Pakistan & ANY other Countries Blocked: Country to Country IM Business Issues?

10 replies
Some of my affiliates in Pakistan are being blocked from accessing my sites. Barring ISP blocks on my server, I thought it may be a good idea to start a thread on issues people have in doing business with people in other countries as a source of information for warriors and others on this forum.

So if you have the same problem, or know of another, know a workaround, etc., please post here for everyone's education.

I 'd appreciate you using the thanks button and saving the post space for contributive and substantive info. And I will "Thanks" you!
#blocked #business #countries #country #issues #pakistan
  • Profile picture of the author HeySal
    When did this start happening? Recently? I know that India is starting to censor their Internet and it's yet to be seen what will happen with that. My friend Sumit lives there and I have seen him in here and on FB so it's not a total blockage.

    What niches are your sites in that they are being blocked? Is it just your Pakistani affiliates who are effected?

    With all that is going on right now, this is an important issue to keep track of.

    When the Roads and Paths end, learn to guide yourself through the wilderness
    Beyond the Path

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    • Profile picture of the author professorrosado
      It seems to be my whole server (many sites and niches). Due to communication and lack of Internet/PC savvy on their parts, it maybe they got blocked from my server. I am going to do an error log check to see if that is what happened. i also contacted the host - a few hours ago actually without a reply yet (unusual for them).

      I'm leaning toward it being a simple ISP block. But like you said, in this environment, I thought it best to start a thread where we can monitor world Internet access issues and be able to react quickly to changing circumstances which may impact on many of our businesses.

      We can learn from our friends in other countries about how they manage to get around local hindrances which can help our fellow warriors expand into or maintain difficult areas.
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  • Profile picture of the author magiclouie
    This is so sad to know. There might be some good reasons but at this point in time, I find it unfair.
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  • Profile picture of the author dsouravs
    I m happy tht Pak is blocked to access Ur sites...Most of them r hackers...
    India is fine I guess.

    I can convert your Non-Responsive website to Responsive website ... How sweet is that? :)

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    • Profile picture of the author THK
      Originally Posted by dsouravs View Post

      I m happy tht Pak is blocked to access Ur sites...Most of them r hackers...
      India is fine I guess.
      This is not a mudslinging competition based on your personal prejudice. If you can make some useful post as a part of this group called "Warriors", by all means do that. If not, stay away from this thread.

      Keeping a close eye on this thread. Can prove useful.

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    • Profile picture of the author professorrosado
      Originally Posted by dsouravs View Post

      I m happy tht Pak is blocked to access Ur sites...Most of them r hackers...
      India is fine I guess.
      But why throw the baby out with the bath water?

      The folks I deal with and the work that we're collaborating on is of particular benefit to the whole nation and the world! There be good folks in every land. And even from Nigeria (land of email scams and forgeries), there are good warriors who produce products and services.

      Let this thread be about keeping our Internet free and open for world business, entrepreneurship and Warrior success.
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    • Profile picture of the author Code Weaver
      Originally Posted by dsouravs View Post

      I m happy tht Pak is blocked to access Ur sites...Most of them r hackers...
      India is fine I guess.
      I think this useless comment is based on the Indian arrogance and knee jerking behavior over Pakistanis....
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      • Profile picture of the author professorrosado
        I have an update of interest.

        I recently required a web script developer to perform some modification work on one of his themes for me. He is in Romania and he also could not get to my websites.

        Taking into consideration the Pakistan issue, I emailed my host to inquire then why is Romania blocked? In my business model, I am based on geographical web development. So the host replies to me that yes, they do block Pakistan and Romainian RANGES of IPs (who knows what other countries they're blocking without our knowledge). Before they didn't know what I was talking about and now an admission once I hinted that I needed to find hosting that was accessible by my international partners and clients.

        So they suggested now to put me on a VPS (Virtual Private Server) without firewall or cPanel. For now they have limited the blocking to only offending IPs but they feel uncomfortable leaving my present server "open".

        I guess it's a form of cyber "profiling". Does anyone have any experience with hosting VPS and can share some insight on pros and cons for International based web businesses which need or want business or accessibility from all foreign countries or as many as possible?
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  • Profile picture of the author hassan001
    Originally Posted by professorrosado View Post

    Some of my affiliates in Pakistan are being blocked from accessing my sites. Barring ISP blocks on my server, I thought it may be a good idea to start a thread on issues people have in doing business with people in other countries as a source of information for warriors and others on this forum.

    So if you have the same problem, or know of another, know a workaround, etc., please post here for everyone's education.

    I 'd appreciate you using the thanks button and saving the post space for contributive and substantive info. And I will "Thanks" you!
    I am basically from Pakistan and I receive such complaints on daily basis... The problem is here some ISP's used Wildcards to block I.P addresses which blocked the whole range of I.P addresses.... Previously there was an issue going with ODesk too.... You can contact this website to unblock your servers from the blocked I.P's list.....


    "Choose complaints e-mail address and send them an issue....."

    Originally Posted by dsouravs View Post

    I m happy tht Pak is blocked to access Ur sites...Most of them r hackers...
    India is fine I guess.
    Pretty Racist.. Hummm??? There are hackers in every nation..... It varies from person to person how he use his skills...
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  • Profile picture of the author Aniket
    I think there may be technical problem with your host. I dont think there is any restriction out there.
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