Unique Ways to Use PLR
Personally, I think PLR is one of the ultimate shortcuts to growing your business.
It saves a TON of time and prevents us from ever having to stare at a blank screen

Unfortunately, I see VERY few marketer's using PLR properly. In fact, most of us have a pile of PLR collecting dust on our hard drives.
So I wanted to share a couple different ways to use PLR and would love for you guys to add to the list!!
Let's get the ball rolling...
1. Sell the PLR product to your customers. (This is definitely the most obvious but still very few taking advantage of it.)
2. Blog Articles. Add a unique intro. Add in your affiliate links. Rewrite a bit to put it in your own voice and you could literally put an entire month's worth of blog content on autopilot. Simply setup Wordpress to drip-feed your articles every few days.
3. Webinars. Use PLR content as the basis for a webinar presentation. Create some nice powerpoint slides and then approach other marketer's to present your webinar to thier list. Use the free OneClickTool.com to turn this into a massive lead generator.
4. Podcasts. Whip out your headset and Audacity and repurpose your PLR into audio. You can then submit your recording to podcast directories like iTunes for extra traffic

5. Membership Sites. This is one of my favorites! PLR is one of the easiest ways to continuously add massive value to your membership site week after week. In fact, I just purchased some PLR video squeeze pages here in the Warrior Forum about a week ago to put into my own membership site. Or, you could use PLR to create a fixed-term membeship site. Load the content into Aweber and automate the whole thing!
6. Affiliate Bonuses. Affiliate marketing is becoming more and more competitive. You need something extra to compete in the latest product launch. You can use PLR to create unique bonus packages for any affiliate product you're promoting. Plus, now 'a days you can get PLR to Wordpress themes, templates, plugins, and software.
7. Autoresponder Sequence. A lot of people ask me what they sort of content they should be emailing their subscribers. PLR makes this super simple. Simply break up your PLR into short articles, create a unique intro and outro for each and load it up into your autoresponder.
* Bonus: Use the PLR content to create plug-n-play tools for your affiliates. You can us PLR to create new articles and reports each month that your affiliates can rebrand and post on their own website.
Now I'd love to hear some of your ideas!!
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