out my fan page and take a look its growing by leaps and bounds right now. I am giving free tips and advice and will be holding a contest very soon for some one to win 500 likes free and a google android tab but that has not been announced yet.

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  • Profile picture of the author Eddie Titan
    Well, just because people go to your fan page and click on your "like" button, does not mean that they are interested in your product.

    Did you buy these "likes"? I can't for the life of me understand why 700 people on facebook would be "genuinely" interested in liking a page that advertises PLR products.

    The people interested in PLR products are a small fraction of internet marketers. They are a rare breed of internet marketers that usually buy PLR from quality sources online like the Warrior Forum.
    New Members Challenge! Join me in 2012. Set an income goal for the New Year and achieve it!
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  • Profile picture of the author cashcow
    Was your ad targeted to people who want to buy PLR?

    When they click on the ad, I believe you automatically get a "like" (someone correct me if I am wrong but it seemed like that was happening last time I ran an ad because every click resulted in a like).

    So, if your ad wasn't about buying PLR, the people might click it and then when they got there not be interested in your product.

    How did you buy ads but not have to pay for them because your credit card is empty?

    Gone Fishing
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  • Profile picture of the author elexmedia
    Maybe you could sell other people WSOs...

    WSOs have great conversion and great selection, so maybe there's a WSO that suit your fans
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  • Profile picture of the author Gouldmine
    To keep your fans hooked you should give them regular "can't miss" FREE offers. This will get them to return to your page on a regular basis, plus if you use your free offer to capture their email address you can market your products to them regardless is they stop visiting your page.

    One problem with Facebook is they stop sending stream updates to those that like your page but don't interact with it after a certain period of time.
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    • Profile picture of the author Manie Amari
      Originally Posted by Gouldmine View Post

      One problem with Facebook is they stop sending stream updates to those that like your page but don't interact with it after a certain period of time.
      This is no longer a problem. Have you heard of Edgerank? As long as you engage fans on your Fan Page your posts will always show within your fans news feed. The real key is to get them to share your posts more often. This improves your Edgerank immensely.

      This will NOT be up for long. Get it now whilst You still can. Btw it's FREE...
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    • Profile picture of the author Claire Koch
      this is a great idea you should do this and also give a hot tips once in awhile

      Originally Posted by Gouldmine View Post

      To keep your fans hooked you should give them regular "can't miss" FREE offers. This will get them to return to your page on a regular basis, plus if you use your free offer to capture their email address you can market your products to them regardless is they stop visiting your page.

      One problem with Facebook is they stop sending stream updates to those that like your page but don't interact with it after a certain period of time.
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  • Profile picture of the author Marcus Rockey
    First give them free stuff. We all love a freebie. Gain trust before trying to sell.
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  • Profile picture of the author Marcus Rockey
    Oh, well done by the way, 700 in two days is good going!
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  • Profile picture of the author sscot
    700 fans in 2 days, FaceBook ads free......... Looks like OP is smart thinker.

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  • Profile picture of the author Mike Tyler
    Most of the people surfing Facebook isn't interesting in buying, nor browsing products, they are interested in having fun.

    That's why my brother yore not making any sales with Facebook. Try Adwords.


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    • Profile picture of the author Gerry Humphrey
      This is my personal opinion, not necessarily what will make it sell more.

      I went to the page and had to hunt to even find something to buy. I would expect to have a offer tab at least.

      There was no fan gate way to grab my like, and give me something in return thanking me. Surprised that 987 people "liked" your page.

      As a "local business, Iasi, Romania" it does make me concerned about buying something, especially at the $47 price point. (I am in the US, and get bombarded by spam from Romania among other places.)

      "I want money" makes me feel like you are demanding money from me. Not that you are going to help me make money.

      The profile picture as a bunch of covers does nothing to help "brand" your page. Also the photos at the top of the page are not very compelling to want to click to look at.

      The majority of your posts are Sell, Sell, Sell. You are also pushing that they can make money, and then a comment that you made with this page appears on your stream complaining that you can't make money in the internet marketing business.

