Google Abuses it's Power - Don't bother with them

Profile picture of aluminum
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40 replies
Edit: Thank you for the replies, I understand now.
#abuses #bother #google #power
  • Profile picture of the author Chris Worner
    Chris Worner
    Profile picture of Chris Worner
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    You are the one who made yourself dependent on Google, you are the one who made a conscious decision to spam Youtube and violate their ToS, you have nobody else to blame but yourself.


    • Profile picture of the author aluminum
      Profile picture of aluminum
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      Originally Posted by Chris Worner View Post

      You are the one who made yourself dependent on Google, you are the one who made a conscious decision to spam Youtube and violate their ToS, you have nobody else to blame but yourself.

      I read through there ToS and I in fact did not violate it. And I did not spam, please actually read before you post, it helps out a lot. I clearly stated I did not spam and put it in all caps to help out people like you who can not read.
      "I have no one to blame but myself" I did not do anything wrong. I provided quality to the users. No spam at all. I have no one to blame but Google. But I guess it is my fault for putting all my eggs in Google.
      Its everything I see in this forum so I would assume it would be worth while.

      And all of you saying I deserve this or whatever for making a micro niche site then you make no sense. Affiliate marketing is what the majority of this site is about. So by making a small affilate site and video I should get screwed? Yeah think before you post.

      Thank you for everyone who posted something smart, and not a "U mad Bro" picture to get a million thanks.
      • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
        Profile picture of sbucciarel
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        Originally Posted by aluminum View Post

        And all of you saying I deserve this or whatever for making a micro niche site then you make no sense. Affiliate marketing is what the majority of this site is about. So by making a small affilate site and video I should get screwed? Yeah think before you post.
        The majority of THIS site is about affiliate marketing. The majority of Google's site is not about affiliate marketing (except for Google, of course).

        You did nothing wrong in terms of creating a site that is trying to make money, but in Google's eyes, thin affiliate sites are not wanted. Period. They do and will continue to get rid of them whenever they encounter them and they hire a lot of real people to do real people reviews of the sites in their serps.

        If you want to make money using Google, you will have to do a lot better than thin affiliate sites. If you can't figure out what Google wants, you should look elsewhere for traffic.

        I'm no fan of Google at all, and I could care less about their TOS ... I will break them if I want to. I do use backlinks to "artificially" raise my sites in the serps. That being said, I also know that throwing out a thin affiliate site is counterproductive. My sites give Google something it wants ... unique content and pages of it. They are well designed so that if they get a real person review, they look nice and have some useful content.

        As for the video promoting CPA offer, have you not read all of the many threads about Google deleting all their Make Money Online related videos? They don't want them. They will delete them. End of Story. You call that an abuse of power. I call that doing whatever the f*^k you want to do with YOUR site.

        Want to "game" Google, you'll have to do a better job of it.
        • Profile picture of the author Global Warrior
          Global Warrior
          Profile picture of Global Warrior
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          I think generally, In times of adversity, sitting around and complaining about it is probably the least productive path. I think you are right in your frustration with Google, so surely the solution should be to change the way you do it so you dont get slapped again. Find away to take control over what you are doing rather than putting the control into the hands of a corporation that is so big, it can do what it wants.

          Times are changing and by thinking outside of the box, solutions present themselves. Googles rule changes and Al Gore Rhythm changes are someone elses opportunity to create an alternative.

          Leave Google behind and go forth with what is available to you. Hopefully you still own your videos so just host them somewhere else.

          All the best and good luck.

        • Profile picture of the author aluminum
          Profile picture of aluminum
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          Originally Posted by sbucciarel View Post

          The majority of THIS site is about affiliate marketing. The majority of Google's site is not about affiliate marketing (except for Google, of course).

          You did nothing wrong in terms of creating a site that is trying to make money, but in Google's eyes, thin affiliate sites are not wanted. Period. They do and will continue to get rid of them whenever they encounter them and they hire a lot of real people to do real people reviews of the sites in their serps.

          If you want to make money using Google, you will have to do a lot better than thin affiliate sites. If you can't figure out what Google wants, you should look elsewhere for traffic.

          I'm no fan of Google at all, and I could care less about their TOS ... I will break them if I want to. I do use backlinks to "artificially" raise my sites in the serps. That being said, I also know that throwing out a thin affiliate site is counterproductive. My sites give Google something it wants ... unique content and pages of it. They are well designed so that if they get a real person review, they look nice and have some useful content.

