Unique Ways to Use PLR

Kim Roach
Profile picture of Kim Roach
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
53 replies
Today I was thinking about PLR and thought I'd bounce off some ideas with my fellow warriors.

Personally, I think PLR is one of the ultimate shortcuts to growing your business.

It saves a TON of time and prevents us from ever having to stare at a blank screen

Unfortunately, I see VERY few marketer's using PLR properly. In fact, most of us have a pile of PLR collecting dust on our hard drives.

So I wanted to share a couple different ways to use PLR and would love for you guys to add to the list!!

Let's get the ball rolling...

1. Sell the PLR product to your customers. (This is definitely the most obvious but still very few taking advantage of it.)

2. Blog Articles. Add a unique intro. Add in your affiliate links. Rewrite a bit to put it in your own voice and you could literally put an entire month's worth of blog content on autopilot. Simply setup Wordpress to drip-feed your articles every few days.

3. Webinars.
Use PLR content as the basis for a webinar presentation. Create some nice powerpoint slides and then approach other marketer's to present your webinar to thier list. Use the free OneClickTool.com to turn this into a massive lead generator.

4. Podcasts. Whip out your headset and Audacity and repurpose your PLR into audio. You can then submit your recording to podcast directories like iTunes for extra traffic

5. Membership Sites. This is one of my favorites! PLR is one of the easiest ways to continuously add massive value to your membership site week after week. In fact, I just purchased some PLR video squeeze pages here in the Warrior Forum about a week ago to put into my own membership site. Or, you could use PLR to create a fixed-term membeship site. Load the content into Aweber and automate the whole thing!

6. Affiliate Bonuses. Affiliate marketing is becoming more and more competitive. You need something extra to compete in the latest product launch. You can use PLR to create unique bonus packages for any affiliate product you're promoting. Plus, now 'a days you can get PLR to Wordpress themes, templates, plugins, and software.

7. Autoresponder Sequence. A lot of people ask me what they sort of content they should be emailing their subscribers. PLR makes this super simple. Simply break up your PLR into short articles, create a unique intro and outro for each and load it up into your autoresponder.

* Bonus: Use the PLR content to create plug-n-play tools for your affiliates. You can us PLR to create new articles and reports each month that your affiliates can rebrand and post on their own website.

Now I'd love to hear some of your ideas!!
#plr #unique #ways
  • Profile picture of the author Abby Haukongo
    Abby Haukongo
    Profile picture of Abby Haukongo
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Thanks Kim,

    Your stuff is always eye-opening. I'm off to implement a couple of these.

  • Profile picture of the author DianaHeuser
    Profile picture of DianaHeuser
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

    Nice ideas. I had not thought of using some of that PLR as video content. Learnt something new today

  • Profile picture of the author Ashley C
    Ashley C
    Profile picture of Ashley C
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    I mainly use PLR for research It's incredibly useful if you're trying to develop a good info product, report or blog post.
    • Profile picture of the author Joseph Robinson
      Joseph Robinson
      Profile picture of Joseph Robinson
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      Originally Posted by DianaHeuser View Post


      Nice ideas. I had not thought of using some of that PLR as video content. Learnt something new today

      Never thought of it that way either. PLR can definitely help when writing a script...

      Originally Posted by Ashley C View Post

      I mainly use PLR for research It's incredibly useful if you're trying to develop a good info product, report or blog post.
      This is mostly what I use PLR for as well. It is a great jumping off point that I use in certain niches to plan what I am going to research/write about. In my personal opinion at least, it works best as a supplemental tool.
  • Profile picture of the author bhl2506
    Profile picture of bhl2506
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    Thanks again Kim, you always give great advice and know how to put things in a way that makes easy to understand.
  • Profile picture of the author jessiepadgal
    Profile picture of jessiepadgal
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Great ideas on how to use PLR.

    Might I suggest: Use PLR to train your staff.
  • Profile picture of the author bertuseng
    Profile picture of bertuseng
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Use PLR to create drip fed blogs and then sell them. As some big names have been doing lately...
  • Profile picture of the author WriterWahm
    Profile picture of WriterWahm
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Great article Kim.

    It's crazy. I know how to use PLR in different ways but I don't usually get beyond using it for my autoresponder sequence or for blog posts. Generally, when using PLR for my blog posts, I tend to rewrite them almost completely because I want it to have my unique voice. This is different if I'm working on a niche site though.

    PM me if you want a romantic fiction ghostwriter.

