When you content protect with login do you give up seo juice

2 replies
From an seo point a site with more pages is apt to do better in Google. If you force people to login to see everything except the home page of a site, then I assume you are sacrificing any seo juice you might get from the other pages?
#content #give #juice #login #protect #seo
  • Profile picture of the author Cataclysm1987
    Originally Posted by rhinocl View Post

    From an seo point a site with more pages is apt to do better in Google.
    No. It's all about backlinks.

    Matt Cutts: Does a Websites Size Affect Its Authority in Google?

    Don't start a thread with misinformation.

    And to answer your question, no, it doesn't affect your SEO.

    No signature here today!

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    • Profile picture of the author rhinocl
      I don't believe that is misinformation. Obvoiusly off page counts. However the number of indexed pages has always been seen as a positive factor. If it were not, programs like Market Samurai wouldn't include it in the data. Nothing in that article you referred to said that Google doesn't factor in site size.
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