Terrible News About The Economy!
So, I have decided to not participate in
the recession. That entire "recession"
thing is not something I like. So, I'm
going to "pass" on it.
Instead, I have a plan... and I think
you, as my fellow Warriors, may
want to devise a plan yourself.
First of all, as a business owner, I'm
lucky (as are many of you). I dont
really participate in this economy
as an employee, so all those jobs
being lost are not much of my
And, as a business owner, I have the
luxury of operating in what I call, "The
Business Owner World".
You see, there's another world out there
and it's called "The employee world".
That employee world, and those who
live in it, often have zero clue how
the business world is... they have no
I mean, in the business world, you can
often shape your own destiny and control
how much you get out of this world.
Abundance is as abundant as your mind
will allow and your own self confidence is
often the only thing that stands in your way.
However, in the business world, and as a
business owner, you have the incredible
power of choice.
You can make certain choices about your
business... and your actions... and your
results... that most on the planet could
never do, or even comprehend -- in the
employee world.
Additionally, even if you are in the employee
world, but also have a foot in the business
world, with a part time business, you too
have choices with your part time business.
It's an advantage.
Because, business owners look at the recession
and ask themselves this question:
"How can I capitalize on this recession thing?"
And, if you can capitalize on it... then you
look at all the gloom and doom on the news
constantly pounding the general public into
a panic frenzy........ as the best form of
widespread advertising any savvy business
owner would adore.
Personally, I've been looking around...
researching... asking others... poking...
inquiring... reading... and I believe I
found a solid opportunity to ride this
wave of recession from a completely
different view. A lucrative one.
<big smile>
It is not what happens that is important,
but rather how you react that is truly
And with that in mind, if you decide to
react to the recession thingy in a positive
manner... with an agressive attacking
business owner manner... with a
capitalistic, empowering, results oriented
manner, then this could be one of the
best things to ever happen during
your lifetime (or business lifetime).
As a business owner, you call the shots.
You are the controller of your own business
destiny. This recession thing could be
a blessing in disguise really.
How? In many ways it's a blessing. One
for example is that when things are truly
tough, or slower than you're used to, or
declining, or even in crisis... that's when
you truly become stronger, better, and
more wise.
It's those times that you tighten up your
ship, cut dead weight, train and improve
performance, brew-up opportunities, move
and shake, and ultimately -- make things
better for your business (and your bank
There are those who when their backs are
up against the wall and all things seem to
be collapsing around them, go and run.
Those folks cave in to the media's emphasis
on the panic and recession (it increases
rankings) and they start to think wrongly
in business, and start reaching.
Even in the "Science of Being Great", it says
you cannot be great if you are anxious, fearful
or worrisome. Because, you make wrong
decisions. You act from a timid standpoint
instead of a bold, confident standpoint.
Buy into the media's attempt to create panic
and doom & gloom, negativity and depression,
and you're done.
Call your own shots, make your own rules,
seek opportunities, adjust your actions, become
more confident... and ultimately only participate
in the recession as one who CAPITALIZES
The beauty of this Internet Marketing business,
is I can sell just about anything in ANY market.
What a great life.
I wish everyone could live it.
Shoot For The Stars!
Eric Louviere
PS - CNN Breaking News! Customer's credit
cards may be declining more than ever right now
severely hurting those businesses who cannot
adjust, move and shake, and find compelling
new opportunities.
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