Verified PayPal account closed - Got it back after several days

Profile picture of xtrapunch
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16 replies
How can I have my PayPal account reinstated? I use it primarily for receiving funds from my web design clients.

I had been using PayPal for my online transactions for a few years through my VERIFIED account. During the entire span of my account with PayPal, I never had any dispute over any transaction and none of them violated any PayPal rule. My PayPal account was first limited on 3 January 2012 for adding/removing of multiple cards and was closed on 4 January 2012 during my phone conversation with your executive. I received a mail saying I was a "security risk" to your system without assigning a reason. I believe it to be an arbitrary decision by your company/executive as no valid reason was given.

I had been using virtual credit cards for single-use generated through my bank account. I was legally entitled to use all the cards that I had linked to my PayPal account.

During my conversation with your executive, I was asked to add a card. I tried to add a debit card to my account as I do not currently have a credit card (the reason why I had been using virtual credit cards for payments). The debit card that I was trying to link to PayPal had been successfully linked to my Google Wallet account. I was not able to add the said card to my PayPal account despite several attempts. I was always taken back to the account overview page without being shown any error message. Subsequent to this, my account was closed without assigning any reason or giving me any opportunity to fulfil the requirements to continue using PayPal services.

I have tried emailing them. I keep receiving template answers. No one seems to be reviewing my account. How can I get my PayPal account back?

PayPal has restored my account after I sent out emails to various departments and executives. Lesson learnt: Do not use pre-paid cards or one-time credit cards with PayPal.
#account #closed #paypal #verified
  • Profile picture of the author Mr. Ken Russell
    Mr. Ken Russell
    Profile picture of Mr. Ken Russell
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    It's closed for good. Say good bye to your funds. Nothing you can do now. It happens to the best of us.

    Find a new payment processor.
    • Profile picture of the author Jon Patrick
      Jon Patrick
      Profile picture of Jon Patrick
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      I've run into problems with Paypal over the years during various eBay ventures, and once an account is limited, it's very difficult to remove the limitation. When I say, "very difficult," I mean that I have never seen an account limitation removed except for the most recent one about a year ago.

      In that most recent one, the account was in my own name, with fully accurate information and a real credit card and bank account on file. I was selling legit products, and I'm not even sure why the account was flagged and limited. But after putting me through the wringer (social security number, invoices from my product supplier, bank statements, UPS tracking numbers...), I was able to get the limitation lifted. I've been using that account in good standing ever since.

      The strange thing is that I've had a previous account in my own name which was hit with the limitation... so one would think that this would create problems for any future attempts to create an account. But that was over five years ago, and apparently there is some kind of statute of limitations there, because I have no problems now.

      If you're not being given access to the "wringer" (you can't log in and see a bunch of requirements they want you to fulfill), then I'm not sure there's anything you can do, I'm sorry to say.

      You could always pay a lawyer a small fee to send them a letter on his law firm's letterhead. There may be some process for additional reviews to be initiated by Paypal's legal department.

      Best of luck to you.

      • Profile picture of the author xtrapunch
        Profile picture of xtrapunch
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by Jon Patrick View Post

        You could always pay a lawyer a small fee to send them a letter on his law firm's letterhead. There may be some process for additional reviews to be initiated by Paypal's legal department.
        PayPal has the right to close any account at its discretion. So I am not sure if a legal notice is the right step. My account had accurate details along with my bank account. I wasn't doing anything illegal.
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    • Profile picture of the author xtrapunch
      Profile picture of xtrapunch
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      Originally Posted by Nio93 View Post

      It's closed for good. Say good bye to your funds. Nothing you can do now. It happens to the best of us. Find a new payment processor.
      My funds will be released after 180 days. So I am not worried about that. The only problem is that there is no alternative to PayPal. I didn't do anything wrong. So I am not going to give up so soon.
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  • Profile picture of the author chillingbreeze
    Profile picture of chillingbreeze
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    2CO is a very good and safer alternative. If most of your clients wanna pay via paypal, 2co gives that option when you raise invoice to any of your clients.
  • Profile picture of the author cashp0wer
    Profile picture of cashp0wer
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I have met more internet marketers that have had their paypal account frozen/limited etc than I have of those that haven't.

    Unfortunately we all think it happens to other people and it will never happen to us.

    I am on plimus for receiving payments from clients as I don't trust paypal and they are very popular.
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    • Profile picture of the author Kay King
      Kay King
      Profile picture of Kay King
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      In every thread like this , the paypal bashers have to jump in to make a comment.

      However, it's not surprising paypal would question someone changing their credit card number on file with every transaction. How long have you been doing this on your paypal account?

      In India, paypal must meet the restrictions set by the national bank and this activity could be viewed as trying to get around the restrictions.
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      • Profile picture of the author xtrapunch
        Profile picture of xtrapunch
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

        In every thread like this , the paypal bashers have to jump in to make a comment.

        However, it's not surprising paypal would question someone changing their credit card number on file with every transaction. How long have you been doing this on your paypal account?

        In India, paypal must meet the restrictions set by the national bank and this activity could be viewed as trying to get around the restrictions.
        First, I have my account back.

        The single-use cards were issued by a bank, which is regulated by the Indian central bank. For Indian users, all money received in PayPal must be transferred to their bank account, which was the case with me as well. So there had been no violation except for the alarm raised by PayPal's system over pre-paid cards. I am not using these cards again.
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  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    Profile picture of sbucciarel
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    Apparently Paypal doesn't like virtual credit cards. I would never have changed cards frequently like that.

    You can try Amazon Payments, 2C0, or Alert Pay, but I would recommend that you get the credit card thing straightened out.

    I've got a Ready Debit card that I use without any problems at all.
  • Profile picture of the author Osman_M
    Profile picture of Osman_M
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Setup an merchant account and approach a mainstream back who offer online payment processing. Paypal scares me a lot. These things are becoming regular occurrences.
    • Profile picture of the author kolled
      Profile picture of kolled
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      You will certainly need another payment processor like the others have suggested. A credit/debit card will still be necessary if you decide to use some of the companies. Changing cards like you did with Paypal makes the payment processors jumpy and they may also decide to shut you down too.
  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    Randall Magwood
    Profile picture of Randall Magwood
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    Try to start a new one and use a real debit/credit card, and use only 1 of them. If this doesn't work, you could always use where they offer Paypal as a secondary payment processor. I don't think you even have to have a Paypal account to use 2checkout's Paypal option.
  • Profile picture of the author anthony2
    Profile picture of anthony2
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    I would say plimus is a good option.
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