Launch WSO for free?

facebook marketer
Profile picture of facebook marketer
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
12 replies
Is there any legal way in which we can launch a wso for free?
I heard some people doing that!!
#free #launch #wso
  • Profile picture of the author zharfan
    Profile picture of zharfan
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    what's the meaning? are you want share a WSO from warrior forum?
  • Profile picture of the author Michael Meaney
    Michael Meaney
    Profile picture of Michael Meaney
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    Originally Posted by facebook marketer View Post

    Is there any legal way in which we can launch a wso for free?
    I heard some people doing that!!
    You can add it to the War Room if it's high quality.. which kind of launches it, certainly enough to get some feedback.

    Otherwise it's $40 to post a WSO regardless if you're giving it away or charging.

    Plus you'll need War Room membership before you can post a WSO... which is $37.
  • Profile picture of the author theebookcavern
    Profile picture of theebookcavern
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    It's not against the rules to launch a free WSO. If you want to give it away for free you can do.

    I personally wouldn't recommend it though. You can get a similar number of subscribers launching a very cheap WSO and by doing it that way you know that the people on your list are buyers.

    • Profile picture of the author Paul Myers
      Paul Myers
      Profile picture of Paul Myers
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      Folks, what he's asking is if there's a way to launch a WSO without having to pay the fees. The answer is: Sort of.

      To do that, you need to convince someone else to pay them for you. That's not uncommon, but it's been the cause of more than a few disputes that ended up with people being banned or otherwise experiencing serious hassles. And the forum will NOT get in the middle of disputes over how the payments are handled, if they're made, whose name goes on the offer (must be the creator), or any of the other ways this stuff can go sideways.

      You pay your price, you take your chances.

      Stop by Paul's Pub - my little hangout on Facebook.

      • Profile picture of the author Richard Van
        Richard Van
        Profile picture of Richard Van
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        It's interesting he/she wants to launch them for free.

        Yesterday he/she had a thread talking about BH sites that offer CB and WSO's for free.

        Wibble, bark, my old man's a mushroom etc...

  • Profile picture of the author Paul Myers
    Paul Myers
    Profile picture of Paul Myers
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    He's probably not someone who'd be good to do this sort of deal with then, eh?

    Folks, it's becoming increasingly common for people to try to use the members here as a source of funding for various things. WSOs, project start-ups, "CPA schemes," and the like. That stuff is getting hammered as soon as we see it now. Too many deals going south because the person investing is buying the promise and not looking at who's making it.

    If you want to make those bets, that's your business. Don't do it if you can't afford to lose the investment without undue pain, though.

    And don't run a WSO under your name for someone else's product or service. Not only is that not allowed, it could cost you your account here if they fail to deliver.

    Stop by Paul's Pub - my little hangout on Facebook.

  • Profile picture of the author Shubh Ashish
    Shubh Ashish
    Profile picture of Shubh Ashish
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    I had a friend here on WF who made a partner and that person paid the WSO listing fees and my buddy created the product and the salespage.The bond was a 50-50 percent partnership in the profit.
    Sell Dreams, Not Products
    - Steve Jobs
  • Profile picture of the author CDarklock
    Profile picture of CDarklock
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    Originally Posted by facebook marketer View Post

    Is there any legal way in which we can launch a wso for free?
    I heard some people doing that!!
    There are two major ways this is done.

    First, you can get someone else to pay the fees, usually collecting the money in their own PayPal account and giving you your share every so often. Obviously, this is potentially a scam where they get to sell your product and keep the money... but there are also plenty of people (including myself) who have made these deals with other Warriors and done quite well by them. It's a risk. How much risk you'll accept, and from whom, is up to you.

    Second, you can do a limited release of the product in another channel to cover the costs. Many WSO authors do a half-price or even lower cost launch in a private paid forum, a small mastermind group, or to their own mailing list before running the WSO. The only catch here is that the early offer needs to be closed before you launch the WSO.
    "The Golden Town is the Golden Town no longer. They have sold their pillars for brass and their temples for money, they have made coins out of their golden doors. It is become a dark town full of trouble, there is no ease in its streets, beauty has left it and the old songs are gone." - Lord Dunsany, The Messengers
  • Profile picture of the author Qamar
    Profile picture of Qamar
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    Just pay the $40 and do your business peacefully. Don't risk trying to save 40 bucks and in the end lose your warriorforum accounts.

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  • Profile picture of the author Alessandro Zamboni
    Alessandro Zamboni
    Profile picture of Alessandro Zamboni
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    Hi Facebook Marketer, yes there is a way to launch a WSO for free, with free bumps.
    But you must cut in half your earnings to do that, because you have to take a promoter, a person who pays your expenses for getting half of your earnings.

    This is the unique way I know, and I don't think there are so much more.

    See you soon,
    Alessandro Zamboni
  • Profile picture of the author Richard Van
    Richard Van
    Profile picture of Richard Van
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    Originally Posted by opp2012 View Post

    Can someone help , im trying to posta wso , don't even know where to start , paid /free its all the same
    1. Go to WSO section.

    2. Read the stickies. Very easy, it's all there. You just have to read. Tell you what, seeing as navigating a forum like this isn't your strong point, I'll bring it to you...

    To Pay For A Thread:

    1. Post Your Thread First.

    2. A Moderator Will Approve Your Thread.

    3. When Approved You Will Get A Private Message With A Payment Link To PayPal. The cost for a WSO is $40.

    4. As Soon As You Make Payment Your Thread Will Go Live.
    3. Don't hijack other threads with questions that have extremely easy answers to find.

    4. Expect to make no money. I mean, if you can't find this information and I have to get it for you, what can you possibly expect to teach others?

    Wibble, bark, my old man's a mushroom etc...

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