6 replies
Can you have a graphic designer design you a mini site with a back ground, template and everything and upload that into XSP2 or does the mini site have to be designed in Xsitepro?

Hope that made sense.

#question #xsitepro2
  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    I still use xsp1 but I do that all the time. Doubt it's changed with xsp2.

    I upload the images into the "file management" in the "other" tab in xsp1 and they can be added as you do the site layout.

    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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  • Profile picture of the author davebo
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    • Profile picture of the author piper97
      Originally Posted by davebo View Post

      Yeah, it's the same in xsitepro. You have to do the 'ignore page layout' thing and then you can paste in your template. But I THINK you have to do this on a page by page basis. I can't remember though.
      That's my understanding too. You cannot import directly a non xsitepro site.

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      • Profile picture of the author Loren Woirhaye
        The answer is yes. You can make it work. XSP2 templates
        are constructed the way you would expect them to be.

        It will require tweaking to make everything match up.
        You might just pull the graphics out of a template for
        XSP and have your designer use them as a pattern.
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        • Profile picture of the author John-K.
          I just design my site in fireworks and then slice the design up into the appropriate pieces for the XSitePro sections (header, footer, main panel, nav bar, etc.). It's pretty easy that way and you don't have to use the ignore page layout feature.
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          • Profile picture of the author scottparat
            The answer to your question is YES .....with a few additional steps.

            First you need to understand that Xsitepro works with Templates. A template is simply an image of your website sliced into sections. These sections are then used as background images inside of Xsitepro to develop the xsitepro template. This template can then be exported as a .xse file.

            Your should use a website designer that is familiar with Xsitepro simply because the process of developing an Xsitepro Template is proprietary to Xsitepro. The website designer would need a program like Photoshop to design and build the template. Then the website designer would slice that image into pieces as dictated by Xsitepro specifications which are then imported and used to develop the xsitepro template.

            For Xsitepro Version 2 the website design must be sliced into sections like this XSitePro Book Two: Tools

            If you already have the design and have a basic knowledge of image editors you can easily learn how to slice the sections yourself. It really sounds harder than it is, once you get it figured out.....it really opens up the possibilities of Xsitepro.

            I have a pdf and video tutorial that explains how slicing works using GIMP a free image editing software application, the videos show how you would slice your website template using Xsitepro Version 1...... the principle is the same with version 2 and you should find it helpful Video Tutorials for Creating Xsitepro Templates by Slicing Free Website Templates

            Let me know if you have any questions.

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            • Profile picture of the author Kay King
              I don't slice and dice well - not artistic at all. So I just decide what size I want and get a photoshop wiz like Scott to make a header! Or I buy headers here and there and resize them to suit me. I use color pixie to get color codes from the headers to use for background and links, etc.

              Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
              2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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