Landing page or squeeze page. Dilemma (Beginner)

Profile picture of Unisons
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13 replies
I have this certain niche which I have wrote quite a comprehensive eBook on which i personally feel would really be of help (due to experience over the years)

I was thinking of making a landing page and sell the product there and drive traffic there. But reading on, a lot recommend giving away a product first, then move on to promote your product. If so I could extract a portion out of my eBook and give it away, follow up with some tips in the emails and next promote the product.

I'm guessing each has their own benefits but I would like to hear your opinions on which do you guys prefer?
#beginner #dilemma #landing #page #squeeze
  • Profile picture of the author zoomsixx
    Profile picture of zoomsixx
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    You should check out "Optimize Press". There is so much you can do with it. I think it is right up your alley.
  • Profile picture of the author John Romaine
    John Romaine
    Profile picture of John Romaine
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I dont use squeeze pages. Infact, I would only ever think that a squeeze page would be suitable using purposely driven traffic, say via PPC or similiar. If your site has 1,000 pages, then who's to say that EVERYONE is going to see your squeeze page? Not likely.

    I would suggest having your offer on EVERY PAGE, perhaps in a margin, and under that, have something that reads "Download Free Sample" (of your product) Have a look at the sites in my signatures for what I mean.

    Send them the first few chapters or something to showcase your product. This of course will have them either buying it, OR at the very least, ON YOUR LIST, to which you can sell them later on.

    Always provide valuable information when emailing, dont just send them continual "offers"

    Be mindful that this is merely a suggestion, there are plenty of ways to do this.

    BS free SEO services, training and advice - SEO Point

    • Profile picture of the author Unisons
      Profile picture of Unisons
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      Originally Posted by zoomsixx View Post

      You should check out "Optimize Press". There is so much you can do with it. I think it is right up your alley.
      I see that's quite a decent product right there. But as a beginner, I don't think I'll be able to drop 97$ just like that.

      Originally Posted by ramone_johnny View Post

      I dont use squeeze pages. Infact, I would only ever think that a squeeze page would be suitable using purposely driven traffic, say via PPC or similiar. If your site has 1,000 pages, then who's to say that EVERYONE is going to see your squeeze page? Not likely.

      I would suggest having your offer on EVERY PAGE, perhaps in a margin, and under that, have something that reads "Download Free Sample" (of your product) Have a look at the sites in my signatures for what I mean.

      Send them the first few chapters or something to showcase your product. This of course will have them either buying it, OR at the very least, ON YOUR LIST, to which you can sell them later on.

      Always provide valuable information when emailing, dont just send them continual "offers"

      Be mindful that this is merely a suggestion, there are plenty of ways to do this.
      Will keep this in mind too
    • Profile picture of the author bobcarlsjr
      Profile picture of bobcarlsjr
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      Originally Posted by ramone_johnny View Post

      I dont use squeeze pages. Infact, I would only ever think that a squeeze page would be suitable using purposely driven traffic, say via PPC or similiar. If your site has 1,000 pages, then who's to say that EVERYONE is going to see your squeeze page? Not likely.

      I would suggest having your offer on EVERY PAGE, perhaps in a margin, and under that, have something that reads "Download Free Sample" (of your product) Have a look at the sites in my signatures for what I mean.

      Send them the first few chapters or something to showcase your product. This of course will have them either buying it, OR at the very least, ON YOUR LIST, to which you can sell them later on.

      Always provide valuable information when emailing, dont just send them continual "offers"

      Be mindful that this is merely a suggestion, there are plenty of ways to do this.
      spot on, great post. best advice in this thread so far.
  • Profile picture of the author wfhblueprints
    Profile picture of wfhblueprints
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    Regardless of what niche you are in I would strongly recommend building a list which you can remarket your product to....

    I would go with a squeeze page offering some sort of free gift and then offer them the product.

    It may be a good idea to offer them the first chapter of your ebook as the free material and include a link to the buy page at the end of that chapter (Similar to what kindle does with it's free sections of books)

    Hope this helps.

  • Profile picture of the author robinjack007
    Profile picture of robinjack007
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    • Profile picture of the author Unisons
      Profile picture of Unisons
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      Originally Posted by robinjack007 View Post

      These are the specific niche written fairly comprehensive eBook, which I personally find really is worthwhile.
      Could you elaborate what exactly what you are trying to imply?
  • Profile picture of the author Trevor
    Profile picture of Trevor
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    Offering something for free is a great way to build a seed list of prospects. Then it's up to you to build a good relationship with them and then promote your paid product to them. If you build a good relationship with your prospects, you can make the list extremely responsive to your future proposals and it's even very likely they will buy more times than just once if you want to create more products and market them to your list.

    One more thing; I would make the freebie a kind of a teaser for the paid product... I would show my subscribers the "what", but not the "how"... I would, of course, provide great value with my freebie, but I would also leave something out and tell my subscribers the rest will be continued in the paid product.

    - Trev
  • Profile picture of the author SutejoTan
    Profile picture of SutejoTan
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    one thing for sure. Whichever technique you apply , you must capture leads, else you 'll lose opportunities.
    PM me, If you want to do swap .THx
  • Profile picture of the author Unisons
    Profile picture of Unisons
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    Very interesting help and replies here. Thanks a lot!
  • Profile picture of the author Paulcg200
    Profile picture of Paulcg200
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    Optimize Press is definitely worth the investment. $97 may seem like a lot right now but it comes with a 'multi site licence' so this is going to become a core part of your business.

    Lead capture would also be my first priority as it's very difficult 'to sell cold' no matter who you are. Give the e-book away, get the subscribers, build your relationships and you can sell to them time and time again.

    Paul Graham's Smarter Solo Ads

  • Profile picture of the author spearce000
    Profile picture of spearce000
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    Test both and see which one works best for you. Drive traffic to a landing page for a week, then drive traffic to a squeeze page for a week, then check the stats and results. Go with whatever method converts best. It's the only way you'll ever know for certain.

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