How much is my website worth?

Profile picture of mostafa999
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
33 replies
Hi all, someone asked me to buy me website, and I don't yet how much should I sell my website for since it's my first time to sell a website, if you can give me any suggestions I would really appreciate it

Here is a quick view on my website:

My website is an affiliate site and is ranked number 6 in Google for my main keyword this keyword has 3600 exact search on adwords. As for my second main keyword, I am still in page 4, but this keyword has a potential of 200000 exact search on adwords
I have about 100 quality backlinks for my keywords

If you want to check my website it is the link of my signature
#website #worth
  • Profile picture of the author steven Clayden
    steven Clayden
    Profile picture of steven Clayden
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    Does it make any money?
  • Profile picture of the author Michael Franklin
    Michael Franklin
    Profile picture of Michael Franklin
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    Originally Posted by mostafa999 View Post

    Hi all, someone asked me to buy me website, and I don't yet how much should I sell my website for since it's my first time to sell a website, if you can give me any suggestions I would really appreciate it

    Here is a quick view on my website:

    My website is an affiliate site and is ranked number 6 in Google for my main keyword this keyword has 3600 exact search on adwords. As for my second main keyword, I am still in page 4, but this keyword has a potential of 200000 exact search on adwords
    I have about 100 quality backlinks for my keywords

    If you want to check my website it is the link of my signature
    How old is your site and what is your average monthly income?

    • Profile picture of the author mostafa999
      Profile picture of mostafa999
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Michael Franklin View Post

      How old is your site and what is your average monthly income?
      my website is about 7 month old, but I just started building links and generating traffic only month
  • Profile picture of the author Mike Hlatky
    Mike Hlatky
    Profile picture of Mike Hlatky
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    Hate to break it to you, but your site is not in the top 100 for any of the following keywords:
    insanity workout
    insanity workout review
    insanity workout reviews

    Are you sure your results are not personalized?
    • Profile picture of the author salegurus
      Profile picture of salegurus
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Mike Hlatky View Post

      Hate to break it to you, but your site is not in the top 100 for any of the following keywords:
      insanity workout
      insanity workout review
      insanity workout reviews

      Are you sure your results are not personalized?
      Your figures are all wrong.
      Mike is correct your website is nowhere in Google for the
      term/terms you are targeting.
      Taking that into consideration and the fact that it's
      generating zero income you would be lucky to get
      the registration cost back...
      Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.

      ― George Carlin
    • Profile picture of the author Alexander K
      Alexander K
      Profile picture of Alexander K
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      Originally Posted by Mike Hlatky View Post

      Hate to break it to you, but your site is not in the top 100 for any of the following keywords:
      insanity workout
      insanity workout review
      insanity workout reviews

      Are you sure your results are not personalized?
      Why assume it is the website in his signature?

      To the OP: As mentioned, you can check out flippa. Some people say average monthly salary times 12. Some sell at times 3.

      Really, your website is worth as much as someone will pay for it. Having income from it will help increase what someone is willing to pay though.
      [] - Create generational wealth with passive income.
    • Profile picture of the author mostafa999
      Profile picture of mostafa999
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      Originally Posted by Mike Hlatky View Post

      Hate to break it to you, but your site is not in the top 100 for any of the following keywords:
      insanity workout
      insanity workout review
      insanity workout reviews

      Are you sure your results are not personalized?
      my website is number 6 for insanity workout reviews go and check it on google
  • Profile picture of the author mjb13815
    Profile picture of mjb13815
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    google "website worth checker" or something along those lines. I just did it and there are a few checker tools that you can use. Enter your URL address in a few of them and they should calculate your sites estimated worth. Then just go by that. Not really sure how accurate it is but do a few of them and get an average price.
  • Profile picture of the author rosetrees
    Profile picture of rosetrees
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    The chances are that the person who contacted you is a scammer. It's a well known scam - and they will ask you to get your site appraised by a scam appraisal company. Ignore them.
  • Profile picture of the author robie
    Profile picture of robie
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    Maybe you can go to and do some research. Find some websites that is similar to yours, their niches, keywords, how old the domains, and so on.
  • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
    Alexa Smith
    Profile picture of Alexa Smith
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    Originally Posted by mostafa999 View Post

    Hi all, someone asked me to buy me website
    If their next (or next-but-one) email asks you to pay to have it "appraised" at a specific place, which I think may be very likely, then this is part of an "appraisal scam". (And don't ever do that!). :p

    The three primary determinants of the value of such a website are income, income and income (and then the next one after those three is how steady the income has been, for how many months, and how well/independently verified and proven that is).

    I don't mean it rudely, I promise, but the site is barely worth reg-fee, and if someone's proposing to pay more than that for it, then "something isn't quite right, here".
    • Profile picture of the author mostafa999
      Profile picture of mostafa999
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

      If their next (or next-but-one) email asks you to pay to have it "appraised" at a specific place, which I think may be very likely, then this is part of an "appraisal scam". (And don't ever do that!). :p

      The three primary determinants of the value of such a website are income, income and income (and then the next one after those three is how steady the income has been, for how many months, and how well/independently verified and proven that is).

