Don't Call Yourself a Writer If What You Really Are Is a Thief
I’m being a bit harsh in my thread title, I know. Thief is such a strong word – especially for people who are just uneducated about what writing is. But it doesn’t make it untrue, either.
As we all know, writing is one of the primary foundations of Internet marketing. We do it for eBooks, articles, blog posts, email autoresponders, forum contributions, viral and opt in reports, Tweets, FB posts, G+ posts, etc etc etc.
It’s a necessity.
So when there’s a necessity, there becomes a demand for shortcuts. Some shortcuts, like outsourcing your writing to a ghostwriter or buying PLR are 100% legal.
Other shortcuts are not legal or ethical. It’s just that chances of you getting caught or punished are low.
I saw a comment in another thread today where someone said, No where you will find a 100% unique article at present. All writers need a source to copy and edit.
That statement makes me want to pull my hair out, hiss and scratch someone. And I just might!
This is the uneducated “writer’s" way of creating content. You do NOT just find a source to copy and edit. UGH! Patooey!
What you DO when you need to write about a topic you don’t know enough to write off the top of your head is become educated about it and write from scratch.
So please alter that sentence to say, “All writers need several sources to learn from so they can write from an informed perspective.
We can’t expect everyone to go take college level ethics in Journalism and legal Journalism classes (I have). But you can educate yourself here and now about what it means to create good, original content that isn’t ripping anybody off – and I believe most people WANT to know how to avoid being unethical.
I know people who would be horrified to learn they’d plagiarized someone else’s content, because plagiarism is also the use of ideas, not just copying and pasting verbatim.
You can’t take someone’s content and rewrite it and be safe. And if you think that cute little copyright symbol HAS to be included, you’re wrong, thanks to a 1989 law that says original authors don’t need it anymore.
Anyway, I know legalities aren’t what you’re worried about. But please consider ethics when you simply go to EZA or Google and find an article and “rewrite” it – you’re a thief, pure and simple. Whether you realized it or not.
Now you know, so don’t do it again.
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