Need Snappy Domain Name - $10 for your help!

Kat Bartone
Profile picture of Kat Bartone
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30 replies
I need a domain name with pizazz.

It's for a site offering web design services.

I'd like something that kicks ass, but is already taken.

I'd like something kind of edgy, but is for sale by for $1200 (though I can get the .net version at a bargain basement price of JUST $333). Too bad, I really liked that one.

So - something edgy and brandable. Not too long. Dotcom preferred, and preferably no hyphens.

Since the collective Warrior brain power is much greater than my own, I'm looking for your help.

I'll send $10 to your PayPal account if yours is the one I select.

I hope you can help - and thanks!

- Kat
#$10 #domain #snappy

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