      You talk about the sale being over when 25 copies are sold. If it was such a deal that should have happened the first day. Now it looks like no one else is buying it.

      Your links go to your website that has a bunch of links to show the sales pages from each product. It gets distracting. All that I clicked either had sales pages that were not complete (insert your order link here) or were broken links.

      I clicked on the order now button at the bottom of the main page, and it shows $17 not $47 at PayPal.

      On the FB page you do mention $20 off (but $17 is $30 off.) However you didn't change the price on the sales page.

      The Facebook Page, the website, the linked pages and the price difference, all set off red flags.
      Gerry Humphrey
      Business Consultant, Technical Support Rep, Developer, Trainer
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  • Profile picture of the author xxxJamesxxx
    First thing I would of done is made them optin. That way you're building a list in a hot market that you can sell to them further down the road.

    ...Just make sure to build a relationship with them.

    James Scholes
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  • Profile picture of the author ddDonPaul
    woow thanks for the great replys.
    and thank you for your great review Gerry.
    well i had created this page way back, and now promoted it with facebook ads just by mistake. i clicked on promote my page just to see how much it will cost, and after i created my ad the fan number just kept growing. and it`s still growing.
    although i didn`t pay 1 cent for this, i know for sure that my credit card is empty lol.
    i don`t know how facebook manage this.

    so my fanpage was just flooded overnight with almost 1000 members, and i didn`t know what to do. i know that my page is kinda spam, but i never dealt with email marketing or anything like this. i thought i could make some sales...

    i will definately learn more about this facebook fanpage system, because it has a great potential.

    thanks again for your reviews...
    awesome review Gerry, i really apreciate it.

    "At the end of pain is success." E.T.

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    • Profile picture of the author Wah Bhatti
      i cant help ,

      all i know is i dont know what you selling
      is obviously not what your fans want

      maybe sell a solution to one thing and not a bunch

      No, this isn't a joke. It's as real as it gets.

      just my 2 cents

      why do people say that

      just my 2 Penney worth
      "You can get anything in life you want if you help enough people get what they want." -Zig Ziglar
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  • Profile picture of the author ddDonPaul
    the strange thing is that my ad was something like: "I want money" and the description "Over $500 in real value for just $47 - internet marketing tools"
    and just "over $500 in real value for just $47". and the people still click like.
    and not even 1 sale? they must have been interested in this if they like it...

    i will learn more about this facebook fanpage system, and how to have very targeted fans.

    "At the end of pain is success." E.T.

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  • Profile picture of the author Micah Medina
    There's no benefit listed here. Like, if I don't know anything about IM, I don't even know what's being sold, I just see a bunch of cheap looking covers and links.

    List Building Bulletin + 8 bonus products is FREE to download here.
    What is list building? Why is it important? As I go through the page the word FREE keeps popping out at me... are you hoping that people who are relentlessly attracted to FREE stuff will pay your bills?

    If your target audience is newbies, you need to step way back, start explaining things, and remove the references to Wall Street and Forbes and all that (psst - they aren't well liked right now)

    If your target audience is hungry marketers, you need to step way back and start providing honest to god value. You're not going to sell anything to people on WF with "everything you should have in IM"... it's not specific or inspiring.

    If you promote like you've got a rent bill to pay next week, you won't make any money. Also, remember that Facebook isn't the same as an email list. People are going to read down the page, and this feels like a spammy robot blog and not an actual sales page.

    Just keep working on it and keep us posted.

