Xsitepro2 Question

by 6 replies
Can you have a graphic designer design you a mini site with a back ground, template and everything and upload that into XSP2 or does the mini site have to be designed in Xsitepro?

Hope that made sense.

#main internet marketing discussion forum #question #xsitepro2
  • I still use xsp1 but I do that all the time. Doubt it's changed with xsp2.

    I upload the images into the "file management" in the "other" tab in xsp1 and they can be added as you do the site layout.

  • Banned
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    • That's my understanding too. You cannot import directly a non xsitepro site.
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    Can you have a graphic designer design you a mini site with a back ground, template and everything and upload that into XSP2 or does the mini site have to be designed in Xsitepro? Hope that made sense.