The greatest IM puzzle

12 replies
many people say diversify, don't rely on any one method or strategy for income, we're at the mercy of the changing whims of the G-force so have a lot of different colonies in your empire

then others say

Focus on one method/strategy and stick to that, my biggest mistake was moving from one idea to the next to the next, just concentrate on one strategy, be patient with it and don't be distracted by other stuff

which is it?
#greatest #puzzle
  • Profile picture of the author peptone
    I think that one reason for the confusion is that the way that Search Engines work has changed. You used to be able to quickly slap up lots of little Adsense sites and make money from them. That's becoming harder to do now because what Google wants is useful content that provides relevent information for the person who's searching. Their spiders are getting better at finding those type of articles so that having lots of little adsense sites is not the way to go for the future.

    I think that the way to go is to build a couple of Authority sites in a couple of different niches that you are interested in and knowledgeable about. That way you are not putting all your eggs in one basket but you are giving the Search Engines what they want - a site with quality content providing value.
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  • Profile picture of the author DeadRooster
    Create sites and products that are valuable to PEOPLE not search engines and you'll be way ahead of the game.
    Get my latest book! Available in both paperback and Kindle
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  • Profile picture of the author Gene Pimentel
    Originally Posted by Nathan251 View Post

    many people say diversify, don't rely on any one method or strategy for income, we're at the mercy of the changing whims of the G-force so have a lot of different colonies in your empire

    then others say

    Focus on one method/strategy and stick to that, my biggest mistake was moving from one idea to the next to the next, just concentrate on one strategy, be patient with it and don't be distracted by other stuff

    which is it?
    BOTH answers are correct. It depends on where you are at in the process.

    When you're beginning, focus on ONE think, and make it a success. In the beginning there are far too many ways to fail if you spread yourself out with many projects.

    Once you've firmed up your first project/business, then you can consider diversifying. Keep building your business, and diversify after each success. If you don't diversify, you stand a much greater chance of losing it, especially if you're relying on a third party like Google, Amazon, etc.
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  • Profile picture of the author sloanjim
    Yep...I.M. is about as stable as a house built on quicksand.

    Basic business principles will always be the same..DO NOT RELY ON G. Use it..but don't rely on it.

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  • Profile picture of the author paul nicholls
    when first starting out yes you should just focus on 1 method say adsense or amazon etc but when your making a bit of money ive always said around $700+ a month then start looking at other areas which are more stable

    as jim said above DONT RELY ON GOOGLE to put food on your table

    if you take your business seriously then you need to have a good solid foundationnot just rely on search engines to send you most of your traffic to make you money

    this is why i cringe when some people say they have 100 adsense or amazon blogs which is there main income

    imagine if most of those got slaped overnight from the clowns over at google?

    it does happen and has happend

    so at first focus on 1 method make some money, then diverse into a more solid business model such as creating your own products, build a list of customers. Your list wil be your biggest leveraging tool you can have

    i still build affiliate sites for adsense and its great fun but i build more authority sites these days 30 + pages as a minimum, but i dont only build these sites its just extra income

    build thise online assets otherwise you will be sorry you didnt further down the road

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    • Profile picture of the author LloydC
      The main reason for sticking to one method is just to prove that the system works and give you the confidence to scale it up.

      Then you should diversify because your "business" might only be one google slap away from going broke, and when you've got kids to feed and bills to pay, that ain't good.
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  • Profile picture of the author braincandy7
    The idea people are trying to get across when they say that you should stick with one method at least until you know how to do it well.

    Don't try to master 5 methods at the same time or you will end up doing a half arsed job of them all. Stick with one until you know what you are doing and can replicate easily. Once you are at that point you are able to learn another technique in the extra time you now have due to being much more efficient.
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    • Profile picture of the author Exel
      Originally Posted by braincandy7 View Post

      The idea people are trying to get across when they say that you should stick with one method at least until you know how to do it well.

      Don't try to master 5 methods at the same time or you will end up doing a half arsed job of them all. Stick with one until you know what you are doing and can replicate easily. Once you are at that point you are able to learn another technique in the extra time you now have due to being much more efficient.
      This is exactly the point.

      Don't jump from technique to technique, from method to method and never
      actually implement any properly. Stick with one thing until you can do it decently
      and are making money from it. Then you can think about diversifying your income,
      by creating different income streams or by learning and implementing new methods.
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  • Profile picture of the author Nathan251
    good advice guys, thanks!
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  • Profile picture of the author celente
    Too many times I see newbies and even experiences marketers try to create just a niche site. What you should be trying to do is create an authoritive site in your niche or like the go to site.

    Doing this will help your google rankings, traffic and sales ulimately. What you should be trying to do firstmost is help people.
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    • Profile picture of the author Sandra Martinez
      focus on one method until you make it work, once you do.. fire yourself and outsource it.

      After the process you should have that line working and time in your hands, then start over with another one to diversify.

      rinse and repeat.
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      • Profile picture of the author snakeyes37
        My original plan was to build a few niche sites, build up some traffic and a little revenue then flip them on Flippa. Suggestions anyone?

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