  • Profile picture of the author AmandaT
    Profile picture of AmandaT
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    I like to use PLR to create e-courses. I also use PLR articles to create audio courses.

    Need quick content for your blog? Most of your PLR articles won't pass copyscape, but you know what probably will? A chapter or part of a chapter of one of those PLR ebooks or reports.

    When I want to reward my list with a gift... I grab a PLR report and add some useful information that it might be missing, recommend some products with affiliate links, and send it out. They are happy and it doesn't take me long to put together.

    The key is finding high quality PLR when you do this. You won't want to be sending low quality stuff out to your subscribers.

    A friend of mine also write a free report about using PLR to gain traffic... you might find it interesting.

    Driving Traffic With PLR Products | Create With Matt
    • Profile picture of the author Summertime Dress
      Summertime Dress
      Profile picture of Summertime Dress
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

      There's another thread in this section talking about the clamp down recently by payment processors and mentions selling PLR/MRR products as one of the triggers for losing accounts, etc. Where do you see the "future" of PLR heading (if that's the best way to describe it)? Do you think marketers who sell PLR products to the marketing community will have to call it something else?
      • Profile picture of the author Kim Roach
        Kim Roach
        Profile picture of Kim Roach
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        I don't think PLR is going away anytime soon (or the term itself). I would guess that any accounts that were shut down we're probably doing something more shady than simply selling PLR. When done properly, it really shouldn't be a problem.
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        • Profile picture of the author Joseph Robinson
          Joseph Robinson
          Profile picture of Joseph Robinson
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          Originally Posted by Kim Roach View Post

          I don't think PLR is going away anytime soon (or the term itself). I would guess that any accounts that were shut down we're probably doing something more shady than simply selling PLR. When done properly, it really shouldn't be a problem.
          Doesn't always have to be a gray/black hat method that gets people shut down. Spewing out low quality crap that customers constantly complain about will get one shut down as well.

          That's this entire business though. Everything always comes back to quality. If you're focused on it, even with PLR, there should be no problems.
      • Profile picture of the author Alminc
        Profile picture of Alminc
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by Summertime Dress View Post


        There's another thread in this section talking about the clamp down recently by payment processors and mentions selling PLR/MRR products as one of the triggers for losing accounts, etc. Where do you see the "future" of PLR heading (if that's the best way to describe it)? Do you think marketers who sell PLR products to the marketing community will have to call it something else?

        The PLR concept (coined as such by Jimmy D Brown) has been devalued by silly shopping cart websites selling PLR ebooks and software for pennies at every corner on the Internet. The other factor that has contributed to devaluation of this powerful concept has been large number of PLR content providers selling crappy articles, reports, scripts, etc. to the masses, with very generous rights attached.

        If the private label rights concept is to survive (and regain its value), many changes in the approach to that business must be done by PLR product/content providers (and users as well):

        1. Only high quality, 100% original content must be served by PLR content sellers

        2. The PLR license must be more restrictive (The 'no restriction PLR' for example must vanish, that's detrimental and outright stupid license. Allowing PLR buyers to sell the source files is like killing your own business, such must be understood and stopped).

        3. Number of copies sold must be much more limited (e.g. 30 instead of 200)

        4. The price of PLR product/content packages and monthly membership fees must go up. PLR products/content should never be cheap.

        5. Any member/customer who's found breaking the license terms must be REALLY banned forever by PLR seller

        6. PLR content users must customise that content and never use it as is, in order to really see some benefits. That should be regulated by PLR license - no using it 'as is', must be changed, or you are banned.

        And more.

        Regarding the term 'Private Label Rights' itself, I recently had a skype chat with Jeremy Burns when he told me that, because of the bad name that PLR has earned thanks to above mentioned behaviour, it's much better to call it something else if you are PLR seller. For example 'editable content', rebrandable products' or something like that. I totally agree, and I noticed that some smarter guys are already doing it.

        The fact is that the PLR concept is very powerful and very much needed. It's both in PLR sellers' and PLR users' highest interest to prevent its farther devaluation and do everything in their power to treat it correctly.

        Thanks Kim for this useful post. I would only add that what Kim suggested in her OP, everybody should interpret as 'not optional'.

        Be creative.

        If you are lazy or have more money than time, outsource the customisation work to professional writers, graphics designers, video/audio producers, etc. (but at least develop the cutomisation strategy yourself and know what should be done and how).

