A great piece of advice for blogging.
"To put it in mathematical terms, your blog popularity = Promotion x Content quality x Content quantity. If either of them is 0, your blog popularity is 0." - Ivan-Cherevko
It's such a basic foundation, but something that I belive is easy to forget. Too many people focus on just 1 element of this triangle.
I really liked the simplicity but effectiveness of this advice and so thought I'd share it.
"It's like if Einstein did SEO"
"Much shorter than Shakespeare"
"I would follow Pete over Jesus Christ himself"
PM me if you want a romantic fiction ghostwriter.
After all, you're probably following a few hundred people already that aren't doing squat for you.....
"It's like if Einstein did SEO"
"Much shorter than Shakespeare"
"I would follow Pete over Jesus Christ himself"
I like to Participate in Communities ........
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