          As for the video promoting CPA offer, have you not read all of the many threads about Google deleting all their Make Money Online related videos? They don't want them. They will delete them. End of Story. You call that an abuse of power. I call that doing whatever the f*^k you want to do with YOUR site.

          Want to "game" Google, you'll have to do a better job of it.
          Yes, thank you for explaining. I never knew they did not like small affilate sites, I guess I should have read more. Everyone told me to just do it, so I did. I guess they never told me the way google acts.

          I am still debating what to do. I never been a fan of paid traffic and with Google and youtube out of the picture I am very limmited with what to do. I probably will return with them, but first I need to set up my backup plan if this ever happens again.

          Again thanks everyone who posted. (Yes everyone) even people that posted the baby crying haha. I am not going to gain anything by whining on this forum.
          • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
            Profile picture of sbucciarel
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            Originally Posted by aluminum View Post

            Yes, thank you for explaining. I never knew they did not like small affilate sites, I guess I should have read more. Everyone told me to just do it, so I did. I guess they never told me the way google acts.

            I am still debating what to do. I never been a fan of paid traffic and with Google and youtube out of the picture I am very limmited with what to do. I probably will return with them, but first I need to set up my backup plan if this ever happens again.
            Since the Panda update, I would concentrate on "fat" affiliate sites rather than "thin" affiliate sites. Concentrate on putting a lot more unique content on any site and it should do a lot better. If a thin site has been deindexed and you think it's still worth it, get a new domain and relaunch it with a lot more content.
  • Profile picture of the author Michael Meaney
    Michael Meaney
    Profile picture of Michael Meaney
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    There could be dozens of reasons why they removed your video... use of a copyrighted image, music, etc.

    But you're right, Google do have too much power.. Google is the Internet for most people. And they don't have a problem with money being made from their services... as long as they are the ones making it.

    Here I'd usually say something about eggs and baskets.
  • Profile picture of the author cashtree
    Profile picture of cashtree
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Yeah google has been getting worse over the years, that's why they need real compeition, I wish more people used bing along with google. My advice is don't rely solely on them for traffic.
    • Profile picture of the author JeanneLynn
      Profile picture of JeanneLynn
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      Originally Posted by cashtree View Post

      Yeah google has been getting worse over the years, that's why they need real compeition, I wish more people used bing along with google. My advice is don't rely solely on them for traffic.
      Until I started reading about internet marketing on this forum, I had never used Google to search at all. I always used Yahoo. I thought Yahoo was the big one!
      • Profile picture of the author capitalalchemy
        Profile picture of capitalalchemy
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        The generalizing that goes on in this forum makes me nauseous.

        I was using YouTube when it was just a baby and had no issues, and then Google gets a hold of it and it all went to hell, so don't feel bad.

        You losing your rankings probably isn't some big "conspiracy" with Google, but who knows -- maybe it is.
        • Profile picture of the author aluminum
          Profile picture of aluminum
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          Originally Posted by PaulyC View Post

          No sense in any of us complaining, they don't care
          Unforutnatly you are right.

          Originally Posted by capitalalchemy View Post

          The generalizing that goes on in this forum makes me nauseous.
          Who was generalizing about what? Me? Sorry if I said something wrong, please explain.
          • Profile picture of the author capitalalchemy
            Profile picture of capitalalchemy
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            Originally Posted by aluminum View Post

            Unforutnatly you are right.

            Who was generalizing about what? Me? Sorry if I said something wrong, please explain.
            No, not you -- just people assuming that if you are using YouTube or trying to get good rankings that you are spamming. For some reason, a lot of times if you are having trouble doing something people jump to conclusions and assume you are up to no good.
            • Profile picture of the author aluminum
              Profile picture of aluminum
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              Originally Posted by capitalalchemy View Post

              No, not you -- just people assuming that if you are using YouTube or trying to get good rankings that you are spamming. For some reason, a lot of times if you are having trouble doing something people jump to conclusions and assume you are up to no good.
              That is exactly what I was trying to make clear in the OP, but some people like you said, assumed I must have done something wrong.
  • Profile picture of the author Jorge Vidaurre
    Jorge Vidaurre
    Profile picture of Jorge Vidaurre
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    Hello I would also like to make money online and not have to depend on google every whim? How can I make money online without google? Is that even possible to make money without google?
    • Profile picture of the author cashtree
      Profile picture of cashtree
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      Originally Posted by 568129 View Post