        Here's one thing that you can (and should) do with PLR content:

        - Collect 3-4 quality ebooks on same topic, study them and make notes. Use Word or Open Office Writer to cut all the fluff and outdated references (if any) and keep only valuable info. Give it a new title, add up-to-date resources, useful quotations, your own points, new images/screenshots, tables, and anything you think would be of value for the reader. Create new table of contents. Add your image and signature file as the author. In that way you will have created a completely new ebook with real value. Your own product!

        - Convert the .doc file into PDF (you can use this free service: http://www.pdfonline.com/convert-pdf/ )

        - Create the audio version of your ebook by simply reading it loud and recording your voice. You can use Audacity (free) for this purpose. When it's finished, use Audacity to create the MP3 file.

        - Zip the PDF and MP3 files (WinZip)

        - Fire up your Photoshop (affordable monthly subscription is available) and use the psd files from the PLR packages to create new e-cover graphics that reflects the new title and subtitle. Combine the images and styles from different psd files, chage colors. Use different action script than it was used for the original PLR ecovers, e.g. if it was paperback cover use hardbook cover. Take your time to create really good looking ecover.

        - Now you need to create a new and much better sales letter. Open your Word or Open Office Writer and cut/paste the best parts from the included PLR sales letters. Rewrite/reorder everything that you pasted in and make sure that the sales letter has no errors and follows the basic AIDA (attention, interest, desire, action) formula. If you are not comfortable with copywriting, give your new sales leter to a professional copywriter to improve it (much cheaper than paying for the sales letter from scratch).

        - Give your ebook (in pdf format) to a few people in exchange for testimonials and include best testimonials in the sales letter

        - Use any HTML editor (NVU and Kompozer are free) to create the sales page and format your sales letter so it really looks professional. Also create a simple thankyou page where your download link will reside.

        - Upload your sales page, thank you page and the zip files (the product) to your hosting account (FileZilla is free)

        You have just created a full blown product of your own, ready for action!

        Now you can do one of these 2 things (both are good):

        a) Give it away in exchange for email addresses and build a list of subscribers and get your name out (in this case you must create simple squeeze page with good headline and 4-5 bullet points, too)

        b) Sell it and make money

        Repeat this process for other hot topics and you will soon enough have a line of your own products. (Psst...created from PLR )



        No links :)
  • Profile picture of the author sonicadam123
    Profile picture of sonicadam123
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I find PLR articles as a great starting point for an article but a lot that I've come across are a bit thin on content but still can make a decent foundation or be a good way of coming up with post idea's.
  • Profile picture of the author jaiganeshv
    Profile picture of jaiganeshv
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    my 2 cents:

    Use PLR articles as youtube video scripts. Use youtube video transcripts as your blog content...

    This alone can solve all your content searches..

  • Profile picture of the author itrepreneur
    Profile picture of itrepreneur
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Great post Kim. You have some good ideas on using plr articles in different ways.
    I need to get more focused and use my articles in a few different ways like you've said.
    I'm sorry that I can't add any more ideas to the list.
  • Profile picture of the author robyna
    Profile picture of robyna
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I think a great new trick to use PLR is to use them for social media updates. Just take sentence or two and stick it in as an update. Viola...you didn't have to think up a thing!!
  • Profile picture of the author Michael Thorsett
    Michael Thorsett
    Profile picture of Michael Thorsett
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    I don't think that high-quality PLR content sellers will be going anywhere anytime soon. The web is basically content, and people who provide quality content will always have a place at the table.

    There are far more consumers of content than there are producers of content, so the demand far exceeds the supply (again, we're limiting this to quality content. Not that crud that you find in the dark corners of the web).
    • Profile picture of the author Joseph Robinson
      Joseph Robinson
      Profile picture of Joseph Robinson
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Michael Thorsett View Post

      I don't think that high-quality PLR content sellers will be going anywhere anytime soon. The web is basically content, and people who provide quality content will always have a place at the table.

      There are far more consumers of content than there are producers of content, so the demand far exceeds the supply (again, we're limiting this to quality content. Not that crud that you find in the dark corners of the web).
      I'm out of thanks, but this post is entirely correct. Quality PLR, quality articles/blog posts, and quality products aren't going anywhere. Who turns down quality?
      • Profile picture of the author Kim Roach
        Kim Roach
        Profile picture of Kim Roach
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        So true Joe!!

        Here are some of my personal favorites:

        SpecialReportClub.com (Melissa Ingold)
        AllPrivateLabelContent.com (Alice Seba)
        Nicheology.com (Paul Evans)
        Warrior Forum
        EasyPLR.com (Nicole Dean)
        PLRMinimart.com (Tiffany Dow)
        PLRSo.com (Jimmy D. Brown)
        (Blog Traffic Checklist) - How to Generate 1,000+ Visitors to EVERY New Blog Post You Create...

