What's your expectations for 2012?

36 replies
Hi everyone,

I think at the end of the year everybody's looking forward to the next year. Everybody also has expectation in the business life for 2012.
My expectations in the business life is the learn new skills, new methods to generate more sales and income. To reach the $10.000 a month profit.

What's yours?
#2012 #expectations
  • Profile picture of the author Eddie Titan
    I am going to approach things in a more organized fashion in 2012.

    Watch my eating habits, work out daily, continue to go to school, continue to work on my business, and (hopefully) make time to relax with friends and family on the weekends.

    Specifically regarding my "business life", I need to increase my efforts in order to reach my $120k goal and I think the best way to do that is, not by putting in more hours but, by developing a system that will allow me to outsource and manage my projects as apposed to having to work them myself.

    I think I need what Neil Patel calls, a nanny, to look after me
    New Members Challenge! Join me in 2012. Set an income goal for the New Year and achieve it!
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  • Profile picture of the author Andyhenry
    My aim is to focus more on relationships and fun and less on money and business.

    nothing to see here.

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  • Profile picture of the author officer_iron
    My goals are to hit the next level in my product creation and name awareness.
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Meaney
    I hope to do more for charity in 2012, I don't feel like I did as much as I could have in 2011.
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  • Profile picture of the author AdvancedSamurai
    I hope that earnings will not drop. However, I expect that they will increase :>)
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    • Profile picture of the author kevinenrique
      Good question... 2012 is going to be an interesting year for me.

      Just today I sold my foodservice family business. My father started this in 1980 and since then we've been dedicated to it.... I know nostalgia will kick in soon, so many years working here will not be forgotten.

      In a while we are opening champagne and celebrating with family and friends, but I know I'll be thinking about my next step.

      In 2012 I plan to start an offline consulting business to help companies with their websites, hosting, social media marketing, etc.
      I have high expectations and I really hope it will provide enough money for me and my wife.

      Also another big thing happening will be moving to the States, which we have been thinking about for quite some time, but because of my foodservice business we couldn't, so now is the time.

      I hope all of you warriors do good in all your ventures and that 2012 bring great things for you and your families.
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  • Profile picture of the author ColinT
    For the coming year I intend to increase my knowledge, decrease workload, and increase profits.
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  • Profile picture of the author lukedidit
    Keep my day job.

    Look after my family well.

    Get my Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Blue belt.

    Make $10 in profit and get on the front page of G.
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    • Profile picture of the author fin
      Quit my job and move to a tropical island.
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  • Profile picture of the author clever7
    I want to see more people trusting my work. This is gradually happening; I hope that this process will work faster in 2012.

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  • Profile picture of the author brimstone
    I want to get my first e commerce store up and producing $3000 a month in sales. Increase my blog network to 300 sites and figure out big g's algorithm and not work 18 hours a day 7 days a week.
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    • Profile picture of the author Kaie
      2012 is the year for me to really make things happen in a business sense for my websites. What is now a "side" business will produce enough of an income that I can afford to spend more time working at it. I will build my mailing list, complete my unfinished ebooks and format them for sale/create landing pages.

      I will also create ebooks and workbooks to go with workshops I am starting in February.

      It is the year I lay the groundwork for the next chapter of my career life. I am excited about it!

      It is also the year I decide to just hire the help I need instead of trying to do everything myself (and I plan to make enough to justify it.)
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  • Profile picture of the author jpsilver
    My expectations for next year is to sort the wheat from the chaff i.e. work on and scale the businesses making money and close or sell the ones that aren't. I also want to create products as I like to write and I want to help others.
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  • Profile picture of the author Lisha5684
    My goal for the new year is to streamline my online businesses and try to make them all weave together as one big business with many branches that each help each other out. I would also like to figure out how to outsource more of my work, but I'm pretty particular on how things get done so it's hard for me to hand anyone work I think I should just do myself, lol!

    Good luck in the new year everyone!

    May you want what you have, and may you have what you need!


    -Start Getting Noticed On Twitter: http://twonderwoman.com
    -Visit my blog: http://blogandretire.com/blog - Tips for blogging, social media marketing, and online business.

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  • Profile picture of the author Martin1977
    It's good to hear your fantastic goals and expectation. I wish everybody the best for the year 2012. Happy New Year! See you in 2012!
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  • Profile picture of the author hustlinsmoke
    Goal, to hit 100,000 on my optin list. The rest will come. Long ways to go so better get back to work. Happy New Year.
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  • Profile picture of the author sandebdavid
    Work more than i ever worked in my life. I expect to get my sites a good position in google and more than tripple my current traffic. Learn more IM from the gurus and hopefully be one by the end of the year.
    "For everyone somewhere there is a piece of heaven on earth"
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  • Profile picture of the author Webkingseo
    Work... Work ...Work... n more Work....!!!!

    Happiness and Joyful Life....!!!!!!!
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  • Profile picture of the author Ajay Tiwari
    Originally Posted by Martin1977 View Post

    Hi everyone,
    My expectations in the business life is the learn new skills, new methods to generate more sales and income. To reach the $10.000 a month profit.
    We are on same boat... I have learned many things in 2011 and now going to utilize them one by one and will try to reach $10K a month goal in 2012.
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  • Profile picture of the author Willie Crawford
    I started "my new year" early by starting to eat
    healthier and work out more already. I'll make
    health an absolute priority. I've seen too many
    very successful people who would give anything to
    regain failing health!