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  • Profile picture of the author absolutelee
    You basically need some way to capture the people who come to your page. A like/reveal with a freebie attached to a Aweber email might help.
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    • Profile picture of the author mrtreyk
      Originally Posted by absolutelee View Post

      You basically need some way to capture the people who come to your page. A like/reveal with a freebie attached to a Aweber email might help.
      I agree with Lee...You need custom page that makes them opt-in when they land on the page. Also it's not easy to find the link that takes them to your sales page. Your links are kind of buried...You need to make it very obvious where you want them to go and this can be accomplished with the aforementioned like/reveal page Lee spoke of.
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  • Profile picture of the author elvisA
    i took a look at the page and i know i wouldn't buy anything from there since the page looks like a sales page more than a fanpage.

    the purpose of fanpages, in my opinion, is to get people that have the same interest in a certain topic. if you want to sell you need to clean up your page and make it look like you are sharing an interest in the topic and not trying to sell them evevry hour or so.

    you also need a optin form so you can keep tabs on your following. give away some of your products on the front end when they opting and them send them to a OTO where they can buy more of your products.

    by them optin in it will be easier for you to sell to them. all you are doing on your fanpage is annoying them by posting product after product. you need to be more interactive with your fans.

    my opinion though so take it for what is worth.

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  • Profile picture of the author ddDonPaul
    i don`t know how to create optin on facebook pages.
    as i said, i will learn more about this, and let you know how it`s working.

    "At the end of pain is success." E.T.

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  • Profile picture of the author Royce Space
    Originally Posted by ddDonPaul View Post

    i got 700 fans in 2 days on my facebook page, but not even 1 sale.
    here`s the page: I want money | Facebook
    can you tell me what`s wrong? would you buy my product or not? and why?
    i would really apreciate your help.
    thank you
    Do you really expect that you can make money with 700 fans without building a relationship first? Like the post above, they open facebook account to have fun not buy ebook or something like that.

    I suggest, build a relationship first. Then instead of trying to promote an ebook, why not promote cpa offers? Like gaming and dating offers. Try to spit test! Also, it should be nice if your target a specific audience.
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  • Profile picture of the author ebusinesstutor
    I second George and Elvis. I ONLY ever use paid advertising to build my lists because once they are in my list, I can promote to them as often as I want for free.

    I never try to sell anything when I advertise.
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  • Profile picture of the author hinadeane
    Any sales since? I can see you have 993 fans at this time, well done!
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  • Profile picture of the author Renavon
    Great work on the likes. Try giving some away for free, word of mouth is a great thing. Not only that but ask for some testimonials in return. By doing this your not only getting your name out there but you should be creating a list of emails and names to market with later
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    • Profile picture of the author Chris Chicas
      Maybe it would help if you remove the ability for people to download everything for free at the bottom of the sales page.

      There has some great advice given above. I would also suggest you work on your English grammar.

      Best of luck.
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  • Profile picture of the author hustlinsmoke
    Your on a Social site, not a marketing site. I see a bunch of posts about a sale. I see no posts on interacting with your fans. They don't go to facebook to buy things, they go to facebook to interact. You need to interact. Scenario below.

    First post.
    I can't understand why we can not do a or z is there any solution.
    Let them respond for a while. Talk to them. Then after people talk
    I FOUND IT. I found this great program that does all of this and more, check it out here.
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  • Profile picture of the author GuerrillaIM
    Have fun when facebook chase you for their unpaid bill. Just because your credit card is empty doesn't mean you do not owe them for the advertising you have used.
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  • Profile picture of the author JustLight
    Dont be too carried and think that you got free ads from facebook cos they will still charge your card at a later date for the amount spent on the advert. If they charge your card and the deal does not go through, the will disable the until you pay for the money you have used. I think that is the way it works.

    Regarding getting 700 fan in two days without any sales, i will advise that you interact with your fans first, give out some of the PLR free (customized with your affiliate links or links to your sales page) and then you can now push the ones you want to sale.
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  • Profile picture of the author Robert X
    Duh,,, did you think people make money by making facebook fan pages? I'm sorry,,, you've been lied to. Spend your time CREATING your OWN products. Not Fan pages, or backlinking, or ranking in Google. You'll waste your time and get discouraged. Focus on product creation,, product developement. Invest in you baby


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  • Profile picture of the author Chris Chicas
    I agree with Robert X, and I wasn't kidding when I said that you had a button at the bottom of the page where anyone could click on it and download everything for free.
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