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        • Profile picture of the author Alminc
          Profile picture of Alminc
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Originally Posted by Kim Roach View Post

          So true Joe!!

          Here are some of my personal favorites:

          SpecialReportClub.com (Melissa Ingold)
          AllPrivateLabelContent.com (Alice Seba)
          Nicheology.com (Paul Evans)
          Warrior Forum
          EasyPLR.com (Nicole Dean)
          PLRMinimart.com (Tiffany Dow)
          PLRSo.com (Jimmy D. Brown)
          Damn, why did you reveal PLRSo.com (Jimmy D. Brown)...it was MY secret
          No links :)
  • Profile picture of the author stevhong
    Profile picture of stevhong
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Thank you for sharing, great information
  • Profile picture of the author andynathan
    Profile picture of andynathan
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    I sometimes use its as a means of thanks! if someone. helps me I cab give the ole co tent and software to use as a launch pad to help then.

    Posted from Warrior Forum Reader for Android

    Delighfully Inexpensive: The Scientific Formula For Profitable Blogging takes you step-by-step into how to create mind-blowing content that inspires your readers to learn more about your services.
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  • Profile picture of the author Alminc
    Profile picture of Alminc
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    Originally Posted by Kim Roach View Post

    Today I was thinking about PLR and thought I'd bounce off some ideas with my fellow warriors.

    Personally, I think PLR is one of the ultimate shortcuts to growing your business.

    It saves a TON of time and prevents us from ever having to stare at a blank screen

    Unfortunately, I see VERY few marketer's using PLR properly. In fact, most of us have a pile of PLR collecting dust on our hard drives.

    So I wanted to share a couple different ways to use PLR and would love for you guys to add to the list!!

    Let's get the ball rolling...

    1. Sell the PLR product to your customers. (This is definitely the most obvious but still very few taking advantage of it.)

    2. Blog Articles. Add a unique intro. Add in your affiliate links. Rewrite a bit to put it in your own voice and you could literally put an entire month's worth of blog content on autopilot. Simply setup Wordpress to drip-feed your articles every few days.

    3. Webinars. Use PLR content as the basis for a webinar presentation. Create some nice powerpoint slides and then approach other marketer's to present your webinar to thier list. Use the free OneClickTool.com to turn this into a massive lead generator.

    4. Podcasts. Whip out your headset and Audacity and repurpose your PLR into audio. You can then submit your recording to podcast directories like iTunes for extra traffic

    5. Membership Sites. This is one of my favorites! PLR is one of the easiest ways to continuously add massive value to your membership site week after week. In fact, I just purchased some PLR video squeeze pages here in the Warrior Forum about a week ago to put into my own membership site. Or, you could use PLR to create a fixed-term membeship site. Load the content into Aweber and automate the whole thing!

    6. Affiliate Bonuses. Affiliate marketing is becoming more and more competitive. You need something extra to compete in the latest product launch. You can use PLR to create unique bonus packages for any affiliate product you're promoting. Plus, now 'a days you can get PLR to Wordpress themes, templates, plugins, and software.

    7. Autoresponder Sequence. A lot of people ask me what they sort of content they should be emailing their subscribers. PLR makes this super simple. Simply break up your PLR into short articles, create a unique intro and outro for each and load it up into your autoresponder.

    * Bonus: Use the PLR content to create plug-n-play tools for your affiliates. You can us PLR to create new articles and reports each month that your affiliates can rebrand and post on their own website.

    Now I'd love to hear some of your ideas!!
    The title is : Unique Ways to Use PLR

    Everything above is well known and repeated 2,198,876 times so far.

    Sorry Kim, but I couldn't resist

    Just joking.

    No links :)
  • Profile picture of the author travlinguy
    Profile picture of travlinguy
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    This is from one of my PLR sales pages:

