2 replies
Does anyone know of a way to get a gold account on Yahoo w/o having their required click volume.

What I really want is the ability to upload campaigns using SpeedPPC. If anyone has any ideas or suggestions I'm anxiously waiting to hear them.

Thanks in advance.

#account #gold #yahoo
  • Profile picture of the author Kevin Cotter
    I have seen a few places that are able to give them out.
    And from what I have read you need to spend 600/month
    to get bumped up to a gold account. But that is not set
    in stone. That is just what I have read.

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    • Profile picture of the author Nealva61
      Thanks for the reply Kevin. I seem to remember someone being able to give them out also but I can't remember who that is. I was hoping that maybe someone on here was able to remember and let me know.
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