      Hello I would also like to make money online and not have to depend on google every whim? How can I make money online without google? Is that even possible to make money without google?
      Of course, what you need to do is get traffic. And to get traffic you need to think of where existing traffic is. Some big ones are facebook, twitter, other search engines, digg, reddit, other social bookmarking and media sites, heck you could even submit your free ebooks torrent sites. Forums, blogs, chat networks, wherever people are, get involved!
    • Profile picture of the author Chris Worner
      Chris Worner
      Profile picture of Chris Worner
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      Originally Posted by 568129 View Post

      Hello I would also like to make money online and not have to depend on google every whim? How can I make money online without google? Is that even possible to make money without google?
      This post should help you ;


  • Profile picture of the author davejug1
    Profile picture of davejug1
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    Google is there to pander to it's traffic, not to webmasters.
    FREE List Building help. Click here!

    Yes I do have freebies!

    Expertise comes not through knowledge or skills, but through practice
  • Profile picture of the author tim_buchalka
    Profile picture of tim_buchalka
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    It's pretty simple really - work WITH google and stop trying to beat them.

    Googles mission is pretty simple - Provide the absolute best experience for people using their search engines. - All you need to do is provide great content and ensure that when someone hits your page with the content (text, video, whatever) that is is the best experience.

    For the video is seems pretty clear you violated some policy - Go read all the policies Youtube have and I am sure you will find the reason.

    As for the search "disappearing" - It's totally normal, particularly for new sites - Keep adding content to your website and keep adding backlinks (remember work with google, not against, so no "unsavoury" techniques) and you can expect your search results to come back.

    Typical reasons for disappearing from search engine results (especially initially) are because your content is low quality and you have no authority - Both of these can be fixed if you are prepared to work at it.

    Good luck hope it gets sorted for you.
    • Profile picture of the author aluminum
      Profile picture of aluminum
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      Originally Posted by tim_buchalka View Post

      It's pretty simple really - work WITH google and stop trying to beat them.

      Googles mission is pretty simple - Provide the absolute best experience for people using their search engines. - All you need to do is provide great content and ensure that when someone hits your page with the content (text, video, whatever) that is is the best experience.

      For the video is seems pretty clear you violated some policy - Go read all the policies Youtube have and I am sure you will find the reason.

      As for the search "disappearing" - It's totally normal, particularly for new sites - Keep adding content to your website and keep adding backlinks (remember work with google, not against, so no "unsavoury" techniques) and you can expect your search results to come back.

      Typical reasons for disappearing from search engine results (especially initially) are because your content is low quality and you have no authority - Both of these can be fixed if you are prepared to work at it.

      Good luck hope it gets sorted for you.
      Thank you for understanding and all, but the thing is I did work with Google. Maybe youtube does not like affilates, but I could not find it in there tos.

      As for my site, it was quality. 1000 words (at least per article) Relevant.

      I am just so frustrated. I tried my hardest working with them. And it is now like they slapped me as hard as they could in the face. I dont think I could take it anymore if this happened again. $100 a day to $0. Ahhhhh.
  • Profile picture of the author Fixers
    Profile picture of Fixers
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    Oh dear aluminium, do you want your dummy back that you spat out, lol!!!

    Clearly what you think is quality is probably not good at all, the fact you mention a micro niche site told me that

    G is more about quality now and yes their algo changes suck a lot of the time but it is an ever changing game SEO and by the sounds of it you set things up and then sat back and thinking, yeah I'm made!! Well noooo, you need to keep working, diversifying your income streams and strategies so if one dies you have an idea about what G changed and then try to learn and evolve ahead of them. Then you will be their master (ok maybe not but will still make money )
  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    Profile picture of sbucciarel
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    Originally Posted by aluminum View Post

    I had a viral video for a certain niche on youtube that promoted a CPA offer that was USEFUL and RELEVANT and NOT a SCAM.

    Then it got removed today because it "Violated Youtube's terms of service"
    It was a legit offer that I was promoting, yet they took it down just like that.

    And then a few days ago, I had a micro niche site on page 1 of google for about 1200 exact searches a month (nothing great, but still pretty good)

    And now they de indexed it or whatever you call it and is nowhere to be found when I search on Google.
    You do realize that Google isn't in business for your convenience and marketing? They've made it pretty clear in regards to YouTube that they don't intend to foot the bandwidth bill for your advertisements and I don't know who in their right mind would.