    What can you do with PLR Content & Copy?
    • Turn Articles into Special Reports
    • Turn Articles into eCourses
    • Turn Articles into eBooks
    • Turn Articles into Autoresponder Series Messages
    • Turn Articles into Web Content
    • Spin Articles and Promote Your Products
    • Spin Articles and Submit To Gain Backlinks for Your Site
    • Start an Article Submission Service Offering PLR Content
    • Start An Article Spinning Service and Offer The PLR Content
    • Use eBooks and Special Reports as Opt-In List Building Giveaways
    • Use eBooks and Special Reports as Bonus Items for Your Offers
    • Re-Write eBooks, Special Reports, and eCourses and Re-Market Them
    • Use Website Templates to Create Your Own Sites
    • Create Niche “Buyers Guides” Using PLR Content
    • Use PLR Content To Create Viral Reports Promoting Your Affiliate Links
    • Modify and use Sales Letters to Promote Your Own Products
    • Sell eBooks, Software and Special Reports as they are.
    • Bundle Various Products and Sell, them or Use for Opt-In Offers
    • Read Some of This Excellent Material and Put It To Use For Your Business
    • Modify Websites, Sales Letters and Product and Promote to Various Niches
    • Create Newsletters from eBooks, Articles, and Sales Letters
    • Use The Content As Scripts To Produce Unique Audio Recordings and Videos
    • Use PLR Content For Webinars, Podcasts and Teleconference Calls
    • Use PLR Content To Create Marketing and Sales Material for Offline Marketing
    • Compile PLR Content Into Special “Tips” Reports
    • Translate PLR Content into Other Languages and Break Into New Markets
    • Use PLR Content For FAQ Pages
    • Create Banner Ads From PLR Sales Letter Content
    • Revise PLR Content and Use As ‘Before and After’ Copy To Pursue Editing Gigs
    • Use PLR Content To Brainstorm New Product Ideas
    • Use PLR Content in Posting To Niche Forums
    • Create “Top 10” Lists For Your Niche Using PLR Content
  • Profile picture of the author Brendan Carl
    Brendan Carl
    Profile picture of Brendan Carl
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    I've never actually given much thought to using PLR articles. I considered working with public domain books. And, although this still is a valid option, you made me realize that PLR products are much easier and more versatile.

    But, where is a good source to buy PLR articles? I know there are many, many sources to buy articles, but where can I get the best quality PLR articles?

    Anyways, thanks for the great post!
    • Profile picture of the author Alminc
      Profile picture of Alminc
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by bcarl6 View Post


      I've never actually given much thought to using PLR articles. I considered working with public domain books. And, although this still is a valid option, you made me realize that PLR products are much easier and more versatile.

      But, where is a good source to buy PLR articles? I know there are many, many sources to buy articles, but where can I get the best quality PLR articles?

      Anyways, thanks for the great post!

      You will always get better quality PLR articles if you look for provider who is specialised for certain niche. So, depending on what niche you need articles for, try to find PLR specialist for that specific niche.
      Also, rather pay a bit more, don't buy cheap PLR articles.


      No links :)
      • Profile picture of the author Brendan Carl
        Brendan Carl
        Profile picture of Brendan Carl
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        Originally Posted by Alminc View Post

        You will always get better quality PLR articles if you look for provider who is specialised for certain niche. So, depending on what niche you need articles for, try to find PLR specialist for that specific niche.
        Also, rather pay a bit more, don't buy cheap PLR articles.


        Ok, thanks for the response. I am not experience with PLR articles at all, so thank you for the advice and pointing me towards that excellent post.
  • Profile picture of the author RevenueGal
    Profile picture of RevenueGal
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I scan through PLR articles to grab a short, informative paragraph on a particular topic to share on my FB page and also scan through them for short tips to share on Twitter.

    ~ Rhonda White
    Sell Information Products - Five FREE Products
    PLRContentShop.com ~ Quality PLR Content on SALE ==>> Plus, FREE GRAPHICS & IMAGES!

    YourFreeGift.org ~ Receive a Free Trip to Heaven! (Money can't buy it!)

  • Profile picture of the author Kim Roach
    Kim Roach
    Profile picture of Kim Roach
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Thanks for all the great additions everyone
    (Blog Traffic Checklist) - How to Generate 1,000+ Visitors to EVERY New Blog Post You Create...

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  • Profile picture of the author Francis Ochoco
    Francis Ochoco
    Profile picture of Francis Ochoco
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    If the license permits, you can give away PLR products on squeeze pages to build your list. That's what I currently do.

    Free PLR to over 30 IM videos: http://freeplrvideos.com/

  • Profile picture of the author Unisons
    Profile picture of Unisons
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Lots of great ideas which I feel are extremely useful and might implement some of them, especially the ones giving away. Was cracking my head lately on what to give to my opt ins.
  • Profile picture of the author Onora Oz
    Onora Oz
    Profile picture of Onora Oz
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    • Compile PLR Content Into Special "Tips" Reports

    This ^^ must be pretty popular right at the moment. I've been being bombarded with emails offering "tips reports" on any subject you can think of, nowadays

    Great thread, great tips, Kim. Great additions, everyone.
  • Profile picture of the author Bookerads
    Profile picture of Bookerads
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi, I found this to be very helpful Tweeted it
  • Profile picture of the author Charles Harper
    Charles Harper
    Profile picture of Charles Harper
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    I didn't see it, so I would include Whitepapers and Trade Journal Article Content.

