Making $900 Per Month with Flippa

Profile picture of linkinlinkout
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Fast BIO -

2002 got online (crappy ebay sales learn't Dreamweaver)
2003 co-started an eCommerce Store
2006 left and got a payout (not as much as I wanted)
2007 started a Web Dev Company (was living the 4-hour work week pulling in $15k per month to offline clients)
2010 cared for my sick mother (lost business while doing this - my choice just gave up life's too short)
2012 present day lost it all had a ball well until I lost my Amazing mother!

Here I am and it's funny as I have been lurking about since 2003

This is the only thing that brings in the most and is working for me right now = Simple Sites + Flippa

I can see by the threads people want to know what works quickly and how to put it all together.

Keep seeing Kindle, Adsense, Fiverr and How much do you make - people want the Magic Key it seems. Everything is a system anyone can do it -

I have tried everything within reason and although not made Millions from some of the systems this might be through my lack of knowledge or determination on whatever I bought into and tried.

I am now making around $900+ Per Month just from Flippa. The things is I only sell around 8 sites per month.

(I cannot reveal what I do yet - but sometimes I guess I will)

Hope I can help some peeps out in here
#$900 #flippa #flippa business #how much do you make? #making #making $900 #month

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