Make Money From Surveys???

Profile picture of MasonRamm
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
15 replies

May I please ask...

Has anyone tried and/or purchased those "Make Money from Surveys"
products or programs promoted online?

Plus are their members here that would be interested in this type
of product or program?

The reason I'm asking is because I'm thinking about purchasing
one of these products to give it a try and if it goes well, I may
consider putting together a product on my experience
and sell it or give it away as a WSO.

Please let me know your thoughts...

#make #money #surveys
  • Profile picture of the author Dan C. Rinnert
    Dan C. Rinnert
    Profile picture of Dan C. Rinnert
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I tried a few a couple years ago.

    I think I have a couple bucks due me that I'll never see because of payout minimums.

    I can see how you can make money doing it, but I didn't qualify for a lot of surveys, especially the higher paying ones, so I never got much out of it.

    After a while, I gave up on it. I didn't see it worth my time to check for new surveys I probably wouldn't qualify for when I could be spending time working on other things that may be more worthwhile.

    Dan's content is irregularly read by handfuls of people. Join the elite few by reading his blog:, following him on Twitter: or reading his fiction: but NOT by Clicking Here!

    Dan also writes content for hire, but you can't afford him anyway.
  • Profile picture of the author autumn78
    Profile picture of autumn78
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    From my experience, the income claims of most paid survey companies are ridiculously exaggerated. Plus, I never liked the idea of them requesting so much personal information.
  • Profile picture of the author JayXtreme
    Profile picture of JayXtreme
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    You'd be in a better position getting a job than doing surveys for an income

    Bare Murkage.........

  • Profile picture of the author motivated
    Profile picture of motivated
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Often surveys are the first way people make money online, albeit a tiny amount. If you can get into offering surveys to people (there are a lot of them on the CPA networks) then build a list, it's not a bad way of capturing newbies to IM and offering them decent products/systems to make money online.

    Someone here very wisely said "Give them what they want. Sneak in what they need." (I think it was Paul Myers that said this but I may be wrong.) This is a case where this applies.

  • Profile picture of the author LegitBlogger
    Profile picture of LegitBlogger
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    What's funny is that there are SO MANY of them selling like wild fire in clickbank - yet we all know they are not making users the money they process. Goes to show that clickbank isn't all about legitimate products as they claim - I remember once when clickbank refused to list my product because they said it's a "make money" product. I haven't tried to use them since them. I now use paypal/paydotcom.
    • Profile picture of the author jasondinner
      Profile picture of jasondinner
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by LegitBlogger View Post

      What's funny is that there are SO MANY of them selling like wild fire in clickbank - yet we all know they are not making users the money they process. Goes to show that clickbank isn't all about legitimate products as they claim - I remember once when clickbank refused to list my product because they said it's a "make money" product. I haven't tried to use them since them. I now use paypal/paydotcom.
      For every solid product in the CB marketplace, there are probably 50 crappy full of sh*t products.

      They dont let you sell products on list building but most of us know how powerful
      list building is.

      I can site more, but I'll let you guys have all that fun. LOL


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      • Profile picture of the author jsherloc
        Profile picture of jsherloc
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Well being that one of my main info products that I sell contains information on surveys, I feel the need to comment here. Basically, I agree with what everyone says about paid surveys to an extent...but I also disagree.

        The clickbank type sites are ridiculous because their outdated lists are simply not worth $35, $45, $55, etc. They obviously market to work at home moms, students, etc. I also spent some good money on these sites along with the whole "get hundreds a day doing simple data-entry" and "make a fulltime income processing rebates". I fell for these scams years ago because I simply didn't know any better...and curiousity got the best of me.

        However, over the years I did find some great and honest survey/focus group companies that do pay GOOD money for your time and opinion. Are you going to make more in IM over the long haul? Of course you are! The problem is that many people do not have the know how, abilities, time for info-digesting, etc to succeed in IM at certain points in their lives. The key with the paid surveys thing is a combination of quality and quantity. You can't just have one of those and expect to see any good ROI.

        I belong to around 270 legitimate survey/marketing companies, and they all reward me well for my time. It does take several months to build up trust with many of these companies by filling out tedious "screeners" and what not, but to eventually get paid $75-$100 for an hour of my time, I think it is worth the time. Over the years in college these companies really helped me by providing some much needed funds.

        With that being said, most of the people on this board are not really going to benefit from JUST paid surveys because they are obviously building businesses and working on IM. I can say though that enough quality survey companies combined with some other work at home opportunities like freelance writing, even "GPT" sites, can provide a good income for many people in certain situations. However, this mostly applies to people living in the U.S. as most legit companies are based here.

        It sucks though, because I see all these "date entry, rebate processing, paid survey" scams selling like crazy for upwards of $50, and I know people are just being straight-up lied to. But affiliate marketers are in it for the money, and if they sell...they sell.

        But yeah, I don't like mentioning paid surveys and other alternatives on this forum really because I believe there is MUCH more to be gained from the other amazing IM discussions that take place everyday here. I have learned more here about IM in a month than I learned about some of my college subjects over an entire semester.

        Long story short, legit survey companies and opportunities do exist...but they are hyped up beyond belief on clickbank and PDC because people know they will sell better if they claim you can make hundreds a day filling them out.

        Just my little rant

  • Profile picture of the author procopywriter
    Profile picture of procopywriter
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Serious waste of time.

    Put your time and resources into building a list and making affiliate commissions. Or better yet, sell your own product or service.
    Joshua Aaron Stanley, The 'Spiritual' Copywriter:
  • Profile picture of the author MasonRamm
    Profile picture of MasonRamm
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    wow, thanks everyone for your feedback...I really appreciate it.

    And yes, I know there are better ways to make money online but have
    recently been curious about these 'make money with survey' products or
    programs as I too have seen them on clickbank and promoted quite a bit

    Still interested in what others think or have experienced...
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