When Do Pre-Sales WSO Questions In The WSO Forum Cross The Line From Questions To Debate?
The product creator will then answer the question, laying out the facts, so that the reader can make his or her decision.
Then the offer goes to crap as more and more people, who dislike the answer given by the seller, jump into the fray to pontificate about the seller's answer.
Too many WSO's are turning into a debate team match.
So, where should we as product creators and observers draw the line.
When should observers hit the Report button on those posts?
I say, "Let the facts be made public, then let the offer ride on its merits."
I also believe that certain forum members are going to far by responding to the seller answers by saying things to the tune of, "Well, I don't like your answer, so I am not going to buy."
These folks are polluting the pond, by influencing others not to buy also...
Colin Theriot recently defined this kind of thing:
Bandwagoning - the likelihood of an individual to comply with a certain behavior is proportional to the number of people who have already done so. |
I understand that this is an absolutely gray area, but as an interested observer, I would like to know when I should hit that little red button.
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