    As for your minisite, they have long delisted "thin affiliate sites." Absolutely nothing new about that. They're more interested in relevant search results than in you making a buck.
    • Profile picture of the author bt
      Profile picture of bt
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      Don't put all your eggs In one basket. If you do you could be In for a rude awakening.
    • Profile picture of the author Steven Fullman
      Steven Fullman
      Profile picture of Steven Fullman
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      Originally Posted by sbucciarel View Post

      You do realize that Google isn't in business for your convenience and marketing? They've made it pretty clear in regards to YouTube that they don't intend to foot the bandwidth bill for your advertisements and I don't know who in their right mind would.

      As for your minisite, they have long delisted "thin affiliate sites." Absolutely nothing new about that. They're more interested in relevant search results than in you making a buck.
      Hi Suze

      I agree to a point, but I've never been a fan of the 'Google is RIGHT to arbitrarily block whomever they wish' thing.

      As if *they're altruistic hippies*.

      I think they lost a lot of credibility on that score when they moved into the ad-brokering business.

      I don't think they much care about serving up the *best* results these days...more displaying the *most profitable* ones to their advertisers.

      Nothing wrong with that. In fact, if they flat out admitted it, we could all give a little groan and move on.

      Until then, I have no beef with folks violating their TOS to make a few dollars here and there.

      I do agree with you here though, Suzanne -- no point moaning when Google blocks/deletes/de-indexes your stuff.

      And now the smart folks here will realize I've come full-circle and snuffed out my own argument.

      That's what beer does to you, kids.



      Not promoting right now

      • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
        Profile picture of sbucciarel
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        Originally Posted by Steven Fullman View Post

        Hi Suze

        I agree to a point, but I've never been a fan of the 'Google is RIGHT to arbitrarily block whomever they wish' thing.

        As if *they're altruistic hippies*.

        I think they lost a lot of credibility on that score when they moved into the ad-brokering business.

        I don't think they much care about serving up the *best* results these days...more displaying the *most profitable* ones to their advertisers.

        Nothing wrong with that. In fact, if they flat out admitted it, we could all give a little groan and move on.

        Until then, I have no beef with folks violating their TOS to make a few dollars here and there.

        I do agree with you here though, Suzanne -- no point moaning when Google blocks/deletes/de-indexes your stuff.

        And now the smart folks here will realize I've come full-circle and snuffed out my own argument.

        That's what beer does to you, kids.


        lol at the beer. I'm in agreement with you. I'm no fan of Google either and as for their results being relevant .... sure, if you think that 1/2 or more of the first page of any search showing Google news, Youtube, Google shopping, Google Plus, Google this, and Google that is relevant ... it's only relevant to Google and their bottom line.

        But if you do any reading of this forum, anyone should know that thin affiliate sites and CPA offers on YouTube aren't going to make it for very long. Google has been deleting that kind of stuff or a long time now, so it's up to marketers to get smarter if they want to use Google to get traffic to their sites.
      • Profile picture of the author Alan Petersen
        Alan Petersen
        Profile picture of Alan Petersen
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        Originally Posted by Steven Fullman View Post

        Hi Suze

        I agree to a point, but I've never been a fan of the 'Google is RIGHT to arbitrarily block whomever they wish' thing.

        As if *they're altruistic hippies*.

        I think they lost a lot of credibility on that score when they moved into the ad-brokering business.

        I don't think they much care about serving up the *best* results these days...more displaying the *most profitable* ones to their advertisers.

        Nothing wrong with that. In fact, if they flat out admitted it, we could all give a little groan and move on.

        Until then, I have no beef with folks violating their TOS to make a few dollars here and there.

        I do agree with you here though, Suzanne -- no point moaning when Google blocks/deletes/de-indexes your stuff.

        And now the smart folks here will realize I've come full-circle and snuffed out my own argument.

        That's what beer does to you, kids.


        Hey Steve,

        But it is their business. They can do whatever they want with their business.

        Maybe bad decisions end up hurting them or the feds will come after them like they did Microsoft for having too much power but until then, they can make any decisions they want.

        Even if we don't like it. No one is forcing us to use them. Doesn't give anyone the right to violate their TOS.

        Interesting look inside a Google engineer's day de-indexing...

  • Profile picture of the author Warrior Dragon
    Warrior Dragon
    Profile picture of Warrior Dragon
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    If google is so important then don't work with them 43% of all internet users then get the other 57% of all internet users and work off them... that is why I don't use adsense anymore... because it would make be too interested in them
  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    Randall Magwood
    Profile picture of Randall Magwood
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    Never rely solely on one internet marketing strategy - especially Google. I've had similar problems with Google Checkout. It's like relying on Ebay as your sole income model... and then when they ban your account, you have nothing to fall back on.
  • Profile picture of the author Kael41
    Profile picture of Kael41
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    It's their index, they can do with it as THEY see fit. There's more to the web than just google.
  • Profile picture of the author sal64
    Profile picture of sal64
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    I stopped using Google years ago.

