Newbie?? Let Me Explain To You How You're Killing Yourself!
is a state of mind that is murdering your career!
Think about it..
I mean sure you may think it only means you are
new and don't know much about what you are doing!
Or it stands for New Beginner! Hogwash
If you come to the table calling yourself a
newbie! You have just opened yourself up to all
the sharks waiting to pounce on you!
Consistently telling yourself "I'm just a newbie"
allows your mind to close and therefore make you
dependent on the "next man" or your
Instead of getting stuck in the newbie role for
too long, force your brain to think!
Did you know once your brain is presented a
question it will not rest until an answer is
presented as well?
Don't get me wrong I understand being new at
something, I totally do. I just want to appeal to
the side of you that doesn't want to log in to
warrior forum next year this same time still
claiming to be a newbie!
Start asking yourself questions like:
1. "How can I make this work"?
2. "What can I do differently to get a better
3. "Who can I find that has been where I am
before and will be honest with me"?
4. "What book can I find that will help me with
these issues"?
Ask yourself whatever you have to, to keep your
brain churning toward success! STOP right this
instant playing the victim newbie role!
If you spent $100's or $1,000's of dollars last
year and still haven't seen a dime, I wonder how
many people did you tell you were a newbie last
I'm telling you, you better cut this madness out
now! It will turn you around this year and you
will start to see results!
here is the lamen way to sum up everything im
Pick where you want to be and ACT, TALK, and WALK
like you are already there! You will be surprised
to the people you meet and the things that cross
your path that will leap frog you to your
expected destination!
First you have to set that expectation!
Well I won't go to long here I just want to shake
up the newbie mindset so we can get to prosperity
this year instead of just dreaming about it!!!
God Bless
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