Catching accidental surfers, and send off through affiliate link?

6 replies
I'm pretty new to all of this, so bear with me This may be a stupid question.

If you set up a site that catches accidental visits (e.g. misspelled domains), and then just put up a big affliate banner along the lines of "did you mean xxx?", is that legitimate? Or will the legit site cancel your affiliate account as soon as they find out?
#accidental #affiliate #catching #link #send #surfers
  • Profile picture of the author jimnastics
    Hmmm ok that's good to hear! I think I've found some possible gems. I guess the affiliate won't say anything on their sites, so best to email support and flat out ask?
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  • Profile picture of the author vufxteam
    interesting stuff. hope to hear of your conversion rates. wonder how they will turn out to be
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    • Profile picture of the author jimnastics
      Originally Posted by vufxteam View Post

      interesting stuff. hope to hear of your conversion rates. wonder how they will turn out to be
      I will definitely report back, I just need to contact the affiliates first. One of them is a misspelled domain of a very popular gambling site, which is getting around 1000 accidental visits a month... but I'm not doing anything with it at the moment. The affiliate has an an adword on the google search for the misspelled term, but didn't get the domain
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  • Profile picture of the author jenn1
    sounds like an interesting idea....I am not an expert on this but if you are directing then to the proper site I wouldn't think it would matter.
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  • Profile picture of the author WillR
    You don't even need to let them know, here's what you do.

    1. Purchase a simple domain and set up a nice looking landing page advertising the gambling site. Make this a domain and page the gambling site would be happy to see you advertising their link on.

    2. On that page when people click to go to the gambling site, use a redirect link that redirects them to the affiliate link such as

    3. On these misspelled domains don't link to the gambling site directly, link to the gambling site using the redirect link from above domain

    This way if they ever go to look at the domain that is sending all the traffic to their site they will see your nice landing page and they will have no idea the visitors are coming from other domains.
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