
Profile picture of entrepreneurjay
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
9 replies
#affiliate #commissions #creators #loser #product #steal #watch
  • Profile picture of the author KarlWarren
    Profile picture of KarlWarren
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Playing devil's advocate here...

    You made money promoting her as an affiliate, at any time were you told that the 100% commission would be forever? For the life of the product and the website?

    Have you contacted her directly to ask her if she did this by mistake?

    Perhaps, if she decided she's no longer be promoting this via affiliates, she could have announced it - but it might not be as shady as you claim.

    Kindest regards,
    eCoverNinja - Sales Page Graphics & Layout Specialist
  • Profile picture of the author entrepreneurjay
    Profile picture of entrepreneurjay
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    The name of the product changed too I noticed. Maybe it was not shady, maybe it was, who knows all that I know is the order pages were being redirected ( All I need to know ) .

    No I am not contacting her directly I just deleted all her links problem solved ( too busy to play what ifs )

    Karl as far as playing the devils advocate I run a very up and up business and if that was my product, and i was doing this intentionally, I would be ashamed of myself, and calling myself an honest vendor or affiliate for that matter.

    I would bury my face in the sand!

    It is just a matter of morals. What is right? And what is wrong?

    An announcement would of been nice if it was not as shady as you claim. Again who knows but her?

    Why announce it when you can just redirect all your affiliates links to your account and keep all the money for yourself who cares if you can't sleep at night this woman is an evil genius

    I am definitely kidding everyone ....

    The point is just check your links periodically to make sure they are going where they are supposed too.
    • Profile picture of the author KarlWarren
      Profile picture of KarlWarren
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by entrepreneurjay View Post

      The point is just check your links periodically to make sure they are going where they are supposed too.
      Yes, that's a very good point to make.

      If you're promoting something to make money - and the links aren't making you money, switching is the smart move.

      BTW, while playing devil's advocate - I'm not taking sides, just offering an alternative view, say, from a vendor's perspective.

      I, personally wouldn't engage in the practice of baiting and switching on my affiliates, intentionally or unintentionally - and if it turned out that I did need to stop offering commissions on a product, I'd give affiliates lots and lots of notice. After all, they are the salesforce of most online businesses.
      eCoverNinja - Sales Page Graphics & Layout Specialist
  • Profile picture of the author WhiteDove
    Profile picture of WhiteDove
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    One thing for sure, be sure of what you are saying before you say it. There could be a myriad of reasons. Look at both sides of the coin, look for some reasons that could possibly have made this happen.

    In all fairness, contact the individual, to hear their story before making judgement. You don't want to ruin anyone's reputation. Times are hard for most of us, so just email and ask.

    War Room Member

  • Profile picture of the author Chris Chicas
    Chris Chicas
    Profile picture of Chris Chicas
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Well duh, when shed said 100% commissions that's what she meant - 100% commissions towards her. =D

    And I do agree with the other posts, if you want people to value your opinion then you should at least contact her and get to the bottom of this before putting her name out there. That's the right thing to do.

    Best of luck.
  • Profile picture of the author entrepreneurjay
    Profile picture of entrepreneurjay
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I sent her an email we will wait and see her response.

    I am interested in hearing this one I will keep everyone updated.

    P.S. I never mentioned anyone by name and I will keep it like that at least for now.

    If something shady is going on I will find out.
  • Profile picture of the author DianaHeuser
    Profile picture of DianaHeuser
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Does RapBank not work on one payment to Vendor, one payment to Affiliate? I am open to correction here but I am an affiliate for someone who runs off Rapbank and that is the way the commission works for me. The vendor gets the first sale, I get the second etc etc, depending on the percentage commission.

    • Profile picture of the author entrepreneurjay
      Profile picture of entrepreneurjay
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by DianaHeuser View Post

      Does RapBank not work on one payment to Vendor, one payment to Affiliate? I am open to correction here but I am an affiliate for someone who runs off Rapbank and that is the way the commission works for me. The vendor gets the first sale, I get the second etc etc, depending on the percentage commission.


      You are working off 50% commission model for that particular product which I would personally never promote. The vendor gets the first sale, the affiliate gets the next, so on and so forth. But when it is 100 percent commission you as the affiliate recieve whatever that product is selling for on each and every sale.

      Update: I just checked the affiliate page and it still says the affiliate RECIEVES 100% commission she is just getting my 100% commission

      No biggie I just know who not to work with in the future if she does not have a good answer.

      We will see.
      • Profile picture of the author KarlWarren
        Profile picture of KarlWarren
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by entrepreneurjay View Post

        Update: I just checked the affiliate page and it still says the affiliate RECIEVES 100% commission she is just getting my 100% commission
        That changes things completely.

        Kindest regards,
        eCoverNinja - Sales Page Graphics & Layout Specialist

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