Potential to make MILLIONS ..need help!
- I have the potential to monetize my website for millions
- I have not yet monetized other than a few small ads
- 200k subscribers to my "blog"
- 200k - 1 million views per entry (avg 250k after 2 months)
- New "blog" entry every week that has a lot of user interaction. Usually over 2,000 comments after a week of publishing.
- provide amazing free content to my fans
- my fans are very invested in me as a PERSON. They do love my work
- have never sold/offered anything for sale
- self help industry
- Have been featured on Television multiple times and TV show currently in works.
NOW, here is my question: as a COMPLETE newbie to internet marketing can someone point me in the direction to a blog/book/person that can help me?
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