    Approaching age 53, I currently take absolutely
    no medications, so I'm blessed, and intend not to
    let lifestyle destroy that good health :-)

    I will work less and enjoy time with family and
    friends more, with vacations already scheduled to
    Dominican Republic, Philippines, Singapore, and

    I will embrace Ron LeGrands motto, "The less I
    do, the more I make" by not only outsourcing
    almost everything, but turning the management of
    many aspects of my businesses over to competent
    people that I've trained and trust... and allow to
    make mistakes.

    I will embrace one of the mottos of my mastermind
    groups, "Fewer, deeper relationships!" I have the
    max number of friends on many social networks, etc.,
    but am going back and really connecting with certain
    people, and those are the people that I'll form
    deeper business relationships with too.

    I'm taking more things all the way through to
    completion, and at the same time, saying NO to more
    projects that I'm invited into. I'm forcing
    myself to take on project to profitability and
    self-sufficiency before I take on the next.

    I'll use the things that I've learned right here
    on the Warrior Forum to easily make 2012 more
    profitable than I once thought possible :-)

    Many of you will encounter me at seminars, conferences,
    and on cruises, which is where I'll do my most
    visible work as a joint venture broker... doing work
    that I thoroughly enjoy, and promoting products that
    I only believe in 100%!


    Here's A Ready-Made High Ticket Product To Make Your Own.
    Click To Go BIG!

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  • Profile picture of the author pearsonbrown
    I am going to spread myself less thinly. We are now in the era of good content. "adequate" is no longer enough.

    I am going to have apps on the IPad and books in the Kindle store. Quality stuff that people want.

    I am going to work less and exercise more. Quality work time, not quantity.

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  • Profile picture of the author barbling
    I plan on scaling up what I've been doing for the last 4 months.

    And that's really amazing to me (honestly) - the vast majority of my online business success has gone exponential during *only* the last 4 months.

    'course, it took getting myself kicked in teeth to catapult me *to* the mental state that caused me to evolve.

    Go figure.


    This year, I plan on continuing my productivity of short quality WSOs.

    I plan on building a community.

    I plan on growing my list.

    I plan on continuing to give away valuable goodies to said list, to give back.

    Interestingly enough, my experiences has shown that I make more money with 75% commission than 100% commission. I think I need to expand my reach so the 100% commission gets picked up by more affiliates.

    So we'll see...it's been a continued learning experience.

    Great topic!
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    • Profile picture of the author Claire Koch
      Lol Barb I;ve been watching you how much faster can you possibly wiggle?

      THis movie reminds me of you lol:
      and your new WSO lifestyle. Get faster and you might zoom off the planet

      Originally Posted by barbling View Post

      I plan on scaling up what I've been doing for the last 4 months.

      And that's really amazing to me (honestly) - the vast majority of my online business success has gone exponential during *only* the last 4 months.

      'course, it took getting myself kicked in teeth to catapult me *to* the mental state that caused me to evolve.

      Go figure.


      This year, I plan on continuing my productivity of short quality WSOs.

      I plan on building a community.

      I plan on growing my list.

      I plan on continuing to give away valuable goodies to said list, to give back.

      Interestingly enough, my experiences has shown that I make more money with 75% commission than 100% commission. I think I need to expand my reach so the 100% commission gets picked up by more affiliates.

      So we'll see...it's been a continued learning experience.

      Great topic!
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  • Profile picture of the author youngchild92
    During 2011, I made a lot of mistakes and learnt valuable lessons in terms of my approach to internet marketing. I realized what works, what doesn't, how things work, how they don't. Now, if the world doesn't end in 2012, I know it for a fact that I'll be making a full time income through IM before 2012 ends.
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    • Profile picture of the author raylee1
      im hoping this is going to be the year i finally make some decent money.

      im in the process of getting a new fitness dvd in production, with resell rights, so it will be the start of making my own products.
      if a success im looking to do 1 a month,on different fitness niches.

      happy new year to all warriors.
      all the best
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  • Profile picture of the author InspireGuy
    Trying to make enough money to start a 401 plan. Barely paying the bills atm, but, this year i see a lot of changes for the better with all my efforts.
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  • Profile picture of the author JeremiahSay
    1) Have a deeper and better relationship with God and fellow saints

    2) Aiming to earn at least $10,000 per month in passive income

    3) Keep fit and be healthy
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  • Profile picture of the author Mega B
    2011 was my best year thus far revenue wise so i am planning on replicating this and more in the coming year,so very excited.But the main thing is i hope that i stay health as without that you cannot do anything.

    The easy way to earn a very nice income from the comfort of your home.Start earning straight away today its 'possibly' the easiest income you will earn.
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  • Profile picture of the author MoneySavingLisa
    I want to:

    1) Find a job
    2) Continue to learn IM
    3) build more websites and keep content fresh
    4) short term goal is to try and hit 1K in a month this year, long term goal is 3K in a month. If I don't hit either, I won't be bummed but it gives me something to focus on.

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  • Profile picture of the author HairyPoppins
    I expect and I hope I'm not being too ambitious here but I expect to exponentially expand upon by IM business. I'm putting more hours into it this year then ever. I'm ready to get to that next level and start the rest of my life.
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  • Profile picture of the author John Romaine
    One of these would be nice.


    BS free SEO services, training and advice - SEO Point

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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    $10,000 a month sounds really good. I'm lookin to build my brand as an internet marketer, and gain some new consulting clients in the process. I got a good idea on how to make this happen.
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  • Profile picture of the author PeruvianMan
    I hope that earnings will not drop.
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