  • Profile picture of the author ryuchi
    Profile picture of ryuchi
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I have a few PLR in my hard drive which I never used because I am not sure how to. Thank you for the tips, they are awesome stuff to pack a good marketing campaign. I will try using it to make a video.

    Now those PLR will finally serve it purpose!

  • Profile picture of the author ivanadee
    Profile picture of ivanadee
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I currently use PLR for having subscribers.
    I am just installing squeeze page and changing link and it really saves time.
    Thanks for sharing,Kim
  • Profile picture of the author Chris-
    Profile picture of Chris-
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Great suggestions!

    here's another one . . . use free software to convert PLR into PDF's and upload to PDF document sharing sites for traffic and backlinks. Since the Penguin update, it might be wise to direct such backlinks to a 2.0 property, then link that to your main site, but it can still be used effectively.

    (For full details of that, and lots of other ways to make profits from PLR's, see my Sig

  • Profile picture of the author Abbie88
    Profile picture of Abbie88
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi Kim..

    Wow.. I really like this thread.
    I have downloaded many PLRs and bought some but they're just there in my PC useless.
    Thanks for starting this.


    no sigs at the moment :)

  • Profile picture of the author bigslamgyrl
    Profile picture of bigslamgyrl
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I am bookmarking this thread, I LOVE this great PLR information.

    Thakns for starting this Kim
  • Profile picture of the author John F Kennedy
    John F Kennedy
    Profile picture of John F Kennedy
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

    What a great thread, care to share the thread of where you bought your PLR video squeeze pages.

    Thanks again!
  • Profile picture of the author dm101
    Profile picture of dm101
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Great info, here, Kim. I appreciate the reply by "Alminc", that PLR really has been devalued for all the reasons he gives.
    But you've really honed in on the methods we can apply to make PLR products have value, not because they are so great, but because we infuse our own creativity to make them valuable.
    I think of PLR's as a rough outline that I have to shape into something.
    But when I'm so busy doing stuff all the time, it's GREAT to have an outline to put me into motion.
    thanks again Kim (and alminc)

    Co-Founder of the Whirlwind Success "VIP Club"... personal coaching for IMers and bloggers.

  • Profile picture of the author WebPen
    Profile picture of WebPen
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Great post- I definitely hadn't thought of using PLR content for webinars.

    I'd heard of it for videos, but not a whole webinar. Very cool.
  • Profile picture of the author grover69
    Profile picture of grover69
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Thanks for this post Kim! I hope it opens folks eyes to the possibilities of using PLR. Sure there is some junk, but there is some wonderful PLR out there as well. And it has made me money so why not use it, right?
  • Profile picture of the author Ronin X
    Ronin X
    Profile picture of Ronin X
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

    Thanks a bunch I've used PLR before but this really opens up my eye's as to what's possible.


    Ronin X
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  • Profile picture of the author Rayddp
    Profile picture of Rayddp
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Thanks Kim for the great Article.
  • Profile picture of the author DylanC
    Profile picture of DylanC
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Great list of ideas for PLR. Quite comprehensive.
  • Profile picture of the author internetmarketer1
    Profile picture of internetmarketer1
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Definitely membership sites. Now that is a great idea that I would love to consider trying out in the future.
  • Profile picture of the author bhushan@rancor
    Profile picture of bhushan@rancor
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi Kim,
    Again YOU with YOUR very goody info.
    Interactive Bees Pvt Ltd best known for Quality Web Development Solutions and Online Marketing Services.
  • Profile picture of the author BloggingPro
    Profile picture of BloggingPro
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Never even thought about using PLR as a webinar tool, or even heard about the website you listed in that tip. Great advice! Thank you for your sharing.

    I've personally been thinking about utilizing my PLR as podcast material, and now with these other ideas I think I could turn some of those entertainment articles sitting on my HDD into something really special!

    You're going to fail. If you're afraid of failure then you do not belong in the Internet Marketing Business. Period.
  • Profile picture of the author Kragsig
    Profile picture of Kragsig
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Thank you for great inspiration. Could be awesome to have a membership site one day. This means recurring income

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