    It's very obvious that there sole purpose is to rule the world and destroy the Universe.

    If you Google (or Bing) "Kennedy assassination" you will see the guy who started Google (only 6 years old at the time) hiding behind the grassy knoll with a gun in his hand.

    Everyone thought it was water pistol.

    But we know better!
    Internet Marketing: 20% Internet - 80% Marketing!
    You Won't See The Light Until You Open Your Eyes.
  • Profile picture of the author Royce Space
    Royce Space
    Profile picture of Royce Space
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    You can bitch and moan all you like about Google, but they ain't listening to you! Adapt or Die, it's that simple.

    • Profile picture of the author igorGriffiths
      Profile picture of igorGriffiths
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Having just done my weekly stats I find that Google search is not really relevant to my traffic flow which is just as well.

      I have been banned from Youtube for upsetting the community experience, thanks to the guru who recommended animoto videso direct to Amazon.

      My Adsense account has been closed, with a loss of 45 cents, due to something somewhere happening with my long forgotten adsense code placement.

      The upshot is that if you build relationships with other marketers and your clients/audience then you do not need page 1 of Google or any other part
  • Profile picture of the author winsenken
    Profile picture of winsenken
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    Google Panda update does change a lot. Webmasters have to change the way they used to be.
  • Profile picture of the author Edlund88
    Profile picture of Edlund88
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    I totally agree that google has to much power on the internet. And i have experienced it my self also. When i was using google adwords a few months ago, everything was working fine for 3-4 months, not a single problem. And then one day when i logged in to adwords they had banned me permanently, saying i had broken their terms of agreements. And i hadn't made any changes to the adwords or the landing page. And they had been working and no problems for 3-4 months.

    So i contacted googles support and asked them what the problem was and what rule i had broken to get permanetly banned. To only answer i got was "read the terms of service" or what ever it is called. They did not say what i had done wrong, and i have read to ruels and everything many times, and i had done nothing wrong. They just decided to ban me anyway.
  • Profile picture of the author revstan
    Profile picture of revstan
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    ''Don't bother them''

    Lol, this whole forum is based on discussing ways to get google do things.

    Simple Stan
  • Profile picture of the author jacksonlin
    Profile picture of jacksonlin
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Yes, they abuse their power, but you can't ignore them because you don't like them.
    Want a 13 Part FREE Internet Marketing Course - Taught By A PREMIER CLICKBANK SUPPER AFFILIATE? Did I mention taught through VIDEOS?
    Yup, I'm not hyping things up for you. Click here to check it out!
    • Profile picture of the author AndrewCavanagh
      Profile picture of AndrewCavanagh
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      I have sites and videos on youtube that have been ranking at or near the top of google for years and I've done nothing with them since first setting them up.

      So I wonder exactly what you did that got your video taken down and your site deindexed.

      Keep in mind google's focus is on providing a service to its users...generally speaking people trying to find information online.

      If you provide that and gear everything to make the experience for a searcher excellent then you're probably not going to have too much trouble getting and keeping good rankings.

      If you start engaging in the latest dodgy black hat strategies then it's just a matter of time before you get "slapped".

      Kindest regards,
      Andrew Cavanagh
    • Profile picture of the author DSTeam
      Profile picture of DSTeam
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      It's one thing giving up on a specific method involving the all mighty Google, but you should never say never .... giving up on every method involving Google isn't the smartest decision.

      You could turn to their advertising platform instead and try putting together a small affiliate business relaying on list building.
  • Profile picture of the author PaulyC
    Profile picture of PaulyC
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    You can't really complain about Google abusing it's power. They were the first one's to make a huge mark with the Internet, so they have the right to do as they please with their own business - although it does suck!

    I frankly don't bother losing any sleep over Google anymore. I think if you just focus on quality first and foremost, then use other effective traffic generating methods then you know you control your business, not Google.

    No sense in any of us complaining, they don't care
  • Profile picture of the author jamesrich1
    Profile picture of jamesrich1
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I get that your pissed off but this is one of the reasons people are so skeptical. Anytime when someone faces a temporary defeat they scream to the world that something doesn't work. Its working for others so it still works. Don't smear Google or You Tube.

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