How to get half-price domains at GoDaddy, without coupons.

by 17 replies
I just discovered a pretty nifty way to get cheap domains at GoDaddy, no coupons required - I'm feeling generous today (and it's my 100th post), so i thought I'd share it with you.

One thing that bugs me about Godaddy is that when they offer domains on "sale" - AKA, $10 .NETs, etc - you can't use a coupon on them. This actually makes the end price more expensive for those of us that frequently use coupons.

But, since GoDaddy must be Godaddy, they always offer upsells - if you have in your cart, they'll offer you for $4.99 (half the "discounted" price if you buy it outright.

So, you want Put in your cart, take the upsell, then delete and keep for $4.99.
#main internet marketing discussion forum #coupons #domains #godaddy #halfprice
  • I haven't tried it myself, but it sounds like a shopping cart error they need to fix.

    But hey, I can't blame you (or anyone else) of taking advantage of it while you can.
    • [1] reply
    • I'd say it's just a result of Godaddy's obsession with upsells. Play the system.

      BTW, if anyone is buying a .COM, don't buy it through the regular site - go through a Google ad and get a new COM for $2.99 per year (for up to ten years).
      • [ 4 ] Thanks
      • [3] replies
  • Thanks for this share. I'm planning to buy domains today and it's great that I found this thread. Hope it works for me and it will really save some money
  • Banned
  • simple but genius !!
    thanks given
  • thanks for this tip!
  • Banned
    • [1] reply
    • Great tip, thanks for telling us. Should save some people a good amount of money.
  • This is great.
  • Banned
  • wow
    i am definitely going to give this a shot
  • I work for a big company and sometimes they forget who their customers are. It is all about the wallet to them and the stock holders. But wherever you found the AD for $2.99, please let me know and I am on it like white on rice.

  • Thanks for sharing. I will try for sure.
  • Thanks for this, that's great!
  • This definitely does work grand! I got my domain name for my release in 2 weeks:

    for $2.99 using that technique.


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  • 22

    I just discovered a pretty nifty way to get cheap domains at GoDaddy, no coupons required - I'm feeling generous today (and it's my 100th post), so i thought I'd share it with you. One thing that bugs me about Godaddy is that when they offer domains on "sale" - AKA, $10 .NETs, etc - you can't use a coupon on them. This actually makes the end price more expensive for those of us that frequently use coupons.