      I don't mean it rudely, I promise, but the site is barely worth reg-fee, and if someone's proposing to pay more than that for it, then "something isn't quite right, here".
      I think I get the point know thank you for your help actually, he offered to pay 500$ and I was willing to sell it for more lol I am super greedy :p, I guess now that it is way far than my website deserves, but I just have a question how to make sure that he will not scam me?
      • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
        Alexa Smith
        Profile picture of Alexa Smith
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        Originally Posted by mostafa999 View Post

        my website is number 6 for insanity workout reviews go and check it on google
        In your browser, on your computer, it may be.

        That's because you've been there many times and Google is good at showing you what's relevant to you.

        Delete your browser cookies, or download a new browser, and look at it for the first time from that, and you'll see that it isn't at all.

        Originally Posted by Alexander K View Post

        Why assume it is the website in his signature?
        Because he didn't say otherwise, which he clearly would have done, if it had been a different one, perhaps? And because he mentioned the keywords for which he's trying to rank it, and they match the site in his sig-file, maybe?

        Originally Posted by mostafa999 View Post

        he offered to pay 500$
        It's an appraisal scam, Mostafa: when you say "yes", he'll ask you to pay for an appraisal at a specific site (which he really owns). Try it and see: you'll know then that he's just an appraisal scammer.
  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    Randall Magwood
    Profile picture of Randall Magwood
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    Considering the fact that you haven't made any sales, and that your search engine rankings aren't there... i personally would pay more than $20 for it... also considering the fact that your Alexa ranking is over 7,000,000... which makes me think it's not getting alot of traffic either.
  • Profile picture of the author Kierkegaard
    Profile picture of Kierkegaard
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    At 10X your monthly income, your website is worth $0.00

    Just for the web design and content, there are complete websites for sale on here that come with a lot more content for $25.00

    You may be able to get between $0 and $24.99
  • Profile picture of the author paul_1
    Profile picture of paul_1
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    i would agree with Kierkegaard - your website may not be able to go above $25.
  • Profile picture of the author makemoneywizz
    Profile picture of makemoneywizz
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Check out Just type in your domain name and they give you an estimated value, assuming you have gotten a decent amount of traffic to the site.

    Make Money Wizz ==> Learn how to make money online!
  • Profile picture of the author tryinhere
    Profile picture of tryinhere
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    Originally Posted by mostafa999 View Post

    Hi all, someone asked me to buy me website,
    It seems to be doing the rounds again, I had somebody tell me a client wanted to buy one of my domains, the offer came back @ $9,000 to purchase the domain, and all i needed to do was list it on their site and they would then notify the buyer who would close the deal.

    The only thing is when i checked the site just about every site there was listed at 9K for absolute stupid domain names, so it looks like they caught some people sleeping.
    | > Choosing to go off the grid for a while to focus on family, work and life in general. Have a great 2020 < |
  • Profile picture of the author Smidid Sammia
    Smidid Sammia
    Profile picture of Smidid Sammia
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    My website now does not have value yet, and I have known that the most valuable site in the world is the, about the adults, mine website electronics has little value, but I will insist on, in the end I will get returns
  • Profile picture of the author Aremutola
    Profile picture of Aremutola
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    How much do you make monthly
  • Profile picture of the author TollFreeService
    Profile picture of TollFreeService
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    Maybe ~$20 if you're lucky. Doesn't matter what backlinks, etc. you have. If you don't have any customer traffic and your website isn't anything special, then you don't really have much value at all.

    It's a 99.999999999999% chance that it's a fake buyer. Regardless, always sell through protects both you and the buyer. However, in the case of website content (as opposed to just a domain name), it protects you financially only. There's still a risk of the buyer receiving your website files, copying them, and then canceling the transaction. Domain names will always be secure but if you have some sort of cutting edge software, be cautious.

    Back to your situation - If you ever do sell any websites: don't accept anything but, Cheque/Cash, Bank Transfer, or Wire Transfer. would be the logical choice since any buyer in their right mind would never risk one of those other methods.
    • Profile picture of the author StunningWarrior
      Profile picture of StunningWarrior
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      The generally accepted view is that a website is worth about one year's profit (not revenue - you might be using PPC to get the visitors). If you can show a history of an increasing profit every month then some buyers might be prepared to extrapolate that and pay a bit more.

      However, you might be failing to exploit the domain name and that might be worth far more than the website. If you owned and used it for a one-page website that contained a picture of Mickey Mouse, do you think people would offer you more than your current annual profit?
  • Profile picture of the author salegurus
    Profile picture of salegurus
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by mostafa999 View Post

    my website is number 6 for insanity workout reviews go and check it on google
    Sorry Mostafa your site is nowhere near #6 on Google. For reasons that have been
    explained to you.
    Also your site is not worth $500 or even $50, so anyone offering you those amounts
    is either trying to put one over you or a complete idiot.
    Dude, just rip that band-aid and move on...
    Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.

    ― George Carlin
  • Profile picture of the author TheMacMan
    Profile picture of TheMacMan
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    It's No.6 on google for me. (UK)
    But your dealing with a scammer. Ignore Ignore Ignore....
    I am killing it on fiverr thanks to this $7 WSO
    It's easy as counting 1,2,3.
  • Profile picture of the author Cataclysm1987
    Profile picture of Cataclysm1987
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    The site itself is pretty generic and doesn't get much traffic or any earnings at all, so yeah I would say between 20 and 50 dollars would be what you should expect.

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